

The young Blake Alderwolf decides to join the fight against the daemon, the monstrous entities that have been reigning terror on mankind all over the world, unaware that he, alongside everyone else are just marionettes in an individual's grand plan.

Iam_pencilmark · Kỳ huyễn
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121 Chs

The Primal Reunion 3

"You sure this is a good idea?" Oz said.

"Yeah." Edgar said, "I'm a hundred percent sure."

"Going to a portal and destroying it is out of the question. We are talking about a literal tear in space."

"So." Edgar smiled, "It is possible, right?"

"You only want to go there just to kill more daemon, don't you?"


"I knew it." Oz said, rolling his eyes. "This is serious, Edgar, the literal fate of the world is depending on our shoulders and here you are wanting to charge into enemy lines without any knowledge of whatever the hell could be there."

"Eventually we will have to go there, right."

"Yeah, eventually. But not right now." Oz said, "When we are stronger."

"'Stronger' huh?" Edgar smiled, "That day will come, Oz, when we are above the world. But without a little push, we'd just be stagnated." 

Oz stood silent for a while. Then he widened his eyes.

"That's why...!"

"Lower your voice, geez!" Edgar said.

"That's why you're sending Donna and Diego to deal with the White City!"

Edgar nodded, standing up from his seat. The two exited through a door to the corridor which overlooked the ocean.

"So, you really are going, huh?" Donna asked as Kael stood to go, "I thought you'd put up more of a fight."

"I thought you would." Kael said, "You are going to a suicide mission."

"I'll find a way around it."

"Ha. Good luck." 

"What exactly does Prime Edgar have on you?" Donna asked, "You never do anything for free."


"...Huh?!" Donna jumped to her feet. "Now that's just cruel."

"Cruel would be nice, But I'm more worried for him than Kaien."


Kael only smiled. He snapped his fingers and Kaien immediately bolted to his side.

"Big bro could you buy me some ice cream, please."

"Don't worry, I'll buy you all the ice cream you want. Ben and Jerry's?"


Donna looked at them confused, sitting back in her chair, looking back at Diego, who was fast asleep. She sighed, taking out her phone and going through her media.

"So, how's Blake?" Alyssa asked, sipping a glass of orange juice.

"He's alright, I guess." Klaus replied.

"You seem more upset the last time you heard he had enrolled as an inquisitor."

"Guess after sometime, you can't force your kid into something he doesn't like, no matter how hard you try."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Alyssa said, "They are going to make a lot of mistakes, even some of the same ones you made, but they will eventually come back."


"And good luck in this...daemon incident."

"I should be the one to tell you that. You are literally going to another dimension."

"I'll be fine." Alyssa said. "Jahn Vu has put me through worse."

"Never sent us to another dimension."

"He did put us in the midst of a swarm of daemon and we had to fight for our lives. Ah, those good old times. Anyway I recon it'll be the exact same feeling."

"Or worse."

"Or worse. Yes. I know. But don't sweat it. I am one of the most powerful primes here."

True. Despite her not being affiliated with any family, Alyssa Zola was one of the most powerful people in the world, not even talking about her licht technique, of which she had only disclosed to Klaus and Edgar.

"Then till we meet again." Klaus said, standing to leave.

"Want to toast to it?"

"Nah. I'll drink my own blood." 

"Suit yourself."

Klaus nodded at Donna, who nodded back without taking her eyes of his phone. He grabbed Diego and brought him up to his feet. Diego was dazed for a second and took a while to realize that Klaus was standing in front of him.

"Oh. You, right."

"Next time my kid comes to you, tell me."

"Haha. Right."

Donna watched the two leave the room before getting up to leave.

"Good luck, Donna. Do make us proud."

"Tell me, Alyssa." Donna began, "You do have a way to destroy the portals, right?"

"And why would you ask that."

"The Alyssa I know won't go through something without a plan unless it was a matter of urgency and although this is a matter of urgency, the threat is not immediate."

"So you do know me. Its nice that my training was not wasted."

"Don't mention it. See ya."
