
Inkstone's Fear The Walking Dead - Season 1

When reports of a virus are spreading around, Rick Grimes' own sister, Madison Clark and her family are put to the test when they have to try and survive in a world overrun by the dead.

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Episode 8 - Finale - Survive

Previously: With Ofelia getting bitten, Elizabeth killed Bethany, Elizabeth cut Ofelia's hand off to stop the infection. The group found the Abigail but the beach was overrun by hundreds of infected. The infected were heading to the house after hearing the gunshot that took down Bethany.


Madison Clark

Travis Manawa

Nicholas Clark

Alicia Clark

Elizabeth Ortiz

Christoper Manawa

Daniel Salazar

Also Starring:

Ofelia Salazar

Matt Sale

Victor Strand

Ofelia lays on the floor with her eyes closed, Daniel looks at Elizabeth "is-is she dead?" Elizabeth drops the knife onto the floor and she goes "she's fainted". Travis runs over holding some bandages. Elizabeth watches as Travis then wraps Ofelia's stump with a bandage.

Madison goes "now what?" Alicia runs over "the infected are on there way here!" Strand goes "so we're gonna have to fight through all of the dead" Chris looks at him "all of them? We'll die!" Nick looks at him and he goes "Matt, come with me!" Matt nods "alright" Matt and Nick then run off outside together. Madison looks at Nick worriedly, all of a sudden, a window smashes open and an infected person grabs Alicia by her hair. Alicia screams until Elizabeth and Madison run over and pull her off the infected, but pulling the infected inside. Elizabeth runs over and she picks up the kitchen knife and she then runs back over and she stabs the infected in the head.

Elizabeth looks out of the window and sees the rest of the infected starting to surround the house "oh shit" Madison looks at her "what do we do?" Elizabeth looks at her "what?" Madison goes "you were right about Bethany, so what do we do?" Elizabeth looks at her "if we make a run for it, we'll die, so we hold them off, we stay quiet until they move on" Madison looks at Travis who nods "let's move everyone upstairs" Madison looks at Strand "take all the food upstairs, Nich-" Madison turns around "wait, where did Nick go?" Alicia then goes "outside with Matt?" Daniel looks up "what are they doing?" Madison looks in shock "maybe he has a plan".

Outside, Nick and Matt run over to their two cars. Matt goes "wait, please repeat the plan!" Nick looks at him "we've got two cars, you take one, and I take one, we need to hold our horns and lure the infected away from the house, that way, everyone else can get to the boat" Matt nods "what about us?" Nick looks at him "we'll find a way, our first priority is getting our friends and family safe on that boat, you with me?" Matt then turns around and looks at Strand's house which is completely surrounded and he nods "I'm with you" Nick nods "then let's do this!".

Elizabeth carries a bag of supplies into a bedroom. Strand stands from the balcony looking down at all the dead, and he then looks at Abigail. Madison walks out and she joins him on the balcony and she then goes "we'll make it, somehow" Strand looks at her "did you find Nick?" Madison looks at him "no, I didn't...but I trust my son, so I will" Strand smiles "I hope you do".

Elizabeth looks at Chris who is sitting in the corner of the room and he goes "we're gonna die, aren't we? I mean everyone else is dead!" Travis walks in and he watches Elizabeth, who looks at Chris "we won't die, as soon as we're on that boat, we'll be safe from people, and the infected" Travis looks at her and he walks over nodding at Chris "she's right Chris! It will be okay!".

Daniel sits beside Ofelia, Alicia walks over and hands Daniel a glass of water. Daniel looks at her "thank you". Alicia looks at Ofelia and she then smiles at Daniel "she'll be okay, Daniel. I believe it! We've already lost so much, you...you have lost so much, and if there's a god out there, then I believe she'll be okay" Daniel nods "I really hope so, she's all I have left" Alicia smiles at him and puts her hand on his hand "you've got all of us now, Daniel!". Daniel smiles at Alicia "thank you".

The infected start to bang on the house's windows, Nick sits in a car and he looks at all the infected and he then turns around and looks at Matt in the other car. Matt sits in the car panicking, but he sees Nick looking over at him and Matt nods at him. Nick nods back at him.

Suddenly, both of them then hit their horns at the same time, all the infected begin to turn their heads, looking around and looking at the cars. Nick then starts constantly pushing the horn. Nick smiles as he watches all the infected walking over to the two cars that they are both in.

Madison runs to a window and she looks out of it and sees Nick in a car "no! NICK!" Alicia runs over "MUM?" Travis looks at her "Madi?" Madison looks at them "Nick and Matt are outside, luring them away" Elizabeth walks into the room and over to Madison "they've taken most of the infected, there are only a few leftovers, we can take them!" Madison looks at her "and you're sure? Cause if I lose anyone I care about, that will be on you!" Elizabeth nods "I know, let's go!" Strand walks in "I'm not complaining about leaving" Madison then goes "Alicia and Strand, grab all the bags of supplies, Travis, you and Daniel carry Ofelia to the beach. I and Liza will fight off the infected, we're gonna make a run for it!" Elizabeth looks at her and she nods "alright then".

