
One: Alone

Once Jimin is gone, Taehyung turns to see Jungkook playing on the couch with a stuffed bear.

Taehyung watches as he makes the bear hop.

"Bears don't hop." Taehyung scoffs at the boy.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung. "It's a special bear!"

"No such thing." He says, before he gulps noticing Jungkooks eyes well up with tears.

"B-B-But- M-My bear I-is special-" Jungkook pouts and he starts to wail, snuggling his face into his arm so Taehyung can't see his expression.

"No Kookie... don't cry- I was just kidding- of course your bear is special-"

Taehyung rushes over to the boy and rubs his back in circular motions until Jungkook looks up and smiles.

"Yay! B-Beary is s-special. L-Like me!"

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Yeah you're special, okay retard."

Jungkook covers his mouth and looks at Taehyung with wide eyes.

"T-T-Thats a b-bad word-" Taehyung covers his mouth.

"Oh crap- I-" Jungkook pouts.

"T-Taehyungie s-said bad word- t-timeout."

Jungkook points to the corner and Taehyung laughs. "Nice try buddy."

He scoops Jungkook up so he's thrown over his shoulder and he takes him into the bedroom, Jungkook flailing his arms desperately and giggling.

Taehyung laughs and he throws Jungkook onto the bed softly, and he starts tickling Jungkook.

Jungkook pauses. "T-Taetae?"


"I n-need a b-bath." Taehyung nods.

"Ew. I guess.." he sighs.

Taehyung walks into the bathroom and Jungkook follows.

"Alright, Jungkook."

Jungkook doesn't do anything except stare blankly at Taehyung.


"I c-can't t-take a b-bath by m-myself." He stutters out, unaware of his tinting cheeks.

Taehyung sighs, before pulling off Jungkooks shirt, revealing surprisingly abs?

Taehyung wasn't expecting abs, he was just expecting, you know, a baby tummy.

Taehyung pulls down Jungkooks pants, throwing the clothes away to the side before adverting his eyes and pulling down Jungkooks boxers, trying not to let his eyes linger on anything.

Jungkook slips into the warm water before playing with his bath toys and splashing bubbles.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung.

"W-Why d-did Jiminies p-pipi s-stick up b-before with y-yoongi?"

Taehyung sputters out, trying to regain his breath.

"I-Uh- He was just excited.. and uh- his pipi was excited too so it decided to- uh- stick up to celebrate Yoongi coming over???"

"Oh. So pipi's c-can be e-excited?"

"Y-yeah sure."

"I-Is that why m-my pipi was up b-before?"

Taehyung stands up quickly gritting his teeth and putting his hands out.

"Okay time to get out!" He says, helping Jungkook out who giggles.

"Y-Your pipi is e-excited." The younger blurts out, as Taehyung is dressing him.


AN: Ohp. Let's hope Jimin ain't gon hear about this one.