
Guess where it is

The packaging work of the Guess Where MV had been handed over to a special visual effects company by Badman on the same day.

Of course, Andrew had already written down all the matters that needed attention and handed them over to the visual effects company. They would receive the finished film within three days.

After returning home in the evening and having dinner with his family, Andrew was lying on the bed, playing Snake on his mobile phone, when he suddenly received a text message.

It was Scarlett.

"Let me see what you sent me?" Andrew muttered to himself and opened the text message, but there was only a comma.

"Strange?" Andrew raised his eyebrows. Did Scarlett send the wrong message?

So he replied: "What are you doing?"

Soon after, a photo was sent over. The photo was a little blurry, but it was clear that it was a floor-to-ceiling mirror in the hotel, and in the mirror, there was a woman wearing pink silk pajamas with her hair covering her face.

She knelt on the yoga mat in front of the mirror, with her front low and her back tilted. Her white and smooth thighs were stacked together, one foot was hanging a shoe, and the other foot was painted with red nail polish, which looked particularly conspicuous.

There is no doubt that this is Scarlett's selfie.

At the same time, she also sent a text message: "Exercising."

Seeing the smooth arch of her foot, Andrew nodded slightly and sent a message: "Doing yoga? You are free, are you still in New York?"

"Want to know where I am? It's a smart move, but unfortunately, I found out."

Scarlett replied quickly, and Andrew could even imagine the smug and sweet smile on her face when she was typing.

Andrew couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth and deliberately provoked: "It's a pity that you found out, just a little bit. But, you kept it so strictly confidential, are you so afraid of being found out by me?"

Unexpectedly, the next second, Scarlett sent another photo, which was Scarlett's slender swan neck and collarbone. She leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window and gently stroked her neck with her hand that was also painted with red nail polish, which was extremely tempting. Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, there was a dim street scene taken from the hotel at least from the 18th floor.

"Yes, I am really afraid of being found by you. Otherwise, I will be like in the agreement... I am so scared, do you think the place I live is beautiful?"

This woman was actually provoking! Andrew raised his eyebrows. She dared to post street photos! Was she sure that he couldn't recognize where she was?

Licking his lips, Andrew couldn't help but get excited.

He put his eyes close to take a closer look. Although the view outside the French windows was blurry, he could still see the shape of the building.

And one of the two-story buildings was particularly familiar. The wall showed a cloud-shaped curve, which was very special.

Andrew recognized it after just thinking for a while.

It was the Getty Center Art Museum!

"^_^, very good, I already know where you are. Baby, go take a shower and wait for me in bed!" He immediately answered Scarlett.

This art museum was built in 1997 and is not very famous now, but in the future, if you search for related places on the Internet to find out what places are worth visiting, this place must be among them, so it is not difficult for him at all.

And knowing this place, Andrew knew where Scarlett was.

That is Los Angeles, which is known as the City of Angels and the location of Hollywood.

"Really? You're lying to me! Did you really recognize me? Do you know which hotel I'm in?"

Scarlett was obviously shocked, and she even used a few more interjections.

"From the angle and direction of the photo... Hey! You're in Los Angeles, Sunset Boulevard Hotel, am I right?"

Andrew immediately sent a text message.

"FXXK! You win! You actually recognized me. Tell me, how did you recognize me? Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep tonight!" Scarlett even cursed, and you can imagine how surprised she was.

But Andrew didn't satisfy her curiosity: "Haha, it doesn't matter. Baby, wash yourself and wait for me. When we meet, I will naturally tell you how I recognized you."

"Oh, I'm sorry... Dear Mr. Andrew, the plane to the UK is about to take off, and it seems that I don't have this blessing. Unless... you can borrow a rocket from NASA to send you here, otherwise even if you grow wings, you won't be able to meet me in Los Angeles in time. What a pity, your grand prize will have to be postponed to next time."

"FXXK!" This time it was Andrew's turn to curse.

"Hahaha." Scarlett's text message did not hide her pride and gloating.

"It seems that I am really unlucky, but I wish you a safe journey. As for how I guessed your address, it's very simple. I recognized the Getty Center Art Museum! Although it is not very famous, you know, I am an artist."

"And in your first photo, there are gold-plated words of the hotel on the slippers. Although it is hidden, don't try to hide from the eyes of a photographer like me."

"Wow, that's how it is. It seems that I can sleep well tonight."

After reading the last message sent by Scarlett, Andrew threw down the phone with a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, Scarlett seemed to be a more interesting woman than he thought.

Although it was a bit regrettable that he spent half a day brain cells and didn't get any rewards, but...

Ding Dong!

Just when Andrew was trying to calm down, the phone rang again.

Andrew picked it up and opened it, and his eyes widened.

There was a selfie in the phone.

Scarlett's white and tender thighs stretched across the screen, and on the inside of her thighs, there were two thrilling and subtle arcs extending to the unpredictable place outside the screen.

