
Injured Werewolf Love

In "Injured Werewolf love" the werewolf is a former soldier struggling to reintegrate into civilian life after returning from a traumatic deployment. The CEO girlfriend, dealing with her own issues of loneliness and isolation despite her wealth and success, unexpectedly finds herself drawn to him. As they navigate their relationship, they discover that they both harbor deep emotional wounds that only seem to heal in each other's presence. However, their happiness is threatened by external forces, including the werewolf's former comrades who see him as a liability and the CEO's cutthroat business rivals who will stop at nothing to sabotage her success. Together, they must confront their pasts and fight for a future where they can find peace and acceptance, both within themselves and in each other's arms.

adegbite_feranmi · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

The Beast

As Emily and Lauretta delved deeper into the investigation, it was Lauretta's keen eye that uncovered the crucial clue they had been searching for. Zooming in on the soldier's tag in the CCTV footage, she was able to discern the engraved numbers and quickly relayed them to her contacts at the military.

 Weeks passed before they received a response, but when it came, It was a mixture of a good and bad feeling. The battalion to which the soldier belonged had been wiped out in the Afghanistan war, with only one survivor. The major they contacted, Major Reynolds, sat her down in his office, his expression somber as he brought out a framed picture of the fallen soldiers.

 "These men," Major Reynolds began, his voice heavy with emotion, "were some of the finest soldiers I've ever had the privilege of commanding. They were the vanguard, sent to gather intelligence in some of the most dangerous territories in Afghanistan."

 Lauretta listened intently, her gaze unwavering as she studied the faces of the fallen soldiers in the photograph. "Do you see him?" the major asked, pointing to a young man with a bright smile among the soldiers in the photograph. "That's Lieutenant Alex Smith. He was considered the kid brother of the team."

 Lauretta's expression remained stoic as she took in the information. "Do you know where he is now?" she asked, her voice steady and firm.

 The major nodded solemnly. "After the tragedy, Lieutenant Smith retired and returned home. Last I heard, he was living in Silverwood."

 "Thank you, Major Reynolds," Lauretta said, her tone respectful as she extended her hand to shake his. "You've been a great help."

 As she left the military base, Lauretta couldn't shake the feeling of determination that settled within her. She knew that they were one step closer to uncovering the truth behind the mysterious soldier, and she was resolved to see their investigation through to the end.

 Emily paced back and forth in her luxurious penthouse, her thoughts racing as she awaited Lauretta's return. Every moment felt like an eternity, the anticipation building with each passing second. Finally, the sound of the doorbell broke through the silence, and Emily rushed to answer it.

 "What did you find?" Emily asked eagerly as she swung the door open, her eyes searching Lauretta's face for any sign of news.

 But instead of excitement, Lauretta's expression was one of confusion and concern. "Why are you really looking for this young man, Emily?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry. "You don't need any more complexity in your life right now."

 Emily brushed off Lauretta's concern with a wave of her hand. "Did you find him?" she pressed, her determination unwavering.

 With a sigh, Lauretta took out her phone and handed it to Emily. "Yes, I found him," she said, her voice tinged with reluctance. "But I'm not sure this is a path you want to go down."

 Ignoring Lauretta's warning, Emily unlocked her phone and studied the photograph intently, her heart pounding in her chest. There, among the faces of the fallen soldiers, Lauretta pointed to a young man with a bright smile. "That's him," she said, her finger hovering over Alex's face. "That's Lieutenant Alex Smith."

 "Silverwood," Emily whispered, the name of the city echoing through her mind.

 As she turned away from Lauretta and gazed out onto the balcony, Emily felt a sense of anticipation wash over her. Silverwood held the key to unlocking the mystery that had consumed her thoughts.

 "Lieutenant Alex Smith," Emily repeated, her voice filled with determination. "Get me more information about this man."

 Lauretta nodded, her resolve matching Emily's. "Yes, ma'am," she replied crisply, already tapping away on her phone to access the necessary databases and contacts.

 As Lauretta sprang into action, Emily's mind raced with possibilities. Silverwood beckoned, promising answers to the questions that had plagued her for so long. But it also presented an opportunity for business expansion.

 Emily quickly researched the town of Silverwood and discovered its rich culture of beer making. A plan began to form in her mind—one that would not only satisfy her personal curiosity but also benefit Walton Corporation.

 "And let's plan to go to Silverwood," Emily added, her voice tinged with excitement. "But let's make it a business trip as well. I want Walton Corporation to explore opportunities in the indigenous beer-making industry there."

 With a shared nod, Emily and Lauretta set their plans in motion, ready to embark on a journey that would take them to the heart of the mystery surrounding Lieutenant Alex Smith and open up new avenues for business growth.