

The young Blake Alderwolf decides to join the fight against the daemon, the monstrous entities that have been reigning terror on mankind all over the world, unaware that he, alongside everyone else are just marionettes in an individual's grand plan.

Iam_pencilmark · Kỳ huyễn
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121 Chs

The Foundation 2

Grace stared at the monitor. That had been a close call. If the Inquisitors had found out, who knows the kind of damage it would have done olto their plans. Everyone's hearts were racing when that guy had just waltzed in that section of the sewer.

"You okay?" Jeff asked her, leaning on the table.

"Y... Yeah. I will be." She replied.

"Relax. Shasha did well."

"I hope she didn't kill him."

"She would have if he was a shield agent. But he's an Inquisitor."

"But how did he find them? Their half-breeds. They can't be detected unlike normal daemon."

"Yeah. I'm shocked as well." The boss said, walking out of his office. "An Inquisitor that could detect them, makes you wonder what kind of other guys that they have stacked away."

Grace just nodded. Two muscular guys walked in carrying boxes. They dropped them on the table, nodding at the boss before leaving.

"More guns?" Grace asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Which means more guys."

"I thought we were just letting the daemon's loose."

"Yes we are. But the Inquisitors have already gotten in the way once."

"They didn't kill the half-breeds."

"But the half-breeds killed two of theirs. One of them was Barry. It's going to be a full out retaliation on their part, they won't care of its half-breeds, trust me on that. They won't harm people though."


The doors opened, revealing the grumbling Hands carrying the Inquisitor in his hand. He walked briskly, laying him on another wider table. Grace and the boss walked over to him, while Jeff rushed into the office.

"Are his injuries fatal?" Grace asked.

"No." Hands said, "But He's lost a lot of blood.

Jeff returned with a middle aged man. The man pushed Hands aside, examining the injury.

"Three shots, really?" the man, Dr. McCoy said, turning to the others.

" Can you save him. "

" Of course. What do you take me for. "

Grace and the boss walked away, with Jeff trailing behind them, leaving Hands and the doctor alone. "So," Grace started, "What's the plan?"

"Well, originally I was going to let the other three loose tomorrow near the Shield base. But I've got a change of plans."

"What would that be? " Grace asked.

The boss smiled, "The other two daemon. We still have their location. "

" So? " Grace asked, confused even more. She got more confused when she saw Jeff smiling.

" If we can track them, it means that the device used to control them is still active." Jeff said "Luckily, we have just the device. "

Grace looked at the two men.

"How much did it really cost you?"

"Heh!" The boss smirked. "You don't need to know. Tomorrow, we strike at three points in the city. Our militia will forcefully evacuate the citizens. That way we can focus on the Shield. "

" And the Inquisitors? "

" Already handled. " Jeff said, looking in the direction of Blake Summers. "By the way isn't his hair glowing? "

"Side effect of too much licht energy, especially if the user isn't consciously controlling it. Happens a lot more than you think it should. "

" Ah. "

" But aren't you guys forgetting something?" Grace asked.

" No. " They both said. Grace sighed. Really?

" The first half-breed. "

The two men looked at her for a while, not understanding what she meant. Until they did. There were five half-breeds. They could only control four. The half-breed had managed to escape, tearing out its device in the process. Which meant they had no control over it.

"We know where it is. It's in the sewers. We just can't control it."

"But we can lead the shield to them, right?" Grace suggested.

The boss looked at her and smiled.

"That's even better. If we can't lead them to the half-breed in the sewers then we can lead to the other four. Either way, it's a win win for us."

"Looks like we have an agreement. " Jeff said, "Now what exactly do we do about the kid? How exactly are we going to use him to lure the Inquisitors."

"They don't leave their own behind." the boss said, "they aren't heartless. "

"No. They aren't." Jeff said, "But I doubt that they'd go save their own when a daemon is terrorising the city. "

"They've got just two Inquisitors."

" Wrong." Hands said, "They've got six, plus this kid. "

" Huh? "

"Our Intel reported this a while back. "

The boss banged his fist on the table and lowered his head. He remained silent for a while, before turning to the kid and Dr. McCoy.

" All the bullets are out. " the doctor said, removing his gloves and washing his tools "Wounds closed as well he just needs a rest..."

A weird and eerie sound, like the sound of water could be heard from the boy. All eyes turned to him to see the boys blood emerge from the stitched wound and instantly glow. The blood reentered, healing him completely.

The boss rushed to him to see for himself wat had just happened.

"Well?" Grace asked.

The boss stood silent for a while.

"Haha." He laughed, "I think we just hit the jackpot."

Klaus turned all over a sudden, his red eyes glowing.

"Is there a problem, Prime Klaus?" the voice on the phone asked him asked.

That was impossible. Klaus thought to himself. He had just felt Blake's blood somewhere. It wasn't close, but it was still near him. In the city. Had Martha lied to him? Ah well, he was okay. He'll just have to see him later.

"It was nothing." Klaus said, "What were you saying again, Damien?"

As much as he didn't want his son to be involved in this conflict, he couldn't ignore his duties. Killing daemon was far too important.