

The young Blake Alderwolf decides to join the fight against the daemon, the monstrous entities that have been reigning terror on mankind all over the world, unaware that he, alongside everyone else are just marionettes in an individual's grand plan.

Iam_pencilmark · Kỳ huyễn
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121 Chs

The Test

The black haired guy fell to the ground, groaning. The spear was pointed at his neck again.

"Failed." Barry said, pinning the spear to the ground and helping the guy up.

"C'mon!" Brandon cried out in frustration, "this is, what the tenth time?"

"Actually, twelve."

"Damn it!"

"Calm down kid," Barry said. "Trying to rush things isn't going to be good."

"Then when will I get to be like you? You did say that I'll inherit your arsenal when you retire."

"Yeah, but I didn't always use this arsenal, Brandon. I took it from my master just like you'll soon take it from me. Now, go and do a hundred pushups and 50 laps around the field."


Barry smiled walking away from the boy. A short distance away from him, a young girl was

Doing same. She had dark skin and short black hair. She wore a tight black round neck crop shirt and black shorts. The sweat run down her body as she sped round the field. She had a lot of stamina that was for sure.

Her name was Rachel Okyere. A prodigy among the recruits. Unlike the girl who trailed behind her. Her name was Sarah Stone. She had been there long before Rachel had, but wasn't as skilled as her. But she had determination and will.

It wasn't enough, he should know that. Determination and will wasn't something that saved you on the battle against daemon, it was your skill and cunning, your abilities and power. He had seen so many people who were much more determined than others and yet they had died. Or rather massacred. You needed some form of determination, but that wasn't going to be your savior in the end.

The two girls walked towards him, both panting and sweating, or more like Rachel was sweating and Sarah was just panting.

"We're done!" Rachel said, "Is that all? Or do you have something better to 'teach' us."

"Who said I was teaching you anything."

"I'm sorry, what?"

Barry smiled, "I was just testing your stamina. You have excellent stamina, while Sarah, you have terrible stamina. A big problem. But then, depending on the rei that you get, you might not need it."

"Um… hello, if you have anything else to say, say it fast. We need you to train us, not to test our stamina."

"Oh, yes. Right."

Barry was about to say something, but stopped. He saw Martha and Blake approaching them.

"Hello," She said, "How's training?"

"Great," Barry said, "Absolutely…"

"Useless." Rachel interjected.

"Well, that's another way to put it."

"Well, whatever. You have a new recruit." Martha said, "Since you two have already met."

"Yeah the kid, isn't he too young?" Barry asked.

"You are really keen on not wanting me to join, aren't you?" Blake asked.

"Yes I am."

Barry sighed, looking at him, and back at Martha. "Um… Martha, a word."

"If it's about the kid, yes, he is staying."

"Seems alright to me." Rachel said, "His licht energy and form are perfect, as if he's trained to fight."

"He's young."

"And?" Blake asked.

"Okay, why don't you test it out then?"

Barry smiled. He pinned his spear to the ground, walking towards the center of the field. Blake followed suite, zipping up his hoodie.

"Are knives allowed?" Blake asked.

"Hell no. See me with a spear."

"Won't it be best to…?" The spear removed itself from the ground and charged at the unsuspecting Blake. Blake ducked as low as he could, avoiding the projectile. The spear came to Barry's hand.

"That's pretty unhanded." Blake said. The veteran charged at Blake, stabbing at him. Blake blocked the spear with a dagger, taking a step forward and swiping at Barry's head. Barry dodged, raising his spear. He span it round and made another stab at him. Blake dodged as well, but was grazed by his spear.

Blake was confused. He was certain that he had dodged that attack. Barry smiled, pointing his spear at him. He held it with both hands and took a stance. With increased speed, he charged at Blake, almost pinning him down, had Blake not avoided it at the last second.

"Nice reflexes."


"But you're still too slow." Barry said, digging his spear into the ground. "He's good," He said to Martha, "A little sloppy around the edges but good. I'm still not up for this though."

"Yeah, but it was never your choice to make in the first place," Martha said. "His name is Blake Summers. He'll be joining you as of today. Blake these are Rachel Okyere and Sarah Stone."

"Who is the guy running over there?" Blake asked.

"He's Brandon O'Neil. Another recruit." Rachel said, "He won't last long though so don't mind him."

"He's been running this… never mind."