
Candy Paper Wrapped Shit

It's certainly not easy to release an album, but Andrew doesn't have to worry about it that much.

In addition to visiting Apollyon's company from time to time these days, he was taking photos for the magazine "New York Underground Art".

As expected, the female model sold out, and she became the cover of a recent underground magazine in New York. Many homeless people relied on her to survive the cold nights.

For the sake of money, this female model also put aside her original shyness and belief. Except for not choosing to take off the mask, her movements and clothing became more and more bold.

Of course, even if she continued to attract readers, Andrew never stopped scolding her in the studio.

Because Andrew had begun to feel that the female model had become airy and her movements were a little careless.

Maybe the money came so quickly that she temporarily forgot what it was she relied on to attract readers.

She doesn't show her face, and she's not big enough. The main reason is that Andrew perfectly controlled her curves, downplaying her weaknesses and highlighting her key points.

It's a pity that people can't see clearly when they are blind, just like Raymond.

This guy is having parties at home every day, and the only thing he needs to do is open a bottle of champagne to celebrate his landing at No. 1 on the Billboard charts and let people across the United States know him.

Andrew didn't even want to participate in white people's parties, let alone black people's parties, so he kept making excuses to avoid invitations.

In the past few days, he and Jimmy visited used car stores 20 kilometers around their home, and finally settled on a second-hand Cherokee, a second-generation black model from 1999. It looked big and stylish, and the price was only $5,500.

Originally, Jimmy wanted to recommend him some more well-known and handsome models, but Andrew rejected them. He will definitely have to enter the black community frequently in the future, and driving a sports car will make him uncomfortable.

After buying the car, Andrew and Jimmy went for a ride on the road to try out the car.

On the way, Andrew turned on the radio and tuned it to a local DJ channel in New York.

When the music started playing, Jimmy leaned against the car window and turned around and wondered: "How to listen to the black radio station? I would rather listen to 93.9, or simply listen to 820."

At this point, he imitated the radio host in a low voice: "This is New York Public radio, WNYC Fm and Am. "

93.9 and 820 are both channels under the New York public radio station WNYC, but the former is music and the latter is news.

The words from Jimmy's mouth are the classic opening lines that everyone can hear and remember.

But Andrew smiled and said nothing.

The music ended quickly, and after a commercial the two heard the radio host's introduction to the next song.

"Okay, welcome back. Next is a new song from Raymond, Beast Star. Wow, I'm already looking forward to it. To be honest, I'm already looking forward to it."

The host obviously accepted the money and praised him: " I heard that this song breaks the past weak rap skills of black people who only pursue speed, and uses a stronger voice to tell the story of the singer's childhood. Look at this name, and you can think of the characteristics of the singer from the word "Beast".

"Yeah, that's right." DJ Lao Ai echoed: "And the cover of this album is also very interesting. I have never seen such a colorful cover. Listen to me, you have to buy one even just for this cover. "

Yes, that's right. It's so special. This single has been released in major audio and video stores. You will definitely find it on the shelves."

After the host finished speaking, the low 808 drum beat sounded. Then an extremely abrupt and slightly noisy voice burst out from the radio station.

"My FXXK!" The loud voice frightened Jimmy and nearly hit the roof of the car. Andrew also jumped up and turned off the radio to the lowest volume.

At the same time, another car could be seen in the traffic on the road braking suddenly, and a black driver with a loud voice cursed.

"FXXK, what bullshit rap! You want to scare me to death, don't you! FXXK Lao Ai! I want to file a complaint against you!"

Driving past the grumpy old man, Jimmy looked at Andrew and complained: "It's all your fault, I still have a heart attack He's jumping wildly." Andrew twitched his lips and said, "I didn't expect it to be so damn loud." Although he had heard it before, this was the first time for him to be in such a closed environment in a car, and he didn't expect the noise bonus to be so obvious. .

It seems that the saying about the peak culprit of New York car accidents may come true. It just depends on how many people are listening to the radio during this time. Fortunately, it is not the rush hour for work.

"Raymon? Wait, is this the hip-hop singer you're talking about?" Jimmy suddenly remembered what Andrew had said to him before.

"That's right, I took the photo of his cover."

"Tsk, that's a pity. With a voice like this, you really shouldn't engage in rap. Wouldn't it be great to form a band and sing rock music at music festivals?"

"I guess he I'm still dreaming about being a rap star."

On the other side of the conversation, Badman, who was well-dressed, was observing the sales of the single in the video store.

He stood by the counter, pretending to listen, and looked around.

Although data is compiled into the company every day, Badman still wants to see the reaction of buyers with his own eyes, especially the cover, which is particularly eye-catching in the black and white style. He doesn't know if those young people will buy it.

But it didn't take long for him to realize that his worries were unfounded. Whether they were black or white people who walked into the store, when they came to the shelves, they would definitely pick up Raymond's single first and admire the cover.

Some people will choose to buy it directly and leave, while a considerable number of people will choose to listen to the song. Badman specifically counted, and five out of ten people will do this.

But when they put on their headphones and started listening, each of them seemed to be wearing a mask of pain, and their expressions became a little distorted.

"Are you sure this isn't rock music? Is it rap?"

"My ears are almost deafened."

"Why can't I hear clearly what he sang?"

Each listener was persuaded by the overly restless music and rough voice. , Badman felt depressed for a while.

And these were quite polite. At this time, the two black guys standing next to the headphones spoke directly.

"Damn! What kind of noise song is this?" A black guy and his companion complained: "This is fucking louder than my mother's voice."

"Really? Let me listen." The companion put on the headphones and held on for ten seconds. , and finally lost.

"Shit, a bunch of shit, I can't hear the rhythm at all, it's like a drunk guy is vomiting loudly in my ear."

"Such a beautiful cover is for nothing."

"Shet, this is It's just shit wrapped in candy wrappers!"

"I just want to buy the cover, okay?"

The two complained and put the album back on the shelf and left Badman.

Badman heard their complaints and felt that the future of this album was bleak.

If this continues, I won't even be able to recover my capital, absolutely! We can no longer continue to distribute goods.

"Fez has his own way!" He said to himself angrily, then walked out of the store and headed straight for Fez Music Company.

(End of chapter)