Inside the cars, Nick looks at all the infected coming towards them. Nick then opens the door and he gets out. Matt then gets out and looks at Nick panicked "Nick? NOW, WHAT?" Nick looks at an infected person wearing a police uniform. Nick pushes the infected person to the ground and he picks up a rock and starts to smash its face in with it. Nick look at the infected and sees a handgun holstered, Nick then grabs the handgun inside the infected person's holster.

As Madison, Travis, Strand, and Alicia run out of the house, an infected growls at Madison. Madison shoots it in the head. Madison looks around and she sees Elizabeth stab another infected inside its head. The group of them start running down towards the beach.

As the group of them run past some beach huts, Elizabeth runs at the back of the group, keeping guard, but an infected then jumps out from one of the beach huts, grabbing Elizabeth. Elizabeth screams and she drops her knife, and she tries to fight it off. Elizabeth looks at her knife.

Daniel and Travis carry Ofelia. Madison runs at the front of the group as an infected person growls at them. Madison runs over and she shoots it in the head. Strand then runs up to the speedboat and he looks at Alicia "we'll take the bags, and then come back for the others" Alicia nods "okay, come on" Madison looks at Alicia "be careful" Alicia smiles "you too". Strand then starts the boat and Alicia climbs on behind him. Strand then drives off with Alicia.

Madison turns around and looks back at the house. Madison stares in shock as she then sees Elizabeth back near the beach hut, tackling with an infected. Chris stares in shock "MUM!".

Elizabeth screams as the infected's face then falls near Elizabeth's neck. Elizabeth then kicks the infected away from her, and as she picks up her knife, a bullet flies into the infected's head. Elizabeth looks up and she sees Matt and Nick stood beside her. Nick smiles "I found a gun" Matt helps Elizabeth up, as he helps her up, Matt then looks at his hands which have blood on them, Matt looks at Elizabeth and she nods "I know" Matt stares at her until Madison shouts "NICK!" Nick looks at her and he runs over to her and he hugs her. Madison smiles "good job Nick!" Nick smiles. Matt goes "we've got a problem-" Chris then points to the house and Elizabeth then sees all the infected people walking towards them. Elizabeth looks at Chris with tears in her eyes.

Daniel watches in shock as the infected get closer to them. Daniel goes "Nick? How many bullets do you have?" Nick looks at the gun "uh, ten" Daniel nods "I have eleven, only shoot when they get close" Madison then holds her handgun, which is out of bullets. Elizabeth stands beside Chris and she looks at him "I love you, Chris, remember that" Chris looks at her and he nods.

Suddenly a horn goes off behind them. Travis turns around and Alicia is seen standing on the deck of the Abigail "COME ON, QUICKLY!" Nick goes "mum, get Ofelia on, I'll hold them off until you're ready" Daniel looks at Elizabeth and he hands her his gun "keep us safe!" Elizabeth smiles "I will" Chris looks at Elizabeth "mum?" Elizabeth smiles "get inside, I love you, Christopher!" Chris smiles and he then follows Madison and the others. Elizabeth looks at Nick and she hands him Daniel's handgun "go, get on with them, don't risk your life, you have so much to give" Nick looks at her "Elizabeth?" Elizabeth then moves her shirt from her shoulder and Nick sees a bite on her shoulder. Elizabeth goes "that infected, near the beach hut. I know it's early, but I won't put anyone's lives at risk, now go! And you make sure Travis keeps my son alive" Nick nods at her and Elizabeth smiles "now run!" Nick turns around and Madison screams "COME ON!" the boats engines start to run again. Nick jumps into the ocean and he swings over to the Abigail, grabbing onto the ladder, and climbing up to the boat. Travis then goes "LIZA?" Chris stares in shock "MUM?" Nick goes "she got bitten". Travis shakes his head "no! LIZA, GET ON THE BOAT".

Elizabeth stands on the beach as infected walk closer towards her. Elizabeth stands there and she shouts "I GOT GRISELDA KILLED, AND I SHOULD HAVE KILLED BETHANY, IT'S WHAT I DESERVE, I'M GOING TO DIE ANYWAY, BUT YOU'RE GOING TO LIVE, KEEP OUR SON ALIVE".

The Abigail starts to move away from the beach and Elizabeth stands there and she closes her eyes as the infected grab her, and they pull her in, and they start to rip her apart, eating her.

On the boat, everyone watches as Elizabeth is torn apart. Chris' eyes open wide in shock.

Travis stands with Madison as the two of them hug. Daniel lays on the floor with Ofelia, who is unconscious. Nick looks at Matt and Alicia who are both looking away from the beach.

Nick then walks over to Strand, who is driving the boat. Strand goes "here we go then".

The Abigail drifts away from the beach, and away from all the infected that are eating Elizabeth.

Also Starring:

Ofelia Salazar

Matt Sale

Victor Strand

Next Time - Season 2 - With the group on the boat, Travis is shocked with what his son has done. A plane crash site leads the group to stop for supplies, Nick finds some survivors. Alicia has issues trying to adapt to the new world.