

The young Blake Alderwolf decides to join the fight against the daemon, the monstrous entities that have been reigning terror on mankind all over the world, unaware that he, alongside everyone else are just marionettes in an individual's grand plan.

Iam_pencilmark · Kỳ huyễn
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121 Chs

Birds of the same feather

The creature lay still in the pool of sewage water, not moving, not breathing, just emotionless. It could hear the sounds of cars moving back and forth, the sounds of people talking, laughing, shouting and crying, a turmoil of different emotions. It could hear the sounds of the rats as they squeaked and munched on carcasses and excrements. And the sound of rushing water, that moved slowly to its final destination. And finally, it could hear the silence of the two daemon that stood on either side of him, observing him, like a man who had discovered something new.

The two daemon circled him, touching him at the exposed skin of his. One poked, revealing red blood. The creature backed away, confused. The creature growled at them, surprising both the daemon.

[This is… a unique one?] The first one said. It had a massive upper body and a horn in the middle of its face, separating its eyes.

[Unique? It's a disaster] said the other daemon. It was much leaner than its friend and it had four arms; two on its back. It also had three eyes, the third being on its palm, which was staring intently as it had it raised.

[An achievement? A major breakthrough?]

[A disaster]

[Perhaps it's a new style]

[A disaster]

[Should we ask him ourselves?]

"I can hear you…How?" the creature spoke. The two daemon stared at each other in confusion.

[It speaks]

[Like a human]

[It can hear us]

"If you are going to kill me, do it now." The creature said, "I'd rather die than to be like you. I won't kill anyone innocent human. But know this, I'll take you alon with me."

The daemon stared at it for a while. [Its feisty. Interesting.]

[Oh Shut up.]

Swiftly, the creature charged at them, attempting to claw the slimmer daemon, but his hands stopped midway. The slimmer daemon had also barely flinched, as if it had anticipated the action.

"I…will kill….aaarrrggh[hhhh!]"

[It changed]

The creature fell to its knees, sinking into the water. The two daemon stared intently at it for a while. The creature slowly rose, standing on one foot, then the other.

"[At last. Victory]" the creature said

[Uh huh. After a lot of struggling with a weak human. His licht energy is like a child's.] the slim daemon said.

[But you are fascinating.]

"[There are more like me. I think.]"

[More Abominations?]

[More spectacular ones?]

"[Whatever you want to] Let me out! [Call it. Sorry, the human is a stubborn one]"

[I don't care. We need to feed. We haven't done so in forever.]

[The inquisitors are really bothersome. We'll need to draw them away. But what can we use to do so?]

"[More daemon]"

[More daemon?]

"[Yes. Like an Oubreak.]"

[That, is not for you to decide.]

"[Of course it isn't. We just need a few dozen daemon. That's all]

[The idea is not bad.] The muscular daemon said. [We could communicate with the ones close by. But I'm slow. This is a job for you]

[Me? Why me?]

"[Obviously the inquisitors are looking for me. And he is slow.]

[You just met him]

"[I know.]"

The slim daemon turned to leave, escaping the dirty sewage water and disappearing into the dark. The other one did same. The creature however remained in the water, waiting. He closed his three eyes, to rest. Waiting for its daemon counterpart.