
Insane summon who spent 999,999,999 years in isolation

However, there is one fate worse than all of that, one fate worse than living as a human, worse than anything I can imagine, but maybe I'm biassed. You see, I am a summon, a protector of these wretched human scumbags. But the life of a summon is most interesting when we fight, for the rest of the millennia we are kept in the same empty space, no contact, no walls, not even a floor. All so that I can die holding a sword for some wimp that can't even survive on his own or some noble shit who needs his hand held through a road trip. It doesn't matter what I do, how strong I am, how powerful… I always return to this forsaken void. Whatever twisted thing that made me created this space, so I could train, as a result the time is severely warped, even a few seconds out there takes a century to pass. I’ve been in here so long the internal monologue is just the latest addition to my insanity, to make matters worse the more insane I get the quicker people are to throw me back, By my best guess this marks the

Alex_N67 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

I first saw them from above

"Day thirteen quintillion, eighteen billion and forty-five million of trying to reach the edge of this world, my stamina stat is so high now that I can walk for an entire century without taking a breath after previous attempts to smash the non-existent floor by raising my strength stat I have found that there is no logical limit to how much I can grow, as such over the last twenty-eight impossible to calculate, but fucking pain filled abstract unit of time I've been raising every stat in each attempt to escape my prison, but hey at least if I find the edge of nothingness I… Well at least I have something to do, and no one will throw away a spirit this strong… right? Of course not, I'll be traded between summoners for generations, ill hardly have to wait a second in this place".

I practically collapsed, it felt like I could cry… or maybe scream, who knows if I can do either any more.

"Oh well. I just have to get so strong I can kill the person who made this mother fucking box. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA, easy."

After lingering on my back, the prospect of marching forward to a borderless wall seemed so impossibly terrifying. My boredom in this perfect chamber of torture.

I am alone.


All alone

I lay on the ground for a few days in a near coma like state, waiting for something… anything to happen until finally a huge chime rang through the void, a noise all too familiar yet strangely distant. One that I had heard thousands of times when I was practising my magic but without me casting the spell It only means one thing.

A sense of vivid relief washed across my body, flushing from my stomach to my neck letting me breathe a swift and soft breath. My harsh white world disappeared in an instant, the boundless walls replaced with a light blue canvas, its beautiful depth dashed with white clouds, the world below revealed through the mess of clouds below. Its colourful and diverse lands unfold in an inexplicable beauty.

I first saw them from above, my body flailing in mid-air, its pale limbs wriggling from excitement. I fell into a dense woodland, my arms breaking through the brittle branches like… well twigs. The party I had been summoned to wasn't extravagant or big, it consisted of seven members each one stained with blood. I dropped to the ground, my body smashing into a monster below, its fluffy body evaporating below me. I lay back in the crater my ass had made, my clothes already completely red and dashed with tufts of fur.

Around me were a swarm of humanoid monsters, their fur spiky and jagged like a wolf's, each monster boasted a huge set of teeth and sharp claws. Their arms were strong whilst their legs seemed comically small, both legs bent backwards giving the monsters a hunched and imposing figure.

After climbing from the dent I made in the world I stepped deliriously towards the angry pack of monsters, my body swaying nonchalantly to the tune of my throbbing head. Lazily I stumbled and formed a fist my feet dragging in the dirt, creating a hushed shuffle with each step. My hand raised to my ear and in an instant it sprang forward. A huge boom crashed through the forest. Trees around me bent back, their roots ripping through the ground. Another monster disappeared, its spray the only remaining trace of its existence.

I walked back to the group, my red dripping hand keeping pace with my steps as I stood over the batch of humans.