
dark fears

I stood outside the house barefoot on the cold sidewalk, the thin sheer night gown clung to my wet and shivering body. The night air was cool and crisp, the crickets chirped softly. I stepped forward slowly and the wind whipped up striking me against my face making me stagger backwards, the chirping seemed to get louder. I closed my eyes tightly in attempt to catch my breath after the sudden attack of the wind. I opened my eyes once more stepping forward once again, this time succeeding. As I began stepping forward a trickle of water began running down my leg. I stopped walking and looked down. The water continued its path and trickled down even more leaving a large pool beneath my foot. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the movement of A shadow and I snapped my head toward the house facing it. It seemed to beckon to me, it seemed to be saying, " Come to me. Come discover my secrets." I began walking towards the house, with each step I took I felt a puddle of water form. When I was only steps away from the porch I looked behind me, The puddles that were left instantly started to evaporate. As the puddles evaporated the wind picked up and out of it's mists a soft eerie voice said, "The earth is waiting..." I looked around quickly, feeling that I was being watched. As I continued looking for the source of the voice my discomfort grew to new heights, and I eventually abandoned my search of where the voice was coming from and blinked turning my attention towards the house once more.

I took a step towards the house and the crickets went silent, and the house was no more. My vision began to blur and my eyes began to burn. I sunk to my knees and wallowed rubbing and scratching at my eyes, but the burning sensation never lifted. As my eyes continued to burn and my agony stained cries only got worse, my throat began to burn. I reached for my throat and tried to scream, but no sound came out. Instead I found myself gripping my throat attempting to stop the burning. As I pulled my hands away a warm sticky liquid made it's way down my hands and onto my night gown, "Blood..." my hoarse voice whispered and blood continued falling even more intensely. I attempted to scream again, and on inhale instead of air entering my lungs water did. I gripped my throat and the burning got worse. My vision blurred in and out and to no anvil I couldn't regain my sight. I closed my eyes to make a final attempt of clearing my vision, when I opened my eyes I was completely submerged in water. The blood from my throat began mixing with the clear water turning it into a murky red.

"You better wake up." a demonic and deep masculine voice said. I began kicking my legs in a panic and tried to propel myself towards the surface. Just as I made a final stroke to break the water's surface a strand of seaweed wrapped itself around my legs and waist and dragged me back under the water. As I struggled against the seaweed that pulled my further into depths of the water, my vision became clear and a dark shadowy face began laughing demonically and I no longer could remain conscious. I jolted awake and fell out of my bed tangled in my sheets. The sweat I had broken into in my sleep was now cold and damp. I sat up breathing heavily and looked around my room rubbing my shoulders, " I'm at home...I'm safe." I sighed and laid down on the ground again and stared up at the ceiling. "It was all a dream.." I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes and reached up rubbing my face, " Everything is okay." after reassuring myself I was fine and everything was normal I felt myself drift off to sleep in a somewhat uneasy manor. A few hours later I was sitting at my kitchen table sipping on a cup of lukewarm coffee. It's bitter taste was inviting and mixed well with the sweetness of the chocolate doughnut that occupied the table.