Add to that the pajamas, underwear and panties casually thrown on both sides of her thighs, and Andrew could even imagine the scene of Scarlett holding up her phone and shooting at him.

"Your consolation prize." There was also a text message attached to the back of the photo.

This woman is crazy! Is this a photo that can be sent to others casually? Andrew was so surprised that his mouth couldn't close. Well, it's still the millennium, and all kinds of Internet gossip about celebrity privacy have not yet appeared. Scarlett's precautions in this regard are obviously not as strong as those in later generations.

"Girl, I solemnly warn you not to send photos randomly." Andrew immediately sent a text message to Scarlett.

It took several minutes before Andrew received Scarlett's reply.

"Thank you, Great Knight. I remember your advice. In order to thank the Great Knight for his loyal advice to me and to beg Mr. Great Knight not to make poor Scarlett's private photos public, I can only beg you for mercy like this."

"Ding Dong." Another photo came from the phone.

But this time the photo was more explicit, a bird's-eye view of the bathtub.

Scarlett held up her phone and took a photo of her fair skin bathing in the bubble bath and roses. The flesh color hidden in the white bubbles was extremely attractive. The most important thing was that she also made a begging expression.

The photo itself was fine, the key parts were blocked by the bubbles! At most, it was a shame to cover up.

But her expression... FXXK! Any man would never be able to bear it, Andrew stood up directly.

"Damn it." Andrew swallowed his saliva, and his throat was a little tight.

This woman knows too much!

"FXXK! This annoying little goblin." Andrew grabbed the phone tightly and swore: "Sooner or later, I will press you into the bathtub and execute you!"

The next day, Andrew, who was planning to weed the yard alone at home, was found by Jimmy.

So Jimmy also became one of the weeders.

The two wore gloves and stood in the sunny yard, pulling weeds manually while chatting.

"It's really troublesome, Andrew, why don't you buy a lawn mower?" Jimmy had a new understanding of Andrew's frugality. They were reluctant to buy a lawn mower.

Andrew pulled up a grass and said, "Before, because of paying off debts, I never had time to clean up the yard, so of course I didn't need a lawn mower, but now I have money, I can buy one."

"Then let's go buy it now! Why do we have to pull it by hand?" Jimmy frowned and expressed his incomprehension.

Andrew shrugged: "Don't be so anxious, calm down, Jimmy, don't you think this is a good way to cultivate your mind? It can make people calm down."

"Come on, Andrew, calm down? These two words don't apply to you when you are on the set." Jimmy sneered at him.

Andrew spread his hands: "Okay, but what do you want to do with me?"

"Yes, I was just about to tell you." Jimmy then remembered why he came: "Andrew, you should sign with an agency."

"Agency?" Andrew was a little confused: "I don't make much money now, will it be useful to sign?"

"Of course!" Jimmy hurriedly explained to his good brother: "For example, CAA, where I am now, is one of the largest agencies in the United States. When I need a job, I can ask them to arrange it for me."

"But I don't think I will lack a job in the future." Andrew was telling the truth.

"It's different, man! CAA contacts the most awesome directors and music companies. Its resources are beyond your imagination, and the package service they launched is also the best way for us to contact top films."

Andrew had heard of this. CAA's package business is to recruit top talents in each position to its own company, including actors, program planners, writers, screenwriters, producers, directors, etc. Then package and sell them when needed for TV or movies.

This method was warmly welcomed by the market at the beginning, because it avoided the tedious steps of looking for talents for each position separately, but then as the price of CAA packaged products rose, the production cost of movies also continued to rise.

So now all major companies have complaints about CAA.

But for low-level film workers like Andrew and Jimmy, there is an obvious benefit.

That is, they can use the packaged service to join the high-standard film shooting that they can't touch on weekdays.

But there is still a problem here.

Andrew wondered: "Will an unknown person like me sign with CAA?"

Speaking of this, Jimmy immediately answered decisively: "Of course! Apollon! He has connections with the top management of CAA. You know, as long as we go through his channels, we can smoothly join CAA and become a member of the packaged sales."

Andrew suddenly realized that there is indeed a greedy exchange of interests everywhere.

The packaged business makes it impossible for the buyer to carefully review every position, so falsifying resumes and stuffing two insignificant pawns in will not affect the shooting of the entire movie.

Maybe CAA could still control the people at the beginning, but now that this business is getting bigger and bigger, it must be impossible to control them one by one. I just don't know how much money those buyers have paid for such a cost-effective deal over the years.

But this has nothing to do with Andrew.

But he doesn't want to get in through this channel: "The commission will be more than normal."

"That's right." Jimmy did not deny this. "

Then I don't have to rush, Jimmy. When this MV comes out, I believe I will have a good bargaining chip, of course, you too." Andrew was confident.

"But before that, you must have a lawyer to assist you, otherwise the various terms of those vampires are not something you can handle."

"You are right, you should indeed contact a lawyer."

(End of this chapter)