

Author's Pov

Amelia groans in pain as she felt a sharp pain in her back due to the hard wall that was there where she was resting upon. Her hands were tied up with chains, smalls cuts were starting to form on her wrists due to that.

She shooks Liam who was stating straight, nothing in particular/

Lima blicks and stares at Amelia who was looking at him with a confused face.

"What?" Liam questions. Amelia stares at him for a minute and then sighs tiredly. She was missing her home, her family and her friends. All this sudden kidnapping was too much for her to take, Liam was aware of that but he was impressed by the way Amelia is calm and collective.

"Let's go now," Amelia replies with a serious face. Liam sighs. He is disappointed with himself. He is the mafia's son but he is not able to do anything. All the years of practice and classes were going just in vain. He thought that no one can do anything to him but the situation he is in right now proved him wrong.