
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

bad grammar

Itachi101 · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

The Prison On The Toon

What supports the novel and motivates me? well, I was going to make a Patreon, but couldn't find how to allow those who join to see and get chapters earlier and stuff I had planned. So, I going to simply put up a cash app... I honestly couldn't think of anything else. you of course don't have to give anything. but will start releasing more, and make sure I finish this story... promise.

So, if you want to support me.




"Why did you call everyone here?" Kara asked in confusion upon arriving outside the palace, to say the least, she was shocked by how big the place was, but her boyfriend was rich and smart, so it was expected he could make something like this.

but she was considered as Fire Empress, and Ashly was here. didn't Ashly get called away for work or something? and why would Sora call Fire Empress? she didn't know they were so close. as for Mei, it was best she stays around Sora,

"First let's eat... then I will tell you all everything." Sora softly, confusing them, but they would not turn down Sora's cooking, they thought Sora had cooked for the last time, but they were more than happy to eat his food.

So, they went on to eat, and it was clear Sora went all out. but knowing that it might be a long time since they eat again, they wanted to eat slowly, and enjoy the food. Ashly on the other hand although wanted to eat, she couldn't eat as she had a bad feeling about what Sora wanted to tell them.

"... so, Kara. I wanted to you the truth." Sora said softly, making Kara frown as she felt something was off with Sora's words. Fire Empress's heart dropped upon hearing this, she quickly guessed what Sora might want to tell her

"What do you want to tell me?" Kara asked with a frown as she took a bite, she looked deeply at Sora, waiting for him to say something.

"I messed up and kissed Fire Empress, and one thing led to another. I can't keep this secret from you any longer, you need to know and have the right to make a choice after knowing. don't blame Fire Empress, she did nothing wrong. it was my fault," Sora said softly, with a hurt, and guilty look.

the whole room was heavy, Kara to say the least was in shock hearing this. her boyfriend and one of her closest friends slept together? what type of betrayer was this? She slowly turned to Fire Empress, with her eyes glowing red.

She, of course, didn't believe that Fire Empress didn't make any move on her boyfriend, who wouldn't? she had seen the looks she threw toward Sora, and she thought she didn't notice. she noticed everything, the females all around Sora had that same look, but she ignored thinking how lucky she was to have such a perfect boyfriend, she never once thought that one of them would try and steal him

Unable to control her rage, Kara shot toward Fire Empress with a punch, but to everyone's shock, she stopped as her fist was about to hit Sora, who had suddenly arrived before her. a hologram suit carried him, allowing him to move at such speed.

"... you two are close friends, don't let me get in the way of this. she did nothing, wrong, if you want to beat someone up, it should be me. I wouldn't blame you for it. just don't fight over this because of me," Sora said softly, Kara almost cried hearing this, what a wonderful boyfriend he was. sure he made some mistakes, but who didn't? everyone makes mistakes, what matter is that he owned up to this.

"... let's sit down, I'm not done yet," Sora said after taking a deep breath, hearing there was more, Kara went to seat down, throwing some hateful looks at Fire Empress, who avoided every contact, although she was not afraid of Kara, she was in the wrong

Sora went on to seat back down and took another deep breath before looking towards Ashly. Ashly's eyes tried to avoid eye contact, but when everyone looked at her, she sighed and stood up.

"... I knew all along, but I kept it to myself. Sora and I also slept together, the morning before the threesome." She said in a soft voice, Kara froze on the spot not believing what she was hearing. her sister knew her boyfriend slept with someone else and said nothing about it. to make it worse, they had sex, before they agree upon the threesome.

"Who made the first move?" Kara asked coldly, Ashly hesitate for a moment before telling the truth, was sora, to which Sora agree. Kara's eyes turned red, this time from tears, to think everyone around her would do something like this.

