
The Client is the Most Important

After hearing this, Dudley immediately went into work mode and began to direct Scarlett's movements: "Pizza, left, oh, not for you to go left, but turn the pizza a little bit." "

To the right, oh, not for the pizza, but for your body! Show your jeans!"

Andrew and Jimmy were watching from the side. In addition to outdoor advertising, they also had to shoot a short film today. Now they were shooting the short film, but it was not going smoothly.

Mr. Monaghan was entangled for a long time over some small details and rudely interrupted the shooting several times. Apollon was so angry that he couldn't help scratching his head with both hands, as if he wanted to tear off the hair that was not much.

The two argued back and forth several times, but in the end Apollon gave up, not only because Monaghan was the client, but also because he really couldn't think of any good ideas.

Andrew could see from his habit of never calling a stop every time he called a start that this director knew nothing about advertising, and even didn't know much about shooting.

So he couldn't help but ask Jimmy: "Tell me the truth, how did this director join Martin Scorsese's crew?"

Jimmy was also a little embarrassed and could only reveal the truth: "Well, you know, assistant director is just a title, he was actually in charge of logistics."

"Okay, I understand." Andrew looked helpless, knowing that he shouldn't have any expectations for his good brother.

The short film was shot for three hours on and off, and Monaghan finally passed it.

After eating pizza for lunch, everyone started shooting outdoor advertisements again.

I thought the most difficult time was over, but I never thought that Mr. Monaghan's requirements were even stricter!

"No, the pizza shouldn't be on top of the head! It's too ugly!"

"You mean compared to the sun? No, it's not interesting enough! I want it to be big, you know! Big enough to

be seen with the naked eye!" "In addition to being big, I also want it to be fast! Now it's just big, that's not right!"

"Delivering pizza on a horse? Damn, how could you come up with such a rubbish idea?"

"In addition to being big and fast, it also has to be stringy! How can people have an appetite without pizza stringy!"

"Too bad, this ad is too bad, Apollon, if you shoot it like this, I think I have to stop shooting!"

Monaghan kept on talking about his opinions, disturbing everyone's scalp. By six o'clock in the evening, the ad had not been shot yet.

Everyone was a little tired. Donde and Jimmy went back and forth to set up the lights many times and were exhausted.

Scarlett simply sat on the ground and watched Apollon and Mr. Monaghan have a heated discussion.

"Mr. Monaghan, what kind of creative idea do you want?"

"What I want is very simple! We want to highlight the large quantity of our products, the fast delivery speed, and the ability to draw lines, so that the audience will look appetizing! But the current advertising ideas can't convince me at all. Even I don't agree with it. How can you expect those customers who drive by to agree with it!"

"Okay, then I'll try again." Apollon kept wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, as if the air on the set was already burning.

But Mr. Monaghan didn't intend to let him try again, and directly said: "Apollon, that's it for today! Tomorrow, I'll give you another day, just one day! If you can't shoot the creative idea I want tomorrow, get out! Do you understand!"

"Understand, understand."

After the grumpy old man left with his hands behind his back, Apollon threw his felt hat to the ground: "Damn it! Big and fast! And it's fucking drawing lines! FXXKYOU!"

"End! The shooting is over today!" He scratched his hair in distress and announced that the shooting for today was over.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began to pack up their equipment.

Scarlett turned her head slightly, glanced at Andrew who was carrying the lights, and then stood up and walked towards her agent.

After the two figures disappeared from the door, Apollyon and the young girl beside him half-heartedly entered the dressing room next door.

About three or four minutes later, the old man came out of the dressing room holding his belt, and the young girl frowned and walked out of the studio quickly.

"Jimmy!" Apollyon looked a little decadent and irritable, and waved Jimmy over.

Jimmy pulled Andrew over again, and the two came to the director.

"Drink with me tonight!"

"No problem!" Jimmy nodded decisively, and then patted Andrew's shoulder: "This is my good brother, Andrew." "Andrew?" Apollyon glanced up and down at Andrew, shrugged and looked indifferent: "Then let's go together, I have to drink a lot today, damn Domino's."

"Damn Domino's." Jimmy echoed, and then the two looked at Andrew in unison.

"FXXK's Domino." Andrew added, causing Apollyon to laugh happily: "Yeah, you're right!"

After getting familiar with the director, Jimmy and Andrew continued to move the equipment.

It was not until 8 o'clock in the evening after dinner that Apollyon called Jimmy to tell him the location of the bar.

Jimmy hurriedly took Andrew there. At this time, the atmosphere in the bar had begun to become intense.

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!"

Many men who had just finished work were rushing in front of the stripper's bar. There were cigarette butts all over the floor. They were shaking the money in their hands, sniffing cheap perfume, and excitedly wanted the stripper to take off a few more pieces.

Jimmy and Andrew walked through the crowd and walked towards the private room.

To be honest, this was the first time Andrew had seen such a scene in his life. With the extremely rhythmic music and flashing colored lights, it really gave him the illusion of being drunk and decadent.

But unlike his previous impressions, the faces of the strippers here were hidden in thick shadows. Although their movements were open and closed, they basically did not reveal any content that was not suitable for children.

In America, strippers are a very formal profession, and clubs involving strip shows also have strict registration divisions. Those with larger scales are generally only found in high-end consumption places with membership systems.

If you want to experience more exciting content here, you have to spend five dollars to experience a song in a single curtain room, just like the paid DLC in a single-player game.

However, Andrew was not interested in this. He wanted to see Scarlett gently dance her soft waist in front of him, which would make him feel a sense of accomplishment.

When he came to the private room, he saw smoke and fog inside as soon as he opened the door, and there were also laughter and dice sounds of men and women.

Looking closely, Apollon, Dudley and others were leaning on the sofa with the girls and toasting.

Seeing Jimmy and Andrew arrived, the old man immediately picked up the bottle and poured them a glass of wine by himself.

"Come on, drink!" Apollon and Jimmy clinked their glasses, and then clinked with Andrew, with red faces, as if they were already drunk.

After the toast, several people drank for a while.

When everyone was a little tipsy, Apollon seemed to remember what happened during the daytime shooting, and suddenly cursed: "Shit Domino, FXXK Monaghan. I lost face in front of the girl!"

Andrew raised his eyebrows. He should be talking about the young girl. It seems that Apollon originally wanted to take her down, but now the duck has flown away.

"So do you have any ideas? Any ideas are fine! I must shut up that old man! If this drags on and the advertisement is delayed, our reputation in the industry will be ruined!"

Apollon picked up a cigarette and looked around.

But everyone lowered their heads and looked very silent, without any boldness when drinking.

Except Andrew, because he suddenly thought of a classic case in his mind.

One of the top ten classic American pizza advertisements, it comes from a pizza advertisement of a niche brand.

It was a work with full marks in creative form, which successfully demonstrated the various advantages of the brand with two different elements.

Although it was not completely consistent with the requirements of the Domino board, Andrew could use his own ideas to re-modify it to meet the publicity needs of Domino.

So he nudged Jimmy with his knee, and Jimmy frowned and looked at him. When the two looked at each other, he quickly understood what Andrew meant.

Jimmy raised his eyes and looked at his good brother in disbelief, mouthing the words.

"Are you serious?"

Andrew nodded. Of course he was serious. He could help Apollon get this advertisement done!

This left Monaghan, the grumpy old man, speechless.

(End of this chapter)