
Injured Werewolf Love

In "Injured Werewolf love" the werewolf is a former soldier struggling to reintegrate into civilian life after returning from a traumatic deployment. The CEO girlfriend, dealing with her own issues of loneliness and isolation despite her wealth and success, unexpectedly finds herself drawn to him. As they navigate their relationship, they discover that they both harbor deep emotional wounds that only seem to heal in each other's presence. However, their happiness is threatened by external forces, including the werewolf's former comrades who see him as a liability and the CEO's cutthroat business rivals who will stop at nothing to sabotage her success. Together, they must confront their pasts and fight for a future where they can find peace and acceptance, both within themselves and in each other's arms.

adegbite_feranmi · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

The View

Nana said, "a young woman is waiting for you outside," she called softly as Alex was laying on the couch. Alex frowned, puzzled. A young woman? Who could it be? He had no friends Nana didn't know, and most people he knew in Silverwood were merely acquaintances.

 Alex shrugged into a t-shirt and walked out of his room. When he opened the door, he saw Emily standing there, waving at him. He was shocked and surprised. They had planned to meet, but not this early.

 "Good morning, Alex," Emily greeted with a bright smile. "How was your night?"

 Alex struggled to respond, still trying to process her unexpected arrival. "Good morning," he finally managed, his face reflecting his confusion. "It was... fine. I wasn't expecting you so early."

 Emily laughed softly. "I couldn't wait. I wanted to get an early start and see the town before it gets too busy. I hope you don't mind."

 Emily looked at Alex with an eager expression. "Can we go out now? Are you busy or something?"

 Alex, caught off guard, stammered, "No, yes, no. I mean, I wasn't expecting you so early." He sighed, collecting his thoughts. "Okay, please give me a sec while I get ready to go with you."

 Emily gave him a playful smile. "Won't you invite me in?"

 Alex blinked, realizing his oversight. "Oh, of course, come in."

 As Emily stepped inside, Nana, always the gracious host, began preparing tea. While Alex went to get ready, Nana approached Emily with a warm smile. "Who are you, young lady?"

 Emily smiled back, feeling welcomed by the older woman's kindness. "I'm Emily, the representative of the Walton Corporation for the beer production project."

 Nana nodded, impressed. "It's nice to meet you, Emily. I hope Silverwood treats you well."

 They chatted amicably while Nana finished preparing the tea. Just as they were settling into the conversation, Alex came down the stairs, looking more put together. "Alright, let's go," he said, a mix of reluctance and curiosity in his voice.

 Emily stood up, ready to start the day. "Thank you for the tea, Nana," she said politely.Nana waved them off with a smile. "You two have a good time. Take care of her, Alex."Alex nodded, leading the way out the door. As they stepped into the morning sun

 Alex moved towards his bike, removing the extra elements in the bike case, and gestured for Emily to join him. Emily, a bit taken aback, asked, "Are we going on the bike? The car is here. Can we take the car?"

 Alex smirked, noticing her short play suit. "You'll be fine," he said, almost teasingly.

 Emily hesitated but eventually climbed onto the bike, feeling a bit exposed in her outfit. As Alex started the engine, she saw it as an opportunity to hold on tight to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Alex felt a bit uncomfortable with the closeness but revved the engine and took off.

 They rode through the winding roads of Silverwood, the wind whipping past them. Emily, despite her initial reservations, found herself enjoying the ride. They passed through the heart of the town, small shops and quaint houses blurring past, and headed towards Silverwood Park.

 At the park, Alex dismounted and helped Emily off the bike. His stern expression didn't waver as he explained the park's history, pointing out various landmarks. Emily tried to engage him, but his demeanor remained distant.

 "Is there any history behind this park?" Emily asked, trying to break the ice."

 Silverwood Park has been here since the town was founded," Alex replied curtly. "It's a place where locals come to relax and hold community events."

 Emily looked around, taking in the serene surroundings. "It's beautiful," she said softly, trying to find a way to connect with him. "Do you come here often?"

 "Not really," Alex said, shrugging. "Too many memories."

 Emily sensed the weight behind his words but decided not to push further. "I'm quite hungry," she said after a while. "What's Silverwood's favorite snack?"

 Alex, feeling a bit worn out by the trip, nodded and led her to a nearby snack bar. "You can get a hot dog and a soda here," he suggested.Emily followed his lead, getting her food and sitting down at a small table. She looked at Alex, who remained standing, and then said, "I know who you are."Alex's eyes narrowed slightly. "Who I am?" he asked, his tone guarded.

 She nodded, a knowing smile on her face as she took a bite of her hot dog.

 Emily finished her hot dog and leaned forward, a serious look in her eyes. "Okay, let's get to business," she said. "I would like to visit the families involved in beer making. Can we get a list?"

 Alex nodded. "I'll get the list from the mayor," he said, slightly taken aback by her sudden shift in tone.

 Emily stood up, smoothing her dress. "That's more like what a soldier would do—find out information," she commented with a slight smile, her words lingering in the air. As she turned, Lauretta stepped up behind her, ready to follow her lead.

 "Thank you for today, Alex," Emily said, her tone softer. "I appreciate you taking me around."

 Alex watched them leave, his mind racing. "Did she just say 'soldier'? Does she know something about me?" he wondered, a hint of anxiety creeping in. "Who is this woman, really, and what does she want?"

 As Emily and Lauretta walked away, Alex's mind buzzed with questions. The encounter had left him feeling unsettled and curious. He knew he needed to be cautious, but something about Emily's determination and curiosity intrigued him. There was more to her than met the eye, and he couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were crossing for a reason.

 Just as Alex was lost in his thoughts, Emily suddenly reappeared, a flash of red polka dots in his vision. "Ha! I forgot something," she exclaimed, her face inches from his. "Your phone number." She pushed her phone towards Alex.

 Startled, Alex grudgingly took the phone and typed in his number, all the while watching her with suspicion and curiosity. Emily smiled brightly. "Thank you. Have a lovely day," she said playfully, turning on her heel and walking away with a spring in her step.

 Alex was left standing there, intrigued and bewildered. Who is she? he wondered, unable to shake the feeling that there was more to Emily than met the eye. He stood for a moment longer, watching her until she disappeared from view, then mounted his bike and drove off, his mind a whirlwind of questions.

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