
Iniquitous Bliss

Evelyn and Elliot undergo rough patches of life that stirs misunderstandings between the young lovers inflicting to separate paths. Contrapositive careers of each people acts as oil to the flame. The blooming love and want between romantic youngsters in their early twenties slowly starts to crumple into shards in their own state. Arthur enters their life with very little to no insinuation unwittingly destroying the house of cards placed together. Willpower, Self respect, fiery love, final desire and patience were place to check to pass with varied consequences and hurdles thrown their way. Is winning of their fiery love written in fate!

minnie_2113 · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Way Back

"Are you heading somewhere?"

"Yeah, back home!"

"Finally, when are you leaving though?"

"Tomorrow morning and be back after new year"

"I should sulk alone then" Jace sighs watching the latter pack his bag

"Call your boyfriend Jace, I know you want to!" Elliot replies with a cocky smile

"Wanna meet him?"

"He is in the car outside"

"Call him idiot"

Elliot waits in the living room with a bottle of champagne and glasses waiting for his friends. Christmas is just done but he never felt so sad and gloomy on the Christmas eve. There is a missing piece, missing piece of glass which is stabbing his heart too much. Last Christmas they were together in London for a 5 day vacation which was the longest trip they ever had. Beautiful moments, lovely date nights, candid pictures, silly giggles and long walks were worth everything. He was planning on proposing her this new year but it just took 20 minutes for everything to turn into shackles


"Where are we heading to? Elliot come on!"

"Patience sweetheart"

"I am listening the same word from past 20 minutes" Evelyn sighs giving up and just closing her eyes.

"Love you" he pecks her knuckles softly pulling her out of the car


"Wait wait, not yet"


"I know my name is hot"

"Stop with your cringe lines stupid" She chuckles following him blindly

She opens her eyes to feel her standing on the deck of the boat they hired for the evening decorated with lanterns and white roses scattered everywhere. The sight was gorgeous. The Regent's Canal was looking beautiful in the setting sun with cool breeze touching the skin. A pair of hands wraps around her waist kissing her earlobe softly standing on the deck making her lean into his touch.

"It's so gorgeous Elliot"

"Not more than you"

"No more cheesy cringe stuff is rolling off your tongue"

"Such a mood spoiler you are!" he unwraps his arms stepping back a little

"Words can be cut off in many ways Mr. Writer" Evelyn launches forward connecting their lips in a sweet passionate kiss tugging his hairline a little

"Who is being cheesy now Mi Cielo, hmm?"

She pinches his arm and steps back walking away to the table filled with delicious dishes and different drinks. Evening breeze, setting sun, orange skies, romantic lights and enticing dinner were too beautiful to be true. The couple takes a seat as the waiter pours a drink and serves the food leaving them alone

"Don't get too drunk, kay?"

"I have high tolerance than you!" Evelyn cocks a brow clinking her glass for a toast

"It's hardly 4th time you are drinking Evelyn, don't be too much of yourself"

"Cocky, aren't we?"

"Is this my Christmas present then?"

"There's so much more to come darling!" Elliot smirks chugging his drink




"He is here. Adam, he is Elliot" Jace introduces them standing nervously with a hand on Adam's shoulder

"Glad I finally met you Adam!"

"Me too, are you fine with us?"

"I am completely fine and happy that my friend decided to reveal after 2 years" Elliot rolls his eyes making Adam to smile a bit

"I am leaving for a week, feel free. Good night" Elliot smirks causing Jace to hit his head hard

"Good night Elliot"

"I am so relieved that you two got along"

"I told you not everyone is the same Jace, truth won't change based on people's speculation. We accepted ourselves and are happy. Don't think too much" Adam pats his boyfriend's shoulder leaning on the headboard

"Hmm, love you and why don't you come over for this week?"

"I will think, office is far from here. Maybe we can meet and I will stay over the weekend?"

"Sounds good but I am sleepy" Jace yawns throwing a hand over the latter's waist

"Lazy ass, goodnight"

"Text once you reach, Bye"

"I am not a baby Jace" Elliot retorts stuffing his luggage

"Whatever, I can have freedom now"

"I will remember the words idiot"

"Elliot, do think about what we have discussed okay? Hope you both have a proper closure, please don't push any further!" Jace mumbles sternly poking his head through the window making Elliot nod with a smile

"Bye Adam, have a good time" Elliot drives away leaving 2 boyfriends behind

A 4 hour long drive is almost reaching it's end along with Elliot's confidence. The landmarks reminding him that he is just a little away from his hometown causing his confidence and strength to fly away like a feather. He knows what's gonna come next, what he is gonna pass after few minutes, high chance of catching a glance but does he really deserve it? Watching without consent is a mistake right? Does he still have that right to barge in? Can he still behave in a possessive way?

There comes the building which he used to go at anytime of the day just to catch a glimpse of his girl. 'Rhythmic Castle' was right in front of his eyes where Evelyn dances everyday and he watched her dance for the first time. She was elegant and looking ethereal while dancing and he was mesmerized completely. All those memories flashed in front of his eyes while passing the building. 3 more lanes and he will reach his home and meeting his parents after 2 months without proper contact is overwhelming


"Oh my, Elliot! Come in" His mom hugs him tightly pulling him inside the house

"How are you both?" Elliot asks running his palm through his mom's dark locks

"Fine fine, we missed you so much though. How can you just leave like that and inform later idiot"

"I am so sorry Mom, I came back right?"

"Are you gonna stay back?"

"Not yet decided dad but as of now no" Elliot sighs seeing the smile vanish from his parent's face


I am not ready Noah

// Everything will be fine Evelyn. You have done so many before, you will be good //

I don't think I am ready yet Noah, please I really need 2 days of practice

// Evelyn don't stress out too much please! You can practice there, it's just that we are leaving 3 days earlier. You will be fine dancer, can I come over? // Mia asks as Evelyn sighs and nods plopping on her brother who is resting peacefully

"What the hell Evelyn?"

"Wake up" She responds calmly with a confused expression

"What's the matter?"

"I need to leave for New York day after tomorrow"