
Inked:Devil's Road

What happens when everything you knew was a lie. And everything you've been told doesn't exist does. Tracy was always good at running away from her problems, but when she saw the rune for the first time, that was the last thing the Guardians would allow her to do. When you're constantly breaking the law, the last thing you think is gonna happen is that you'd end up being bound to Ancient Laws. Read on to find out what happens when the rebel meets the most powerful beings in the universe.

Onyx_Rose · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Killing With A Smile

Dominic had no idea how he ended up perched in a tree outside a classroom window. Somehow his mom had convinced him to find the girl. The mysterious girl who had awakened something deep in him. He had no idea he'd been lacking fire till she ignited him. He had seen her, rushing through the crowd, her face stone cold and emotionless, away from a guy she'd just been dancing with a few moments ago. When she rushed past him, she left a whiff of vanilla in her wake, and that had suddenly became his favorite scent. He wanted to stay away from her but at the same time was drown to her like a moth to a flame. As he was staring in a half bored state at the window, a commotion in the class caught his eye.


She'd been late to class, it was hardly her fault. It was just not a good morning. Firstly she'd overslept and then she'd had to help her sister get ready. She'd hardly had time to take a shower. She'd rolled into class a few minutes into homeroom. Every head had turned to stare at her.

"Late Again, Lets not make this a habit, Please take a sit," Mrs Jones said.

"Sorry mam," she'd muttered then took a sit. As soon as she sat down, she heard snickering behind her. Angela, of course it was her.

"What's the excuse this time? Late night with your crackhead friends?," She laughed. Lots of giggles followed her remark.

Tracy simply gritted her teeth and focused her attention on the board.

"Did you even take a bath?Smells like pot in here," The whole class burst into laugher.

Tracy's cheeks turned extremely red but she bit her tongue.

"No wonder your mother died, she didn't want a smelly crackhead ba-," she didn't get a chance to finish because a fist had shut her up. Tracy set an array of blows on her head, screaming obscenities at her. Everyone tried to pull them apart but to no avail. Before she could continue, a strong hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her away. She barely had time to register dark black hair before she was dragged out the door.

"Please don't take me to the office, I can't afford another demerit, my grandmother will take away my friend privileges,"

She stuttered.

A deep velvety voice said, "Where we're going, you won't have to worry about that,"

She felt chills go down her spine, Who the hell was this guy?