
Inlove with an Idol

River Dane Cuevas a filipino citizen, a women’s volleyball player representing Philippines who happened to have a huge crush on someone that is famous. Areum Kim, many people known her. Member of a famous girl group in Korea named Girls Rule. Well? She’s focus on career. Lovelife? Not on her priority.

Ririily17 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Areum Kim


"Areum Unnie!" I heard Lali calling me.

We are here in our practice studio. We are currently practicing our dance step for our next comeback. I've been exhausted for the past few weeks because of our non stop practice.

I'm drinking water when Lali called me. Our mentor give us a break thankfully because I'm so tired right now. And I just want to lay down on my bed all day to rest.

"What is it ha my baby Lali?" I said to her. My cute baby is tired already. She's like my baby sister and she's also our maknae, meaning she's the youngest in our group. She's like a baby sometimes but mostly she's acting like a monkey. There is a day that she keep on teasing us until we got irritated but we still lover her.

"I'm tired unnie. I need my Jessie unnie where is she?" She said then lean her head in my shoulder. Unnie in Korea means a person or a girl is older that you. Lali is very clingy to all of us especially with Jessie unnie. Feels like she's not in the mood to tease us maybe because of too much exhaustion.

"She's with Roan, I think they go to the toilet room." I said while patting her head and combing her hair with my hands.

I love to do that to all of my members it's like a hobby to me.

I look at Lali and she's pouting. She's cute whenever she's doing that. That's why Jessie unnie fall for this baby and Lali didn't know.

Jessie unnie tells me that I shouldn't tell Lali about this and I respect it just the way how I respect them. Jessie unnie is the oldest in our group. We are four in the group.

"Unnie!" Lali run to Jessie unnie when she saw her entering in our studio.

"Waeyo baby?" Jessie ask her. Waeyo means why.

Lali didn't answer but she hug Jessie unnie tight. Our maknae is very clingy today. I smiled at my toughts.

"Areum unnie how's our practice is it good?" Roan ask me after watching our two member hugging.

"So far so good but it's very tiring" I think we're doing good today.

"I agree with you unnie. I feel pain in very corner of my body." Roan said pointing her aching part.


"Guys I give you one month vacation." Sajangnim said. We call our CEO Sajangnim here in Korea. Is it true of what I heard right now? Really? Sajangnim really said that? It's a miracle you know.

He called us here in his office after we finished shooting the MV for our comeback.

We cheered after we heard what he says. At last we could rest. The shooting of our MV is no joke because our entertainment is not doing green screen he wants the actual. Its hard but the outcome is worth it. And also we are all used to it. I know that he just want to make it realistic. By the way our entertainment's name is Y Zone.

In every MV's we make are all tiring yet fascinated.

"Thank you Sajangnim." Lali said while smiling at him.

We also said our thank you to him. Then we headed back to our dorm.

"So what are your plans for our one month vacation?" Roan asked us as she sit on the couch.

We are here in our living area planning about our vacation cause its once in a blue moon. We should really think hard where we would spend it, a place that is worth it.

I am scrolling in my IG private account looking for a place to spend with but I still couldn't find any.

"How about we go to LA?" Lali suggested. She's laying in our sofa and her head is on Jessie Unnie's lap. They are always like that. Sweet with each other but no label other than unnie and maknae. Hihi!

"Yah monkey we'd been there for how many times." Roan said.

"Yah! You're a monkey too but okay your right." I laugh because of her cuteness and also surrendered to this monkey the second.

"I think we can go outside the country in the second week. Lets stay here in Korea for the first week of this vacation." Jessie unnie said. I think she's right and we didn't even have a country in our mind right now.

"Guys guys how about we watch volleyball?" Roan said.

"Hey Roro when did you had an interest in volleyball?" I asked her. From what I know no one in my member is interested in volleyball.

"This past few days unnie. I am bored that day and came into channel where volleyball is showing." She said to us. Seems interesting.

"Right right. Volleyball is good guys especially the players they are all good, I came by when Roan is watching and I also enjoy it. But sadly my country lost in that game." Lali said while pouting because of the lost of her country.

"So what country is their opponent?" I ask the two. Jessie is also listening to us maybe she is interested too.

"Philippines!" Roan happily said. "And I also noticed one of their member and gosh she's hot though." She excitedly said remembering the girl she told. "Yah Park Roan! I thought your focus on watching the game that time but your just drooling on one player." Lali said to Roro then poke her. Roro just laugh at her.

"Hey Lali it's just a crush cause she's also good in volleyball." Roan defended herself.

"Okay if you say so." Lali said but obviously not convinced with Roro's reason. Good thing they didnt argued.

"But guys you know what's a great news is?" Roan said while clapping her hands.

"What is it Roro?" Jessie unnie ask her. "Philippines won right?" Roan said and make it suspensed. Why do ask when she said it just right now.

"Yeah like you said right." I said to her rolling my eyes but she just laugh at me.

"Korea is their next opponent and guys it will be finals. Who won between the two is the champion." Roan said.

