
Inkstone's Fear The Walking Dead - Season 1

When reports of a virus are spreading around, Rick Grimes' own sister, Madison Clark and her family are put to the test when they have to try and survive in a world overrun by the dead.

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Episode 3 - Changing

Previously: Tobias brought a knife into school but Madison locked it in her drawer at the school. Nick was at Madison's house. Travis and Chris met Daniel, Griselda and Ofelia in a barber and stayed there as a riot was brewing outside, but the building next door was on fire, Daniel said they all had to leave before it spreads. Elizabeth was at the hospital doing a shift.


Madison Clark

Travis Manawa

Nicholas Clark

Alicia Clark

Elizabeth Ortiz

Christoper Manawa

Daniel Salazar

Rioting is still head coming from outside, Daniel walks over to the counter and he then pulls out a handgun. Travis looks at him "be careful with that thing!" Daniel looks at him "if people come in, I will kill them!" Ofelia looks at him "we need to get out of here! Not kill everyone!" Griselda looks at her and Chris then looks at Travis. Travis goes "come with us, we have to go to the hospital first though" Daniel nods "where will we go?" Travis goes "to my house, my fiance is there" Daniel nods at him "okay, let's go then" Travis nods at him. Chris stands with Travis.

Daniel opens the door leading outside and as they all walk outside they see loads of buildings on fire and people screaming as rioting is happening. Chris grabs onto Travis's arm and they all start walking through all the people who are involved in the riot. Griselda looks around worried.

Madison sits beside the window looking out of it and as Nick sits on the sofa looking at her he goes "it won't speed things up mom" Madison looks at him and she goes "I need him" Nick looks at her until he puts his hand on his stomach and goes "ah!". Madison kneels beside him and goes "did you get any antibiotics? Or pain killers?" Nick looks at her "not enough time, everyone was infected" Madison sighs "shit!" Alicia then walks into the room "mom?" Madison looks at her "the school's got a med lab...we should have some meds in there" Alicia looks at her "you're going alone? People are fighting mom!" Madison nods "exactly, we can't all go...stay with your brother" Alicia looks at her "wait, what?" Madison goes "please, Licia! For me?" Alicia goes "be careful" Madison nods at her "I will". Madison picks up a set of keys and she walks outside.

Elizabeth walks outside and she takes a breather, she then looks at loads of blood on her hands.

Elizabeth turns back and she looks at the hospital, but there's suddenly a huge explosion and fire emerges from one of the top floors, glassing smashing everywhere. A body falls to the floor dead. Elizabeth stares in shock until she hears a voice behind her "LIZA?". Elizabeth turns around and she sees Travis and Chris running over with Daniel, Ofelia and Griselda. Elizabeth goes "Chris?". Elizabeth hugs Chris and she looks at Travis "what's happening?" Travis goes "everything's changing" Elizabeth looks at him and Travis goes "I can take you somewhere safe?" Elizabeth looks at him "to Madison's?" Travis looks at her "only until this thing blows over" Elizabeth sighs and then nods "fine, my car's in the parking lot, I need to get my keys-" Elizabeth then looks at the hospital and Travis goes "we have to go, they'll all be sick in there, it's not worth you getting sick!". Elizabeth nods "okay" Daniel looks at Elizabeth and nods at her.

A car stops outside of the school, and as the car door opens, Madison gets out of the car.

Madison runs over to the school doors, and she goes to unlock them until she pushes the doors open Madison looks at the door but then walks inside. As Madison walks in, she sees blood over the floor and she stares in shock until a voice then goes "Mrs Clark?" Madison stands in shock but turns around and she sees Tobias. Madison takes a deep breath and goes "Tobias? I...I? Just call me Madison" Tobias nods "can I have my knife back?" Madison looks at him as he then says "please". Madison nods "come with me" Tobias looks at her and he follows her to her a door.

Madison unlocks the door leading into her office and she walks over to her desk and she pulls out the pocket knife. Madison looks at the knife, and then hands Tobias his knife back and she goes "be careful out there Tobias" Tobias nods but then Madison hears a noise outside.

Tobias looks at her "w-we should go". Madison and Tobias walk out of the office together, where Madison then looks towards Artie's office, and she sees the door open. Tobias looks at Madison "Madison?". Madison then goes "Artie?". Madison and Tobias slowly start to walk up to his office door until a hand grabs onto the doorframe. Madison and Tobias stand there as Artie then slowly walks out of his office, growling. Madison and Tobias look at him in shock. Artie looks at them.

Alicia sits on her phone beside Nick, Nick looks at her "have a signal?" Alicia looks at him "no, I need to to talk to Matt". Alicia then stands up and she grabs her bag. Nick tries to sit up, but he coughs and goes "Alicia! Wait till mom's home and she can take you". Alicia looks at him "Jesus, Nick! He's just down the other street!" Alicia then grabs her coat and Nick shouts "shit...Alicia!".

Alicia opens the front door and goes to walk out until a car pulls up at the driveway. Alicia stands there watching as Travis runs out. Alicia goes "Travis?". Elizabeth and Chris then get out along with Daniel, Griselda and Ofelia. Alicia looks at Chris, then at Daniel and his family, Alicia goes "who're they?" Travis goes "that's Daniel, Griselda and Ofelia...they saved us" Alicia looks at him and Travis goes "where's your mother?" Alicia goes "she went to the school to get Nick some meds, he's still in pain" Travis stares at her "she did what? It's not safe out there" Alicia goes "well, I'm going to see Matt" Alicia goes to walk off, but Travis then grabs her by her arm "Alicia, I'm not your father, but I know that I wanna keep you safe, and I will not let you go to Matt's, something is happening out here, and you are not safe". Alicia stares at him "Matt's mom is a nurse! She could come and help him-" Elizabeth then goes "I'll take a look at him?" Alicia stares at her and Travis then looks at Alicia "see, now you can stay" Alicia then sighs and nods "thanks".

