
Innovating Dynasty

The Knight's code commands lowly peons to fight to their dying breath. They will die for their country, their family and their own pride. But when this flawed system fails to last the test of times, the only thing left to do is to innovate.

The_English_Nerd · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Hello, everyone.

Ima get past the obligatory "thank you so much for clicking on my story, your support is greatly appreciated!" and get to the real shit.

This is not going to be a consistent place and chapters will come out when I feel like it. I will try to update my story as often as I can, but I have a very busy life and see this only as a hobby.

My plan is to do at least two volumes, but that may change as more idea's come to my head.

I did say just a second ago the "thank you for reading" thing, but I do hope you enjoy my story, any criticism is appreciated, even if you just say "this is dogshit quality."

That is pretty much it, I might update this with information about the story as it continues, but for now there isn't much else to say, except I hope you have a good rest of your day/night!