
Fate cannot be avoided

I have been leading the Wang family and sir Gon Tu for the past 2 days down the mountain, awaiting brother Nem's clear of success and victory. I personally have no fond feelings for the Gu Yue clan... For undisclosed reasons, but it is still sad to see them die.

Brother Nem said wisdom path Gu masters can use even the faintest of bloodline connections to deduce, so he doesn't want us to be indangered by them and made up this huge scheme to cover our tracks. We are all still waiting for him to appear, but he hasn't come into contact for a few hours and the latest bit of information I was given was, that the plan is going well and I should take over the broadcast for a while.

It took me a couple of hours to figure out how this whole information path Gu worm thing is set up, but I have managed to start it. I still don't understand why doing such a thing is even necessary, but I am not loosing out on anythi- "Brother Xu, there is some kind of weird crane beast up in the sky. It seems to be heading towards us!"

Hmm? A crane? Is it here to find food? I'll kill it fast and find a new location to make sure its flock doesn't pursue us later.

"My Gu didn't steer me wrong! I actually managed to find 6 of my brother's descendants!" Is there a person on top of that crane? Why is there a human on it? Is he an enslaver path Gu master? Not important. What is his goal for approaching us. It can't be anything good seeing as he has a myriad feather crane group with him.

Although the numbers are somewhat low, only at 3 thousand or so, he isn't descending himself. "What does sir Gu master wish to talk to us about? We are only a poor group of 5 mortals. We do not wish to conflict with your majesty!"

Elder Wang is sometimes annoying with his lectures and advice, but he is the best out of the 5 of us at dealing with Gu masters, so it is better for him to take care of this situation.


I will take that as a sign of hostility. I don't have much experience, but a Gu master with such a huge army of beasts laughing maniacally could never be a good sign.

"Everyone hide in the temporary underground base and don't step in! I will take him on myself, so don't put yourselves in danger!"

The Gu master suddenly stopped his laughter and said "You think I can't see you?!" and a small crane flew out of his wrist. "Brother Da! You bastard! I'll make you pay for that!"

He is strong. I barely saw that tiny crane flash and it already tore through brother Da's heart! He should be rank 4 at the lowest. I need to be wary of his sneak attacks and take down the Myriad feather crane first!

I don't have any Gu worms to make elaborate schemes. The only thing I can do is swing a sword, a very strong sword!

I can never get used to this growing weight of Guts or how this boar aura just suddenly wraps around my body. They are truly amazing methods and the most suitable ones for me!

"Yaaaaah" With an almost feral growl, I jump up with all of my strength and use a tree to get in another leap. Before this Gu master has even finished blinking, I am already in front of him, Guts ready to cut him in half.

"shplat" Blood flew and splashed all over my face "I am not falling for such a simple sneak attack! Now die!"

The Gu master sneers and the crane he is riding on makes a small turn to the left, directly out of my sword's effective range. Good thing I wasn't aiming for him. I begin falling and, just as I calculated, a thousand feather crane, which I am about to impale onto Guts, is directly below me.

I can't see the Gu master, but I am sure he has a surprised look on his face. I fall down and cleave the crane directly in half. I can even feel Guts absorbing the blood of this creature and becoming heavier from it.

I land onto the crane's corpse and only feel a slight bit of soreness on my feet. Even though Strength path puts a lot of strain on a normal humans body, my bones are of a thousand beast king and my muscles are rank 4 Strength path muscles. I can easily endure falling from such a trivial hight and the strength of a rank 3 aura.

I can fight rank 4 Gu masters with Guts, in theory, but this enslaver doesn't look like he is rank 4. I have to keep my eyes on him at all yime, so I looked up at the Gu master, ready to observe and counter any one of his moves, but he does something strange. He lets out a small sigh and leaves after waving his hand.

Who was that man?


A couple minutes have passed and it seems he has truly left. I have already sent a warning to brother Nem, but I am worried. He needs to abandon the plan and leave, but, knowing him, there is a low chance of it working.

I can only hope his stubbornness doesn't cloud his judgment. "Oh Brother Da, are you okay?" The now zombified brother Da nods at me and says "Oh brother Liu, I really need to thank Kai Nem for this rank 2 Gu worm. It has serious drawbacks, but living as a zombie is a lot more desirable than death."


Lord fking sky crane is here?! How is that possible? He shouldn't be anywhere near here for the next few mon- Fuck! That is the Divine Investigator's arrival time. Lord sky crane discovered the Gu Yue clan before that and then got Divine Investigator involved. I didn't think he came this early! Still, isn't the timing too coincidental? Reverend Insanity doesn't have plot armor, so there is no way this guy came here because of that? Maybe this is just Fate working its magic and fixing all the damage I caused? Then why aren't the father and daughter investigators also here?

This is too weird! I need to leave, but I can't leave my mum here. This is a huge free for all battle! If my brother didn't mention this, the Bai clan is already here and the big battle has been going in for a while. And it has been a complete mess of a fight.