"I have had some time to think about all of this long and hard, I find that I love you all equally, I'm sorry. but we should break up, I will no longer have friends or lovers. I will stay here distracted with my work... take Mei and take care of her," Sora said softly as he looked at Mei, everyone was stunned hearing Sora's words,

"All I do is hurt the people I seem to love. since you starting to enjoy living, you should go and enjoy it." Sora said with a smile, making Mei frown slightly.

"They're more I have to tell... I have..." Before Sora could continue, Mei cut him off, angrily looking at him.

"You will not make choices on my behalf, I will stay here. you accepted me for who I am... and I will accept you for what you are." Mei yelled as she stood up, she didn't expect Sora to go so far, a part of her didn't expect him to tell everyone this.

but since he did, she was moved that he truly loved her and that this little game was not worth it, but he wanted to send her away because of what? where would she eat such good food? have such high tech, and have someone who cares so much about her?

"But I can't... Kara, Ashly, Fire Empress, and Death. you are the closest thing I ever had to a family in this lifetime. and since I'm the trouble, it's best I remove myself from this, and let you all live your life." Sora said making Death enrage, but she realized that Sora might be putting on act. with narrowed eyes, she got up and walked toward him

"Then, wouldn't the best way to remove you be to kill you and be done with?" She asked coldly, Sora had a stun look for a moment before he simply closed his eyes. Mei realized a deathly aura that made everyone see images of their death, looking into their future of how they could breathe their last.

Mei's hands reached out towards Sora, covered with a black gas-like aura, Sora slowly began aging, in a blink of an eye his hair turned white, and his skin turned into an old man. but just as she was about to touch Sora, kara appeared grabbing Mei's hands.

but in doing so, she too began aging, but at a much lower rate than Sora, She angrily threw Mei to the side, before grabbing Sora's checks in worry. but she sighed upon seeing Sora slowly recover, turning back to his youth.

"Why did you save me? don't you hate me?" Sora asked in confusion, Kara looked at him deeply as tears began running down her face. she removed the tears as she nodded slightly,

"I hate you... but I also love you. it's weird, I knew you for less than a month, yet I feel longer than that. with you. times flies. I sometimes use my super speed, just to enjoy the moments, and make them last longer... You have your mistakes, everyone does, we can work them out together." She said as she hugged Sora, Sora hesitated for a moment before he hugged her back. while looking at everyone and back at Mei

When Mei was sent flying, the earpiece auto protection function kicked in, and formed a hologram of a soft sponge that caught her. she was currently just looking at Sora in confusion at the moment, she almost killed him, yet he was not going do anything to rest.

this seemed not to be some trick he was playing... maybe she got him all wrong, She looked deeply at Sora for a moment, before she had her earpiece send a message to him. he shouldn't tell them he had powers, that would cause more trouble than needed. Sora's eyes widened slightly upon seeing the massage, he looked at Mei with questioning looking, but she just smiled.

'This was too easy.' Sora thought to himself, he managed to avoid telling them his powers just like that, this, of course, was a bit too easy. but he sighed softly, he was a bit too manipulative, and he wonders where he got so skilled at this.

"you're willing to live knowing that I love others and might sleep with others?" Sora asked softly, Kara body shook slightly, this was a hard pill to swallow. but she loved Sora. so she was willing to try, she was going to try and make this work. if it didn't work, then she would move on with her life,

Sora looked at the others and they nodded slightly. Ashly was already good with this, and Fire Empress was more than willing to go behind Kara's back. so, they all sat back down, the table was not affected by Mei's powers, she, of course, didn't want her food to be affected

"you were going to say something else?" Kara asked softly, Sora hearing this nodded slightly

"I have Risa and Ivy sleeping in their rooms..." Sora didn't need to explain, after they did it with Sora, they would always be too tired to do anything else. Kara took a deep breath, and as she calmed herself down, she eat her food, which kept her love for Sora recovering, giving her strength to continue.

"Anything else?" Kara asked after a sigh, Sora thought for a moment before nodding

"Aunt May and Anna, we have something going around, but it's not there yet," Sora said softly, Kara's eyes twitched, Sora was even going after someone Aunt?

"oh, Aunt May is not of this universe, she is also an immortal being, she is not dangerous, she just wants to live her normal life... I thought you should know that. she helped me make a cure for cancer, as it was going to kill her." Sora said softly, stunning kara, who went quiet for a moment. Sora was so kind, that's what she loved most about him. he

"... I'm an ally of shield, my robots are currently building a new person within the core of the moon. I plan to go there now and then to see villains and see what I can do to help them. that should be everything." Sora said making Kara smile slightly, indeed he was too nice. to go out of his way to have such noble goals, he had his mistake, but who didn't?

"This palace is... a bit empty, you can move in if you all want, the chiefs will be coming here any moment to cook for lunch, at which point I will ask if they want to live here. it's a bit of a pain for them to travel a long distance to come to work, so...." Sora said softly,

"I will move in," Kara said softly, Fire Empress also agree, but she couldn't bring herself to say it before Kara, and Ashly also agreed.

"Your earpiece can connect to the house, it will allow you to know everything you need to know," Sora said with a smile, the option to pair with the house suddenly appeared before everyone which they agree to. and they suddenly got a video that told them everything about the house

after the video they all left to explore the place, Kara was curious about the training room within the basement, said to be able to protect beings with the power capable of destroying star systems with ease.

Sora watched them leave, along with Mei who went to see the anime room. a room where your favorite anime could come to life, allowing you to stand alongside Sasuke and help him defeat his enemy, or take the place of Sasuke and live his life.

but Mei wanted to live the life of Heater, a kind MC from the anime known as Phoenix Tail A, from a race known as the Heat demons, he was sent to planet earth when his planet was destroyed by the evil monkeys. he grows up on the earth, where he learns martial arts, grows strong, and raise to a level he defeats the monkeys. Heater had many transformations, but he was so powerful that he had transformations to lower his power level.

while they looked around, a hologram of a butler appeared to clean the table, Mei was lucky that this house could project holograms anywhere, or else she would be washing these dishes... how dare she nearly kill him? luckily, he had used the gauntlet to make it so that when he dies, he would simply reappear within another dimension.

Sora went on to open the door and saw 2 cars pulling up, one was white and the other red. these cars parked themselves at the edge of the road before their doors open.

the white car had Peter, Aunt May, and Mary Jane. She told them all to come to visit his new place, so they came to do just that, and to say the least, they were not disappointed with what they saw.

the red car had all the chiefs, all 10 of them stepping out, with bags that held their unique equipment for cooking, and clothing.

"Welcome to my home, well, before you all enter," Sora said as a robot butler appeared holding a tray filled with earpieces,

he went on to give everyone the earpiece. of course, the earpieces were all real and not fake, after which, Sora went on to tell them to connect to the house before they went on to get used to the place.

Soon, a 3rd car arrived, this one yellow. Anna slowly stepped out, while looking around this place in amazement, before her eyes landed on Sora, who stepped out of the house

"As of today, I will no longer be an agent." She said softly, Sora nodded slightly as he went to hold her in his hands. Anna blushed slightly, but she still closed her eyes as the two kissed. after a moment, Sora gave her an earpiece and told her to go enjoy herself, while he went to the moon.

hopping into a car, the car drove off, before it shot into the sky, and shot straight towards the mood. everyone was busy, they were need at least 1 day to know the whole place, so they might not even notice he was gone

currently, in the mood, Fury had a space suit on, he along with many other heroes looked at the flat spot of the mood. suddenly blow ran across the moon, before it opened up, revealing a huge tunnel that led to the prison. a car suddenly appeared and flew slowly into the tunnel.

seeing this, they knew it was Sora and they followed after the car. once they entered the tunnel, the doors closed. the heroes who could survive in space found that air was within the cure of the mood, which was weird as the door was just open, yet there was air.

"Well, welcome to the prison. there is a barrier around here, entrapping air, within here. so, follow me, and I will show you the layout of this place." Sora said calmly as he stepped out of the car, and went on to stand on its roof.

as the car flew forward, it made some turns, and soon they arrived before what seemed to be a mini parking lot. but when they neared it, they saw Sora be shrunk along with his car to the size of an ant. the followed and the two were shrunk

"This is the shrank tech, over 100 ships can be parked here," Sora said calmly as his car parked itself and floated down. there were still on the moon, so the gravity was not that strong, so it seemed Sora was floating down.

"Now, as you see behind me two huge normal human palm size doors," Sora said as he turned everyone's attention to the huge doors, they walked towards it, and the doors opened, revealing a prison which was filled with thousands of cells.

"Once a prison enters his cell, they would be shrunk down, even more allowing their cell to have more stuff, a playground, beach, and even a hologram room which they could use to project any place on earth into their cell, and allow them too seemly be there," Sora said as he showed them a cell, which had tiny houses of all kinds, and even its tiny sun, and beach.

"They live as they want, but they would be away from others. now... Justice Man, mind attacking a cell. act like you're trying to break into it." Sora said calmly, Justice Man who was calmly looking around raised his eyebrow hearing this.

"Are you sure? what if I break it" he asked, he didn't have the money to pay for anything here.

"Don't worry about that, building this prison, I had the robot arrange matter to such a degree you have glass that makes the metal look like paper. glass capable of withstanding the heat of hundred suns and so on, try it." Sora said with a smile,

Justice man stepped forward and punched the glass cell, but other than the sound from the impact nothing happened, stunning him. so he punched again, this time using all of his strength,

the glass suddenly bend from the impact, going inwards, while the force from the blow was sent all over the glass, and into the whole prison, perfectly absorbing the blow without any trouble

"The glass can bend?" Justice man asked in shock seeing the glass return to its normal state like jelly, Sora nodded slightly upon hearing his words.

"If you're strong enough, then the glass could see the tree stage of this glass. it's a jelly-like glass, your blows would be absorbed and spread evenly over the place, and if that's not enough, it would bend like rubber," Sora said calmly, stunning everyone, Iron Bat the most as he looked deeply at this place. this went against logic

"Well, I have added all of your information and stuff. so, you can access this prison as you wish and learn more stuff. as for a break-in, no one can break into my work... unless you're Thanos or Darkseid, you all get the point." Sora said calmly, everyone nodded slightly, this was a good prison, to say the least.

"What about the food?" The Amazonian woman asked calmly, if sora was cooking their food, she might want to be locked up here.

"Oh, that's simple. they would have to grow their food and cook them. as for the meat, that's for you all to think off. or you can give them food, oh, I just moved into my new place, I guess I should have some kind of party or something. you are all invited if you want to come." Sora said with a smile before quickly leaving

everyone was quiet for some time before Justice Man spoke

"it seems like you're not the most dangerous man alive anymore." He said jokingly while looking at Iron bat. Iron bat was the most dangerous man alive, he had reached a level of martial arts that he could tell into the future and know what you would do all on instinct. his body moved on its own, even with his memories removed, Iron bat could still fight on instinct.

he is mortal, so his mind might be his weakness. wrong, he had gained mastery over his mind, able to control even his subconscious. he trained his mind to a level where people question if he had powers or not.

he only needed 4 hours of sleep each day to be at 100%, capable of going for days without food or water. and given time, he could seemly create anything to face his enemy, he once defeated Justice Man, although Justice man was not going all out.

but he was always learning and improving, he was able to fight among the other heroes against Thanos, all because of a suit he had created. that suit could defeat Justice Man if he isn't empowered to become a walking sun.

but that title seems to be best fitted within Sora's hands, Iron bat didn't say anything to this, he was currently making plans to go to this party he was invited to by Sora... well, everyone was, after that last meal, they had been waiting for Sora to tell them to come over.