Madison goes "Artie?" Artie stands there growling at her with his eyes plain white. Madison goes "Artie? Can you hear me?" Tobias goes "he can't hear you, he's dead!" Madison looks at Tobias as he then gets his knife out. Madison goes "put it down, Tobias!" Tobias looks at his knife.

Artie slowly starts walking over to them and Madison goes "Artie? Listen to me! Can you hear me?" Tobias goes "Madison! He can't!". Artie then reaches out and he grabs Madison, pulling her to the floor. Artie tries biting her and she screams "ARTIE!". Tobias sees a chair. Tobias runs over to it and he grabs it, he then swings it and hits Artie with it. Artie then rolls away from Madison.

Madison then gets up and she looks at Tobias's knife. Tobias looks at Madison. Madison goes "give me the knife" Tobias hands Madison his knife and she takes it. Madison moves some hair away from her face and she goes "Artie?!" Artie growls at her and starts walking back over to her.

Artie grabs Madison's arm and she stabs Artie in his hand but he still tries to bite her until she then pushes him into the door and he falls over. Madison gets on top of Artie and she goes "I'm so sorry". Madison then stabs Artie in the head with the knife, but Artie continues to growl. Tobias looks at her "do it again!". Madison then aims her arms up and she swings back down, and she continues bashing in Artie's head with the knife until there is nothing left. Madison then sits up as Tobias helps her back to her feet. Madison wipes tears from her face, smudging some of Artie's blood onto her cheeks and she hands Tobias his knife back. Madison goes "I have to get some meds for my son" Tobias nods "t-the med lab is this way". Madison follows Tobias.

Later on, Madison loads her car up with some medicine and some food, she then closes the boot. Madison walks over and she gets into the driver's seat. Tobias stands near the window, Madison leans over, opening the door. Madison goes "I'll drop you off home if you want?" Tobias nods at her and he gets into her car. Madison starts the car and she starts driving. Madison looks in her mirror at the blood on her face. Madison looks back at the road, with tears in her eyes.

Minutes later, Madison then stops her car near a street and she then looks over at Tobias "you can come with me if you want?" Tobias looks at her and gets out a map and goes "I have to find my parents first, I have to know if they're infected too" Madison looks at the map "we could help you find them" Tobias shakes his head "I need to do it on my own" Madison looks back down at the map and she then draws an 'X' on the map and goes "that's where my house is, where we'll be, if you find them if you need somewhere to go, come to my house, we'll take care of you...I promise" Madison hugs Tobias and he then runs off and she starts the engine and drives off.

Travis stands at the front door as Madison pulls up in her car. Madison runs over to him and hugs him "oh my god". Travis smiles at her "good to see you too" Madison smiles and she goes "in the trunk of the car, I have some meds for Nick, and some food" Travis then nods "I'll grab them".

Madison walks into the bungalow smiling until she then sees Daniel, Elizabeth and everyone else in the house. Travis walks in behind her holding some bags and he then goes "I couldn't leave Chris and Liza, they're still my family. And Daniel and his family, they saved my life". Madison nods at him. Madison takes a bag from Travis and then walks over to Elizabeth who sits with Nick helping him. Elizabeth stands up "I know we have our differences bu-" Madison hands her a bag and goes "there are different pain killers...find the right ones for Nick" Elizabeth looks at her and smiles "I will" Madison looks at her "thank you" Elizabeth smiles "he'll be okay" Madison nods.

Madison walks over to Travis and she hugs him. Travis looks at the blood on her face and he goes "what happened?" Madison goes "Artie, he was at the school, he was infected. I had too-" Travis then pulls Madison closer and she starts to cry in his arms. Madison goes "he was gonna kill me".

Alicia then goes "mom, Travis! There's something going on outside!" Travis goes "what do you mean?" Alicia looks at him "take a look!". Travis and Madison then run outside and they smile.

Many military trucks start to drive down the street, soldiers jump out of the trucks and they start to shoot down any infected nearby. Madison looks at Travis. Travis smiles "we're saved".

A man then gets out of the truck and he looks around at all the people who start walking outside and looking at the soldiers. The man then gets out a megaphone and goes "PEOPLE, WE ASK THAT YOU STAY IN YOUR HOMES AS WE PUT UP FENCES, YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN FOR ENSURING THE SURVIVAL OF MANKIND. WE WILL ESCORT ALL OF YOU OUT OF THE INFECTED ZONE AS SOON AS WE HAVE CREATED AN OUTPOST HERE. THIS COULD TAKE MONTHS BUT PLEASE DO AS WE SAY AND WE CAN SAVE YOU!". Madison looks at them all and she holds Travis's hand and goes "what's happened" Travis looks at her and he goes "I don't know, but maybe we'll make it through this, all of us...together" Madison smiles at him, but she then looks down at the blood on her hands and she sighs "I really hope so". Travis looks at all the soldiers.

Also Starring:

Ofelia Salazar

Griselda Salazar

Matt Sale

Tobias Calvin

Artie Raymond

Next Time - Trust - When Madison gets suspicious that the military is hiding something, she goes to investigate. Alicia and Ofelia try bribing the army for extra supplies to feed their household. Daniel doesn't trust the Clark's. Elizabeth makes a rash decision.