It's time for the supervillains to rise up and face Superman. And leading them is a guy in sunglasses?
Dr. Crane:
Jumping back as everyone drops into the infirmary, I am more than glad when the portal closes with The Man being the last to enter. My back presses up against the wall, I suck in my gut and squeeze my way around.
"Is everyone okay," I say, squeezing in between Swamp Thing and the wall. "Is everyone okay?"
"We're okay," Mr. Snart yells from somewhere in the middle of the room.
"Speak for yourself," Reverse-Flash screams. "My bones are broken, my head is rattling, and I'm stuck in a room with him."
I can't see but I'm guessing Reverse-Flash is pointing toward Flash. Again, I can't see any of this because I'm climbing over an incubator to try and get to some medical supplies.
"Yeah," Mr. Barry Allen replies. "Glad to be here with you too."
"Okay," The Man says, his voice echoing like thunder and quieting everyone. "Okay. That's enough. Enough. Everyone in here hates one another. No one cares. Just shut up for now. Iris, could you please open the doors so some of us could filter out."
"Got it," Iris says from the other side. Opening the double doors, she along with a few others enter the hallway. Now, with the extra space, The Man is able to clap his hands together and grab everyone's attention.
"Okay everyone," he starts. "I got a few things to get out of the way. A few of you are hurt. Dr. Crane and Iris, please tend to them. Swamp Thing, I'll start with you first. Please follow me."
"Uh," Iris starts, looking at The Man. "I don't know anything about healing, or tending to the hurts."
"It's fine, the doc can show you. He's not an expert or anything, but he knows enough. Come on Swamp Thing. We have some dealing to get out of the way."
Nodding his head, Swamp Thing starts to follow after The Man. Meanwhile, I grab some bandages and some ice packs and give them to Ms. Iris.
"Don't worry," I say, looking at Ms. Iris. "As The Man said, I'm not an expert or an actual doctor per se. But I have spent a lot of time reading medical books and The Man. Well, he actually is a doctor and has taught me a lot of things."
I laugh a little when I see Ms. Iris just staring at me.
"Uhh. Don't worry. I know what to do."
I watch as Dr. Crane and Iris start to help the others. Dr. Crane hands Leonard an ice pack while Iris starts to wrap a bandage around Professor Stein's arm.
"Are you okay," she asks, the Professor flinching as she finishes wrapping.
"I'm fine," the Professor replies with a laugh. "Just haven't been in a series of fights like that for a while. I'm surprised we all survived."
"You should thank us," Oliver says, waving at Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy just rolls her eyes.
Dr. Crane hands her an ice pack, she takes it and places it on her arm.
"Here," he says, also giving her a towel. "Don't place the ice pack directly on your arm. It could cause frostbite. Instead, wrap it in this and then apply it to the wound."
While they're tending to everyone else, I follow after The Man and Swamp Thing. Quickly flying out, I see the two of them at the end of the hallway. Just as they take a turn, I reach the corner and peek around it.
"They're going into the dojo," I thought, watching as The Man opened the door for Swamp Thing to enter. "What are they doing in the dojo?"
The Man:
Setting up the teleporter, I stand back and watch as a portal appears.
"This will lead you back to Slaughter Swamp," I say, gesturing toward the portal with a swing of my arm. "There, you can rest and heal until we need you again."
Growling as Swamp Thing looks at me, he then oddly nods his head.
"Thank you," he says, now smiling at me.
"Uhh. You're welcome, but there's really no need to thank me. This is just part of our deal."
"Not this," Swamp Thing says, "But for giving me hope."
"Now I'm really lost."
"You are a strange man, but nevertheless, you have also proven yourself to be a smart and capable man. One that can possibly end Superman's reign and restore the lost green. I will more than gladly accept to be a part of your Insurgency."
"It's not my Insurgency, it's Bruce Wayne. He's just elsewhere at the moment."
Nodding his head once more, Swamp Thing steps through the portal before it closes a second later.
"You know," I say, turning my head a little. "Here on Earth, it's considered rude to listen in on others' conversations."
The doors opening, I turn fully around to face Kara.
"You knew I was there the whole time," she says. "Didn't you? What is it? Super hearing?"
"No. A little trick I learned. I felt the vibration when you landed just outside the door."
"Again, a little trick I learned from an old friend of mine. What are you doing here anyway? You should be back in the infirmary with the others. All the fighting earlier knocked a lot out of us."
"You of all people shouldn't be saying that. You got beaten up, cut, and thrown around."
I wave my hand and let out a sigh.
"I've taken worse," I say, examining myself. Despite my purple arms, my ringing ears, and the cut on my back, I feel completely fine.
"Still," Kara cries, walking right up to me. Grabbing my arm, she looks at it. "You are hurt and should do something about it. I mean, at least get an ice pack. Oh, wait. I have an idea. Hold out your hand."
This time, it's my time to ask what.
"Just do it."
Shrugging my shoulder, I hold out my hand. As I do, Kara then starts to blow on it. Within only a few seconds, ice forms and starts to cover my hand. Grabbing my frozen hand, she then grabs her cape and wraps it around before putting it on my arms.
"I heard Dr. Crane say something about not putting ice directly on your skin," Kara says.
"Yeah," I reply. "It can cause frostbite. Something else I also experienced."
"What was that like," Kara chuckles.
"It sucked."
Kara and I looking at each other, our faces only mere inches from each other, it feels weird. I don't sense anything anymore. I can't hear anything except Kara's breathing. I can't see anything but Kara's face. All I see is just Kara. I feel like something has taken me over, and before I can regain control, I start to lend forward a bit.
"What are you doing," Kara screams, lending back. Stepping back, she pulls back her cape and her hands.
Fully back in control now, I step back myself.
"I-I--I," I stutter, trying to say something but instead just choking. Coughing into my fist, I apologize before running past her.
"Please," I beg, stopping at the door to look at Kara, Kara's horrifying face looking back at me. "Don't be mad."
Before she could say anything, I turn to run back to the infirmary.
"Stupid, stupid stupid," I cry.
Last chapter. Thank you for everything. I hope this brings a bit of delight to your day.