Gu Yue and Xiong held the blood battle competition because they were merging and wanted to share benefits. Bai clan doesn't need to cooperate, so it directly attacked and is here to exterminate us, not merge with the Gu Yue clan. My dad was killed by a rank 3 wide area attack cast by a Bai clan gu master in the first sneak attack and I barely managed to protect my mother and myself using golden clover shield. About 17 Gu masters died from that attack alone.

granted they were mostly rank 1s, but my dad and two other rank 2s also died... That just sunk in... My dad is dead. Damn! I didn't think him dying would hit me this much. I know I can use a rank 2 winglet zombie Gu to bring him back to life, but it still hurts knowing he just died and I could barely protect my mother. Will this happen to me and Chun Jack in the future as well?

I should probably bail and take my dads corpse and mum away. I can't even imagine what would happen if my mum dies. I might be strong, but lord sky crane is no joke. Not even a hundred mes' can kill him, so it is better to leave.

Fate is truly a mystery. It seems Lord Sky Crane and first gen Gu Yue fighting to the death and benefiting Fang Yuan is already predestined and I can only change a small thing. At least he won't have much of a talent gain. At most he will reach 78% or 80% percent. Compared to him having 90% percent, I would much rather him getting 80%.

That is based on how the current battle is balanced. If I am going by the most probable outcome, Fang Yuan better thank Heaven and all the death luck he has around him if he can reach 70%. The most likely situation is him reaching 65% talent, which is a lot more manageable than his original 90% talent. I am sorry if Y'all feel disappointed, but I sure as hell am not sticking around here! Who ever stirs shit will have to eventually lick the spoon, so I'll let Fang Yuan and his abundant death luck take over.

Now, how do I get my dad's body out? I need to creep over to him, but I can't just strap a corpse to my back. Should I use winglet zombie Gu on him right away? Winglet zombies are low tier in rank 2, but they can be used up to 5 hours after death, so I am not even somewhat tight on time, but this is war and I also kinda regret taking the stone aperture Gu now.

Bai Ning Bing is fully rank 3 and ready to cause chaos. He has been fighting 4 rank 3 elders from our side on his own for the past 20 minutes. there were five before, but he killed the healer granny, who's name I can't be bothered to remember right now.

Just an FYI, I have a rank 3 Soul Sack Gu with me, which can store about 3k Guts Gu worth of souls. It cost me like 500 points, but if I ever feel like cultivating my soul, I will be set from this huge battle.

Ill just grab my dad real quick and escape. My golden clover shield is an absolute defense here.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Shit! Bai Chou Ming is one the contenders for battle lord position. He will be a hard nut to crack and get away from. Guess I have no choice but to fight him.

"Move! I can finish you off within 1 move if you don't get out of my way this instance!" He laughed his butt of and stared at my angry face with a smug grin "You might have such an attack, but can you defend that pretty lady and yourself while using it?"

Funny he mentioned that. I didn't mention a special power of golden clover shield. If I connect my luck with someone, the shield can be used by them as well. Hell, if I add some more luck path Gu like concentrate luck the shield will become even better when my mum uses it, but the primeval essence cost will be no joking matter if I do that.

I smile with my white teeth on full display and say "Mum, could you gold this for me?" She looked confused as I gave her the golden clover shield and she held it in front of her with a look of realization.

I kept smiling as I charged towards this mothertrucker's surprised expression and he realized he fucked up he tried attacking me, but another golden clover shield appearing on my arm disheartened him to the point of using ice coffin Gu to protect himself.

Ice coffin Gu is really effective. It sacrifices all forms of offense and movement in exchange for defense, so it can even block higher rank attacks, but the one who used it will give up all initiative and go full passive mode. This Gu is really not my style. Only someone, who is desperate will use this. I don't care about his life. If he survives, it will cause greater harm to Fang Yuan, so killing him is a waste of time and detrimental. I need to get to my dad and bring him back as soon as possible!

"Mum, dad's corpse is over there! A bit more and we will be able to bring him away!" My mum nodded at me and covered my back with he shield as we advanced. Finally! Winglet Gu, activate!

My dad's corpse quickly became a weird mixture of blue, black and green and stood up. He took a deep breath, even though he doesn't need to breath and looked around "What happened?"

I sigh in relief and say "Dad, I will explain everything to you later. For now, we need to get out of here as fast as possible! You have already died for the clan, so you have no choice but to come with me. As you said "I can only take away your corpse from this mountain"."

He narrowed his dead eyes at me with a smile and said "Quite the clever son I have, don't I?" I outsmarted my entire clan. Scheming against my stubborn father is not that difficult, but it is a lot funnier.

"Traitorous brother, are you going to keep hiding in that grave of yours or will you let these pathetic excuses of descendants of yours be exterminated? Don't worry, I will help you cleanse our bloodline of these failures!"

Fuck! Lord sky crane is already here!

I was at the fate war arc(first) like 2 weeks ago, so I uploaded two chapters in a row. I have finished the arc and boy was it good.

Also, what a huge surprise. Chun Jack's actual name is Gu Yue Xu Liu? Why has he been referred to as Chun Jack this entire time?

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts