
Injured Werewolf Love

In "Injured Werewolf love" the werewolf is a former soldier struggling to reintegrate into civilian life after returning from a traumatic deployment. The CEO girlfriend, dealing with her own issues of loneliness and isolation despite her wealth and success, unexpectedly finds herself drawn to him. As they navigate their relationship, they discover that they both harbor deep emotional wounds that only seem to heal in each other's presence. However, their happiness is threatened by external forces, including the werewolf's former comrades who see him as a liability and the CEO's cutthroat business rivals who will stop at nothing to sabotage her success. Together, they must confront their pasts and fight for a future where they can find peace and acceptance, both within themselves and in each other's arms.

adegbite_feranmi · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs


Silverwood was a quaint town nestled in the heart of a lush, green valley. Surrounded by dense forests and towering mountains, the town exuded a timeless charm that seemed untouched by the hustle and bustle of the modern world. The streets were lined with cobblestone paths, and the architecture was a blend of rustic cottages and Victorian-era buildings, each telling stories of a rich and storied past.

 The centrepiece of Silverwood was its historic town square, where a grand fountain stood, adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and local folklore. Around the square, local shops and cafes thrived, offering a variety of artisanal goods and homemade treats. The air was often filled with the comforting aromas of freshly baked bread and brewing coffee, mingling with the earthy scent of the surrounding woodlands.

 One of Silverwood's most notable features was its renowned breweries, a cornerstone of the community for generations. The breweries are famous for their traditional beer-making techniques, passed down through families, and refined over the years. The brewery's taproom, with its warm wooden interiors and roaring fireplace, was a popular gathering spot for locals and visitors alike.

 Silverwood was also known for its vibrant festivals, celebrating everything from the changing seasons to the town's historical milestones. These events brought the community together, showcasing local crafts, music, and cuisine. The annual Harvest Festival, in particular, was a highlight, drawing people from neighboring towns to partake in the festivities and enjoy the bountiful produce of the region.

 Despite its idyllic setting, Silverwood was not without its mysteries. The dense forests that bordered the town were said to be home to ancient secrets and hidden paths, with whispers of old magic lingering among the trees. Locals often spoke of the moonlit nights when the forest seemed to come alive with unseen forces, adding an air of enchantment and intrigue to the town's peaceful existence.

 Alex's departure from the military was a pivotal moment in his life. With his resignation submitted, he felt a mixture of relief and sorrow as he walked away from the base for the last time. The memories of his fallen comrades haunted him, but he knew that he had made the right decision.

 As he returned to Silverwood, Alex hoped to find solace and a sense of normalcy. Silverwood, a town where everyone knew each other and where his family had deep roots. It was a stark contrast to the chaos and secrecy of his recent life in the military.

 Driving into Silverwood, Alex took in the familiar sights: the old stone bridge over the river, the town square with its iconic clock tower, and the cozy shops lining the main street. Despite the serenity of the town, Alex couldn't shake the weight of his past experiences.

 Arriving at his grandmother's house, a charming old cottage with a sprawling garden, Alex felt a wave of nostalgia and comfort. His grandmother, Nana, had always been a source of strength and wisdom for him, and he longed to confide in her.

 Nana was waiting for him on the porch, her eyes lighting up with joy as she saw him pull into the driveway. She hurried down the steps to greet him, wrapping him in a warm embrace.

 "Welcome home, Alex," she said softly, her voice filled with love and concern. "I've missed you."

 "I've missed you too, Nana," Alex replied, his voice thick with emotion. "It's good to be back."

 As they walked inside, the familiar smells of Nana's cooking and the cozy atmosphere of the house enveloped Alex, providing a sense of peace he hadn't felt in a long time.

 Over dinner, Alex and Nana talked about everything and nothing. He avoided the topic of his resignation and the war for now, preferring to bask in the normalcy of their conversation. But as the evening wore on, Alex knew he couldn't keep his burdens to himself forever.

 "Nana, there's something I need to tell you," he began hesitantly. "Something happened in Afghanistan... something I don't fully understand."

 Nana listened intently as Alex recounted the events of that fateful mission, the ambush, the loss of his team, and the strange transformation that had saved his life. He spoke of the secrets and cover-ups, his resignation, and his fears about his bloodline.

 "I don't know what happened to me, Nana. I think... I think I might be what you always talked about," Alex said, his voice barely above a whisper. "A werewolf."

 Nana's eyes widened, but she didn't look shocked or afraid. Instead, she placed a comforting hand on his."Alex, our family has a long history, and the tales I told you as a child were more than just stories. You're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together in the morning," she said reassuringly.

 The next Morning, Alex's mind raced with curiosity and a hint of trepidation as he followed Nana to the stairway handrail. She twisted the knob, and with a soft click, the floor by the entrance opened up to reveal a hidden staircase leading down into the undergrounds. Alex glanced at Nana, who gave him an encouraging nod before they began their descent.

 The air grew cooler and more musty as they made their way down the stone steps. Dim, flickering torches lined the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced in the corners of Alex's vision. As they reached the bottom, the passageway opened up into a vast chamber that took his breath away.

 The room was an ancient library, its high, vaulted ceiling supported by intricately carved pillars that seemed to tell stories of their own. The walls were lined with towering bookshelves, filled with leather-bound tomes, scrolls, and artifacts that exuded a sense of timelessness. The scent of aged parchment and ink filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of herbs and incense.

 In the center of the room stood a large, circular table made of dark, polished wood. It was covered with maps, charts, and old manuscripts, all carefully arranged and annotated. Surrounding the table were several antique chairs, their upholstery worn but well-maintained.

 On one side of the chamber, a massive tapestry hung from the wall. It depicted a majestic werewolf standing tall under a full moon, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Scenes of battles, rituals, and gatherings were woven into the fabric, illustrating the rich history of the werewolf lineage.

 Nana guided Alex to a smaller alcove off to the side of the main chamber. This area housed a collection of relics: ornate daggers, chalices, and amulets, each one imbued with a sense of power and significance. An ancient-looking pedestal held an open book, its pages filled with handwritten notes and illustrations of werewolf transformations, lunar cycles, and mystical symbols.

 "This," Nana said, her voice reverent and filled with pride, "is the heart of our family's legacy. For generations, our ancestors have preserved these histories and artifacts, passing down knowledge and wisdom about our true nature. It's time you learned about our heritage, Alex."

 Alex gazed around the room, feeling a deep connection to the history that surrounded him. He walked over to the tapestry, running his fingers over the intricate weave. "I had no idea," he murmured, awe-struck. "All of this... it's incredible."

 Nana smiled gently. "Our family has kept these secrets hidden for centuries, waiting for the right time to reveal them. Your transformation in Afghanistan awakened something within you, something that has been dormant in our bloodline for three generations."

 She led Alex to the table and opened one of the ancient tomes, its pages filled with detailed accounts of werewolf lore. "Here, you will find stories of our ancestors, their struggles, and their triumphs. You'll learn about the powers and responsibilities that come with being a werewolf."

 As Alex sat down to read, Nana continued, "There is much to understand, and it won't be easy. But you are not alone in this journey. We will face it together, just as our ancestors did."

 Alex felt a surge of determination and gratitude. "Thank you, Nana," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "I'm ready to learn."

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