
Never underestimate a wisdom path Gu master

The trip back was unimpeded by anyone from any clan. I have sagely luck on me, so my plans are more likely to succeed and are a lot better in general. Who can compete with a rank 3 luck path Gu worm on this mountain?

Luck path and wisdom path are almost meant for eachother at this point. What can be more powerful than making plans within seconds and being so lucky your plans almost never go stray? This is a godly combo no one can counter! I also have 25,3k, which is enough to upgrade my vital go to rank 4 and get me the rank 4 Perpetual Motion Gu, effectively making perfect. I can stay awake and do whatever I want without repercussions.

Food path is really amazing! I should figure out the recipe of third aperture Gu in the future and cultivate food path as well. The total cost of the whole rank up was 3,3k for perpetual motion Gu and 5k for sagely luck Gu.

I can't feel any difference right off the bat, but these Gu worms most definitely succeeded. I also bought a rank 2 connect luck Gu for obvious reasons. Now we are completely guarded against all luck path methods and the only uncertainty left in my path to ascension are dream path and soul path.

Food path is so rare and weird almost no one understands it. The same goes fro destruction path. It counts every path, including itself, but it is so hard to cultivate almost no sane person would use it.

It is similar to Asta's sword from Black Clover. Destruction path requires no primeval essence, but any destruction path Gu worm actively destroys any primeval essence. This is why they are perfect for my brother. He physically has almost nothing to destroy, so it has no downside for him. I won't need to guard against destruction path no matter how far the Gu world progresses.

What I do need to guard against is the Gu Yue clan leader. He sent me on this mission, but it wasn't because of my capabilities or because of his trust in me. His motive is as clear as day: I am a threat to his successor and need to be disposed of or supressed.

My talent isn't B grade, but I am basically guaranteed a spot as a clan elder. The various connections I have established through my strength path Gu worm exposition, my hunting trips and the sheer amount of reputation and face I have in Gu Yue is second only to no one!

Not even the clan leader has as many contributions as me. I am a publicly acknowledged Gu refinement genius, because of my amazing innovation in the form of little glow Gu, an acknowledged Combat master and either the strongest or in the top 10 strongest of our clan's rank 2 Gu masters.

Fang Zheng is only known for being such shit he is outclassed by 2 C grade talents in all aspects, being extremely self-centered and having only taken from the clan and the clan leader.

The only good reputation he has left is how he has A grade talent. This kind of thing wasn't in the original story, as I played a huge role in this whole operation. Humans hate anyone more talented than them. That is normal. Someone being superior can only lead to reverence or fear.

Fang Zheng had reverence before, but I turned it into fear for everyone. Fear causes anxiety and anxiety forces people to either fear the opponent obsessively or make light of him. Fang Zheng has given no reason to fear him and has excessively shown his incompetence, turning the anxiety in everyone into disdain and jealousy.

"Why does this trash have such good aptitude?", "Why is he so lucky?", "How can such a piece of waste even qualify to contend for the clan leader position?", "If I had been lucky enough to be born with an A grade aperture, I would have accomplished so much!" are some of the common thoughts the Gu masters have.

The entire clan is looking down on Fang Zheng and revering me! All my flaws and mistakes are seen as normal and admirable, while his successes are attributed to luck and ignored! Sounds familiar? This is what the clan leader did to Fang Yuan in the original story.

He manipulated public opinion using his prestige and Fang Yuan's evil nature. I have reversed the situation completely, turning the Fang brothers into outcasts and making myself supreme! Of course, I do not give a shit about titles or prestige! I want strength! Nothing else, but the clan leader will most definitely get in the way of that.

In fact, him trying to force a suicide mission on me has already proven that. He offered me a rank 3 Gu called Joint leaf clover. It is a rank 3 wood path healing Gu worm. It is a very good one as well. It costs 780 Gu points to make, so I readily agreed to his proposition.

That is just a side benefit. My main goal is the war. I do not want a war of attrition, as that will take too long. I need both clans to be so desperate they go all out from the very beginning. Lord sky crane cannot come here! No matter what, I need to be fast and finish my plan before he even comes into play.

The best way to do that is by destroying the foundations of each clan. Gu Yue need primeval essence stones? Xiong clan has lots! Xiong clan needs Gu worms? Gu Yue has lots! cooperation is out of question. Neither clan wants to show a bit of weakness, as Bai clan might just swoop in and attack them. Hell, it would do so if some evil fiend were to inform them of the predicament.

If Bai clan went to war with both Gu Yue and Xiong right now, it would most definitely win and dominate this mountain, but then, suddenly, a beast tide sill sweep in and kill them all off. What a sad future. Fang Yuan won't get his 90% primeval essence aperture, as the Gu Yue clan will be exterminated, lord sky crane will fuck off to somewhere and find nothing or die of old age, Bai Ning Bing won't even be able to do anything for Fang Yuan.

All the foundation he built up in cannon won't exist anymore, as it has already been doomed! The most Fang Yuan can do is pathetically wait for death until his Cicada heals and blows him into meatpaste!

Don't underestimate a wisdom path Gu master! Even if I only have 1 "messily" rank 4 sagely luck Gu and quasi-master wisdom path attainment, my ability to scheme and plot are far above anything the side-character clan leader can think up!

The entire Qing Mao mountain is doomed and Fang Yuan has no choice but to fuck off to somewhere and allow me to take his spotlight as the knight of Shang Xin Ci and take all the opportunities he has.

The final part of my plans is a rank 4 information path Gu worm called trace of space Gu. With this Gu Fang Yuan will basically be a lighthouse. Wherever he goes, I will constantly know where he is! And as soon as I reach rank 4, he will meet his demise!

I have all the information on Spring Autumn Cicada and know its weakness. The Cicada increases death luck on a person after each use. The amount increased is fixed and boy is anyone who uses it more than 10 times fucked. I will have Fang Yuan completely countered and suppressed!

He will have an absolute disadvantage against me and will definitely die, but I'll do that at a later date. For now, I need to make sure my plans go smoothly.

I will have to participate in the huge invasion held in 3 days and make sure both sides stay on completely equal grounds. They need to keep hope and keep dying for the clan. The rank 3 Gu masters will never go directly into battle, so they won't get in my way. Chun Jack is good on his own and progressing smoothly.

All my plans are finally coming together! Within this month, Fang Yuan's death will be certified and I will obtain freedom! I don't care about that legendary Gu anymore. I have embarked on wisdom and luck path and any Gu worm a rank 3 strength path Fang Yuan wanted isn't one I want. I can get any Gu and a simple rank 3 or 4 can't compare with literal immortal Gu!

Fang Yuan is ruthless and has a firm grasp on human psychology. The first part is mainly to show how Kai Nem doesn't fall all that far behind Fang Yuan in his manipulation tactics and ruthlessness.

This chapter is a bit short, but I have good news. I will upload the next chapter tomorrow and you guys won't have to wait a week. It's a fair trade-off IMO. A shorter chapter for once in exchange for 2 consecutive uploads.

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts