
Junk Treasure

The interior of the company looks much more spacious than the outside, and there are certificates and medals of various awards hanging on the walls of the hall. It

looks quite formal, but there is a scarred black figure in all the group photos.

"Is this your boss Faith?" Andrew asked as he looked.

"Yes, that's right." Raymond greeted the black friend passing by, and then said, "But Daddy doesn't care much about the company's affairs now. He just found a new girlfriend recently and wants to make her famous."

"Well, so Badman is also the company, right?"

"Of course, Badman used to be Daddy's best assistant, and now he is responsible for all the things in the company." Raymond took Andrew to the office with Badman's nameplate, sent away the others, took a CD from the drawer and put it into the DVD.

Suddenly, Raymond's hip-hop music played from the speakers, filling Andrew's ears.

Andrew pulled the corners of his mouth, feeling as if he was being attacked mercilessly by a hundred ducks mixed with electronic music.

But Raymond didn't seem to find it bad. Instead, he was immersed in the music, stood up and swayed his body to sing along.

Sure enough, creators are blind and have no idea what kind of rubbish they are making. They are full of hope that the market will buy it. They will not recognize their own strength until the performance is far below expectations.

"Raymond! Raymond!" After listening for a while, Andrew couldn't stand the noise and woke up Raymond, who was swaying his body and treating the office as a dance floor.

"What's wrong, brother?"

"If I listen to it for too long, my mother is still waiting for me to go home for dinner." Andrew couldn't say that the song was terrible, so he could only use his mother as a shield. However,

Raymond sympathized with Andrew: "I understand, brother, the most unbreakable thing in the world is the agreement with your mother, so let's change to the next song." Andrew

breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that black people are more reasonable in this regard. After all, they have been single-parent families since childhood, and their mothers are the most important people to them besides their brothers.

And the fighting power of those black aunts should not be underestimated. Don't look at the black people from various gangs who are yelling outside and acting like they don't care about anyone.

But once he got home, it was common for his mother to grab his ears and scold him with a rolling pin.

The second song soon sounded, and this one made Andrew's eyes light up.

It was not because it was so good, but because compared to the first song, this song seemed more normal and ordinary.

Raymond did not try too hard in this song. His rough voice accompanied by a slightly gentle rhythm seemed very affectionate, and with a little bit of hazy electronic music, it was much more pleasant to listen to.

Although there was still nothing special, at least Andrew's ears did not suffer.

Of course, the lyrics were still the same old routine of hip-hop singers: My girlfriend is very beautiful, my cigarettes are very hot. My sports car is very expensive, and I sleep in a big house every night. Then I will make a name for myself, bring my brothers, thank God, and then shoot all those who don't like me.

It can only be said that no matter how things change, they still remain the same, but it is a bit too difficult for these black brothers with low cultural level to write lyrics.

After listening to the second song in full, the two quickly listened to the rest of the album songs, and Andrew found that only the previous song was the best, which could be called a treasure in the garbage dump.

"How's it going, man? Isn't it exciting? Very cool! Very manly!" Raymond sang along with great energy, shaking his body and asking Andrew what he thought.

"I think it's great, but I personally like the second song more."

"The second song? 8 hours later? Well, I thought you would like the song "Beast Star."

He was talking about the first ear-shaking song.

Andrew reached out and patted his arm: "Both are good, brother, but you also know that everyone's listening habits are different."

"That's right." "

By the way, have you shot a music video?"

"No, but Badman is already looking for a director!" Raymond's face was filled with excitement again: "Twelve songs, I want to shoot twelve music videos, wow, this time I want to find a lot of beautiful girls, and rent a few luxury cars to show off my dancing skills." Andrew scratched his head, wondering why this guy was so persistent in finding girls, and so many people shot music videos like this, the audience had long been tired of seeing it for so many years.

But as an outsider, he couldn't say anything, Andrew could only wish his idea would come true.

After leaving Feis Music Company, Andrew returned home smoothly and rested at home for half a day.

The next morning, he went to the underground magazine where he worked. He had planned to shoot a series of photos for the new issue, but the female model suddenly regretted and wanted to cancel the contract.

Andrew talked to the editor-in-chief of the magazine and found out that this was the first time for the female model to shoot such large-scale content. She said that she was a devout Catholic and was deceived by someone this time.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. The editor-in-chief thought that the girl's figure would definitely boost sales, so he refused to let her go.

In the end, Andrew took action and found a half-face mask commonly used in masquerade balls for the female model to dispel her psychological doubts.

Because of this, her impression of Andrew suddenly became very good. She took the initiative to flirt with him and wanted to ask him out for dinner.

As a result, during the shooting, she was relentlessly scolded by Andrew.

The tyrant look made the female model fear from the bottom of her heart, and even wondered if Andrew was possessed by Satan.

And after the shooting, Andrew's words "You are the worst model I have ever shot" directly broke her defense. She even forgot to return the mask and fled the studio in a panic with the payment.

Looking at her back, Andrew wiped the lens and sighed, "So fragile."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, he rode his bicycle to Feis Music Company again.

Because he had met Slo yesterday, he easily entered through the iron gate.

Raymond was not here today, and his group of brothers were not here either. Only the recording engineer was in his own recording studio.

Andrew approached and stopped, and could still hear the fierce collision inside.

"Tsk." He shook his head and quickly walked around the corner to the door of Badman's office.

But suddenly he heard a very fierce sound coming from inside, not that kind of sound, but Badman's own voice.

"Listen! I'm just trying to make amends now!"

"Those sons of bitches in Los Angeles mocked us for being gorilla rappers, those in Philadelphia said this album should be sold in zoos, and those in Chicago said we were smearing black rappers! Fuck it, they were already black, why do they need to smear them!"

"The radio stations here in New York are only interested in our money! No face, nothing! They even asked for a higher price than others! They also said that if this song is played on their radio station, it will definitely become the culprit for the peak of traffic accidents in New York!"

"I've said it a long time ago! Don't go with this style! But you don't listen, and Raymond doesn't listen either!"

"So we have to control costs! Faith!"

"Ten songs? Not even one!"

"FXXK, three songs! Just three songs!"

"Who wants to bargain with you!"

Andrew stood at the door until the voices inside stopped and he heard the sound of a chair falling backwards under the weight of his body before knocking on the door.


"Come in!"

(End of this chapter)