
Creativity is King

"The advertisement will start in a prehistoric cave. A mother is cooking beans for her son with messy hair. They are all wearing the furs of wild beasts, they are primitive people."

Andrew opened his mouth and said the first The scene was explained, and Caiden behind him lifted up the white cloth, revealing the hand-drawing drawn by Andrew. It was just as he said, only more concrete.

After waiting for a few seconds, Andrew continued: "Then there was a Greek mother in a robe and her goat boy, still cooking beans, in the wooden house."

Kaiden turned over the cartoon and showed it to everyone.

"Then came Cleopatra and her little prince, cooking beans in the palace."

"Then came the Queen of the Plains and her little pioneer boy..." The Queen of the Plains refers to the female pioneers of America who first started pioneering on this continent. time, they bear very important responsibilities.

"More on, through the 1980s and 1990s. Until modern times, in an ordinary kitchen, the mother took out a pot of beans, and the children helped scoop them out. The two of them ate the beans together and looked at each other with a smile."

Andrew said here, But it didn't end, but continued to let Caiden turn the page.

Thomas and the others' curiosity was completely aroused at this time, and all their thoughts moved with Andrew's narration.

So the next moment they saw the shape of a moon on the new drawing paper.

Andrew stopped talking about it: "From modern times to the future, in the moon's kitchen, you can see the earth through the window. People are wearing future clothes, there is a strange bowl on the table, a child takes off his astronaut hat, happiness "Take a bite."

"Excellent." Thomas's eyebrows were completely raised, his expression was excited.

"Our current life is too busy. We are so busy every day that we never have free time. We even have less time to entertain and chat together. But I think... a mother and her child eat Dinner, for this matter, will never change."

Andrew expressed the source of his creative idea, and then concluded: "So I think the advertising slogan should be written like this: Chia's beans will never change. Feeling."

The moment he finished saying the slogan, Thomas immediately applauded!

"Wonderful creativity, Andrew, you did not disappoint me!" Under the leadership of Thomas, other company executives also applauded, but this time they had put aside the creativity of Ogilvy and Mather Advertising and were completely immersed in Andrew. Virtue's creativity.

Andrew smiled and bowed to accept the applause of the crowd. Jimmy also became excited and felt that he had great hope of winning the advertisement this time.

Behind him, Kaiden suddenly had starry eyes, thinking that his boss was so handsome.

After the applause ended, Thomas sat down again and said to the senior executives: "It's really embarrassing. Now we have two good ideas."

The brown-haired man next to him said: "I think the advertising slogan of Supreme Creativity is more Good, it fits the positioning of our Chia's baked beans."

However, someone immediately retorted: "But the Ogilvy advertisement's classic taste comes from Chia's, and it is not inferior to this sentence."

"But the advertising creativity is still there. It depends on the form of expression, doesn't it?" Andrew pretended to be kind and reminded: "Good creative form is the first factor to capture the audience."

"Andrew is right." Thomas frowned. , fell into thinking, waited for a moment and then got up to send Andrew out.

"Please wait in the conference room first. We will make a decision as soon as possible."

"No problem."

Andrew said goodbye to them politely and walked out with Jimmy and Caiden.

In an instant, they saw the complicated looks of many colleagues in the waiting area, as if everyone was surprised why the new company Supreme Creative could also receive Jia's applause.

Have they come up with some shocking new idea?

Andrew didn't pay much attention to this and continued to enjoy Kaiden's gentle massage after entering the conference room.

Time gradually passed, and those advertising companies finally ended all their presentations at six o'clock in the evening.

The conference room also became a little noisy because of eating and chatting. Fortunately, Thomas appeared at the door soon.

"Everyone!" He walked all the way to the front of the conference room. After nodding with Andrew and Ole Moss, he picked up the card in his hand and said, "Thank you all for coming to participate in Jia's advertising campaign today. I believe that everyone I'm already very tired, so I won't talk nonsense here."

The conference room immediately fell silent. Seeing this, Thomas said seriously: "After listening to the ideas of eight companies, we unanimously decided to let this company be responsible for the improvement through high-level discussions. Advertisement for Canned Baked Beans."

Everyone held their breath, even among the Ogilvy advertising team who thought they had a chance to win, some young people pinched their fingers nervously.

Jimmy, like them, didn't dare to take a breath. As for other companies, this was even more true. His eyes never left the card in Thomas' hand.

Thomas smiled slightly, said the name of the company without further delay.

"They are... supremely creative!"



"Ogilvy lost?"

"How is this possible?"

"Is the supremely creative advertisement better?"

"No, it's just a repetition of three sentences. Format?"

For a moment, many advertising companies turned their heads and looked at the pitiful three-person team of Supreme Creative, feeling in disbelief.

Even the people from the Ogilvy advertising team looked at Andrew with unconvinced expressions. Except for Ole Moss, he was relatively calm. He may have experienced such moments many times.

But in the advertising industry, creativity is king. No matter how brilliant and prominent the old king was, it will become dimmed with the new king's accession to the throne.

Andrewqi met all the questioning eyes, came to Thomas, stretched out his hand and shook him hard.

"Thank you Jia for your trust."

"You deserve this."

With Thomas' final word, the competition for US$400,000 in advertising fees came to an end.

When Andrew and the other three walked out of Jia's Building, Jimmy still felt like he was dreaming.

In the past, you could only get a few thousand to ten thousand dollars for an advertisement in Lion Advertising. Now you just negotiated an advertisement and got a fee of four hundred thousand?

This dollar is so easy to earn!

But if you think about it carefully, without Andrew's creativity, without his generous advertising in New York, without his confident and accurate propaganda, Jiashi would not have given Supreme Creative this opportunity at all.

In the final analysis, creativity is king, just as Andrew said.

But Jimmy only now deeply felt the importance of this sentence.

The three of them walked down the stairs and were about to drive back to the company when they suddenly saw a simple and crude advertisement playing on the big screen in the square in the distance.

"Gio Auto, your travel companion!"

This line is repeated three times, each time showing images of vehicles and beauties, paired with oral broadcasts.

This is obviously a copycat of Supreme Creative's brainwashing advertisement, and there are more than one such advertisement.

"What should I use to wash my hair? Use Kangnai Shampoo, it works!"

These slogans are repeated like trash talk, desperately trying to brainwash the audience in a short period of time.

But in Andrew's view, this imitation was too clumsy and did not achieve the desired effect at all.

But Jimmy didn't think so: "Look! Andrew, our advertisement is a hit! All of New York is imitating us!"

"Yeah!" Kaiden laughed and looked at Andrew in amazement. He didn't expect it to be so simple. Advertising turned into a craze!

"Perhaps more cities and even the advertising industry in other countries will imitate us in the future. There will be many such things in the future, so there is no need to be surprised." Andrew smiled and put his hands in his pockets: "Let's go, we should Let's go to the next thing."

(End of chapter)