"Oh I didn't know we have a good player here in Korea." I said to Roan.

"Me too. I am also shocked when they announced that Philippines vs. Korea will be playing for championship." Lali said.

"I hope we win." Jessie unnie said to us.

"Hope so." I also said.

"Yahh! I'll support Philippines." Roan suddenly burst out.

"You Park Roan your just supporting them because of your crush. You traitor!" Lali said to her. Argh this two they are always bickering like that. Of-course Lali is always the one starting it.

"Yah I'm not a traitor monkey." Roan defended herself.

"And what do you call that if that's not being a traitor?" Lali ask her while laughing. This monkey she's always like that to this monkey too. But we all know that they love each other as twin sister or twin monkey rather.

"It's called being a fan. Yeah I'm a fan thats right." Roan said but we all laugh at her.

"Why are you all laughing? Is it a bad thing to be a fan?" She confusely said.

"There's nothing wrong with that Roro. It's alright to support Philippines." I said to her then I hug her. She smiled at me and hug me too.

"Thanks Areum unnie because you support me unlike this monkey." She said then rolled her eyes on Lali. But Lali just laugh at her.

"Stop both of you." Jessie unnie said to the twin.

"But girls the best thing is their game will be held here in Korea." Roan said excitedly.

"Monkey the Traitor is excited." Lali is still messing with her. But the latter just rolled her eyes.

"Jessie unnie is it alright if we watch the championship game? But not on TV unnie." Roan ask her. Her descision is important as she is the oldest.

"Of-course Roro but we have to inform Sajangnim first." Jessie said to her.

With so much glad Roan run to Jessie unnie for a hug not minding if she will hit Lali because as may I remind you guys she is laying her head in Jessie unnie's lap.

"Ouch Park Roan will you stop. Your hitting me." Lali said and just sit on our sofa glaring at Roro.

Roan made her revenge.

"Bleeh. Monkey!" Roan stick her tongue out.

"Roro when is the game?" I ask her and she is now thinking.

"Unnie I think the day after tomorrow. So two days from now." She said to us.

"Alright if Sajangnim approve then we will go." I said to her.

"Monkey can you show us the picture of your crush." Lali said to her as she sit beside Roro.

"Wait let me google it. Can I search Philippines volleyball team?" She ask us.

"Just try it Roro-ah." Jessie unnie said to her.

We are now sitting close to each other and keep on looking to Roan's phone.

For us its normal to have a girl crush. But I know for myself that I am straight. But right now I don't have a crush on anyone.

"Oh I found it." Roro said and we all look at her phone.

"Where where?" Lali excitedly said.

"Thats her." She said then pointed out the girl. Its their team photo so the face of each member is small and we can't see clearly the face of Roan's crush.

"Wait I can't see it." Jessie said.

Roan zoom in the photo.

"There she is." She then point the girl but the girl beside Roan's girl crush caught my attention.

It's like I am captivated by her eyes and also by her smile its very genuine.

"Ugly!' Lali said teasing Roro.

"Yah Mancov you are way more ugly than her." Roan rebutted.

When will this two stop teasing each other.

"Okay the two of you stop. If you keep on bickering we will not go to that volleyball championship." Jessie unnie said trying to scare them.

After Jessie said that, both of them stop from arguing and later on they are hugging. I can't with this two.

"I think girls we need to sleep its almost midnight and I am getting sleepy." I said to them while yawning.

"Areum is right. Girls Lets sleep for now. Good night girls." Jessie said then she stand.

"Good night unnies." Lali said then she kissed us one by one.

"Good night. I love you girls." Roan said and she hug us.

"Good night. Lets go." I said to them.

We go to our room.

But when I lay down on my bed I am not sleepy anymore. But a picture in my head flushed. Who is that girl?

When I got an idea, I get my phone and start typing on it.

Philippine's women volleyball team.

Right there and then I keep on looking to their group photos. I didn't even know her name but her face is captured in my mind.

I should have sleep.


"Waahhhh Areum Unnie!" I wake up with Roan's screaming and without knocking she is now inside my room. She lay beside me and keep on pestering me early in the morning.

"Wahhh unnie wake up." She said then hit my butt.

"What is it Roro it's still early." I said to her and keep my eyes close.

What's with this minkey the second she's being hyper early in the morning.

"But unnie its already eight o'clock in the morning." She said to me.

"Fine fine." I said and got up from my bed.

"Unnie Sajangnim agreed!" Roan squeeled in hapiness.

"How and when?" I ask her. I'm happy that Sajangnim agreed with this.

"Jessie unnie called him then ask him if we could go to that volleyball championship between our country and Philippines." Roan said and her smile didn't remove from her lips. I think she's already a fan of that girl she's talking about.

How about you? And you even looked for her in google.

"Alright Park Roan I'm happy that we could watch it. But right now I'll just fix myself after that I'll go out. Ok?" i said to her then she nodded.

"Okay unnie I'll head out. Love you." She then walk out of my room.

She's really excited and so do I. What? Its because I want to see how Korean player play volleyball.

But mostly HER.