
Inosuke in Dragon Ball

Inosuke wakes up on Mount Paozu without knowing where he is and meets Goku at age 11, he reads the novel to find out more. English is not my original language, sorry if there are spelling mistakes. This is my first fanfic.

Sebastym · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs


Mount Paozu

It had been 6 months, Inosuke at that time began to copy how Goku trained, getting stronger over time and giving Goku more problems to win, but he could not win even once, while he strengthens Goku too, now no longer he had trouble hunting animals, he can beat them in a few moves, he just had to beat Goku for Inosuke to become the King of this mountain.

There was a child moving very fast through Mount Paozu, that boy is Inosuke who after 6 months is much stronger than before and now his chest wound is just a large scar, it was another normal day, with him looking for one more animal Bigger than the previous one, he suddenly stopped when he saw something from afar on a mountainous rock. "What is that" he said curiously, when he saw better he realized that it is an animal bigger than the dipper the day before, when he realized that Inosuke started running while laughing towards that direction quickly. "Hahaha I just saw one bigger dam than the previous one "he said happily and after a minute he reached the beginning of that mountainous rock and began to climb it in search of his goal while still laughing.

After a while he got to where his hunting target was and saw that it was some kind of blue flying animal, he launched into the attack starting with a kick to the back. "Ouch, what was that" said the future meal of him.

That surprised Inosuke he didn't think an animal could speak, so he stopped his attack by looking in surprise at the food of him speaking. "So it's a little human that hit me" said the talking animal looking at Inosuke.

"Well it seems that the food came to me" said the animal as he now looked at his target to feed. Inosuke hearing that got angry. "Who is your food? I am not your food, you are my food "he said angrily while looking at his prey. After saying that Inosuke launched himself to attack, this time with a punch to the stomach causing the flying animal to gasp for air and in pain surprised by the boy's strength.

Without wasting time Inosuke gave him a strong kick to the head leaving the blue animal foolish, after that he climbed up the back of his enemy and gave with his fists 3 more blows to the head and saw his now dead prey fall. "That's what you get for saying I'll be your food" Inosuke said proudly to the future meal of his now dead.

Inosuke was about to take his food home when he suddenly saw something glowing in a place with a lot of bamboo, that made him curious, so he went in that direction while he was carrying his food.

After about 5 minutes he was close, he was walking calmly among the bamboo while thinking it might be. "Ahh" Inosuke yelled as he fell into the crater that the object is in that attracted his attention. At the end he ended up hitting a round object that was inside the crater. "Ay" he said as he touched the place where he hit.

Inosuke was puzzled, he did not know what this was, he had never seen an object like that, he hit it gently to see if something happened, but nothing happened, after a while he decided to leave it there to go home to eat, fight with Goku and then return here with Goku and tell him what he found.

When he got home he was happy with what he was wearing. "Look Goku I just caught one much bigger than the last one" he said loudly with pride as he walked towards where he would prepare the food.

Hearing that, Goku, who also had his own catch, saw and drool when he saw that he would eat so much today. "Wow, incredible yes, today's big one" he said happily with a smile as he approached to prepare the meal yours.

"Sure I always catch the bigger ones" he said showing off Inosuke as he grilled the food. After about 30 minutes they had finished roasting the two animals and began to eat them, after a bite Inosuke remembered what he found and stopped eating for a while "Goku I found a rare metal object in a bamboo forest" Goku hearing that He kept eating, but after a while he stopped for a moment. "We can go so you can show it to me after we fight" he said quietly and went back to eating.

After eating, they began to fight exchanging blows with each other, now the fight was faster and stronger than the first time they met, with Inosuke now giving Goku much more trouble to win, still fighting like a quadruped animal, but with some additions that he copied from Goku and adapted them to his way of fighting in the last 6 months, making him more unpredictable and with his more accurate punches.

After a while they finished fighting both quite beaten with Goku as the winner again. "I will win one day and become the king of this mountain" Inosuke said as he always says after losing and promising himself.

"Yes, I know, I hope so" Goku said as he brushed the dust off his clothes now dirty from the fight he suddenly remembered what Inosuke said while they ate. "Inosuke let's see that object you said you found."

Inosuke upon hearing that reminded him too. "Come on follow me to where I found it" he said as he walked towards the direction where the object is. After a few minutes they reached where the object was and went down to see it well.

"Wow what will it be" said Goku upon seeing the object closely with curiosity. "Yes, I told you it was weird" Inosuke said happily seeing that he surprised Goku.

After looking at it for a while with Goku, he touched it and suddenly the object opened, Goku looked inside with curiosity, but suddenly he got a headache. "Oh, it hurts" he said while he touched his head and remembered images, after a while the pain became very strong and Goku lost consciousness.

"What's wrong Goku are you okay?" Inosuke asked worried when he saw Goku acting strange and when he saw him fall unconscious he decided to take him home hoping that his friend Goku of his is fine.

"Eh why am I on that object that Inosuke found" says Goku as he feels the object move. He suddenly hears someone crying, but after a moment he realizes that it is the same one who is crying and he cannot stop crying.

"Hey who's talking" Goku thinks when he hears two people talking outside, he concentrates to listen better.

"What if the 3 of us better flee together to another place?" He hears a soft voice speak- "We can't with the trackers they could find us in an instant" says another, thicker voice. "Why do you take such extreme measures? Bardock, no Sayajin man cares so much about his children" says the soft voice. "Eh, are they my parents?" Goku thought as he kept crying.

"I always spend it on the battlefield, so I wish at least once in my life to preserve something" says the other, thicker voice. "It is programmed to go to a distant planet called earth, it is a world inhabited by people with outdated technology and a low level of fighting, even you could survive in a place like that, it also does not have much value so the chances of it being attacked by Frezer are very few. " He said to whom now he could see that he has a scar on his cheek.

"It seems they want to protect me from this Frezer" Goku thought as he continued to see what his parents were saying now having stopped crying.

"If your father changes his mind we will go for you, you heard my love" Said who now knew that she was his mother. "Listen whatever happens you have to survive" said his father. "We will see each other again" said his mother with a sad look.

Then his father put his hand on the window of what he now knew was his ship that would take him from where he lives to another planet, when he saw that he also put his hand where his father's was. "Goodbye son" he said his father while his ship began to move away leaving the planet. "Kakaroto" His mother shouted when he saw that he was going away.

"Eh, is that my name?" He thought as he walked away from the planet, after that he saw from afar what seemed to be his father fighting off the planet, until something like the sun began to be thrown towards him without being able to defend himself, destroying the planet and killing the his parents. "Daddy, Mommy noooo!" Goku yelled in his mind as he was carried further and further.

Inosuke upon hearing Goku scream he entered the house quickly to see why Goku is screaming now awake, she was surprised to see him crying and with clenched fists. "What happened" Inosuke asked worried Goku still crying and deep in thought of him.

Goku had remembered all the memories of him that he lost by hitting his head and the more violent personality of him that now merged with his happy and somewhat silly personality.

He was thinking about everything he saw and remembered how his parents had probably died because of this person named Frezer that they mentioned, after sending him to another planet so that he would not die.

At that time Goku or Kakaroto now does not know which of the two names to use since they are both very important names for him, but he will think about it later, Goku remembering the death of his parents with everything and the planet remembered the name Frezer, I swear to live and take revenge on him, for the death of his parents. "Frezer" said with hatred as Goku had never been out loud before.

"Hey, Frezer? Who is he?" Inosuke asked curiously seeing Goku say that name with such hatred, he wondered who could make him so angry.

Goku hearing Inosuke and left his thoughts. "He's the one who killed my parents I just remembered" Goku said softly and sadly "Oh you had parents" Inosuke said curiously.

And after that I tell him everything he dreamed of and the memories he recovered, because it seems that he had lost his memory when he hit his head when he was younger.

After hearing all that, Inosuke felt a little sad for Goku and for him also seeing that the two are just as lonely, he suddenly remembered a story that the old man who taught him to talk told him about some brothers. "Goku let's be brothers so we will be a family and we will protect each other" he said pulling his boar head off with a smile.

Goku was surprised by that, but he accepted, because in these 6 months they had gotten very close. "Hahaha, I would be happy that we are brothers" Goku said with a happy smile still crying a little.

Inosuke was happy when he saw that and he also smiled. "I'll help you get back at that Frezer guy" Inosuke said with hatred towards Frezer. Goku hearing that was surprised. "No need" said Goku happy that Inosuke tried to help him like this.

"I'll help you" Inosuke said ignoring Goku; Goku seeing that I can't help but smile, since he knew that he couldn't make his now new brother change his mind.

After that the two of them brought the ship and kept it close to the house, and they decided to strengthen themselves from that very day they began to fight more often than before to become stronger so that one day they could take revenge on Frezer.

And so they spent 6 more months of quiet life while they trained among the now brothers, with Inosuke still trying to win and now a somewhat prouder Goku and no longer so stupid and somewhat more violent.

They did not even know everything that awaited them after those 6 months they would begin their adventure together.

Autor Note

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I will upload 5 chapters a week.

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