
Iniquitous Bliss

Evelyn and Elliot undergo rough patches of life that stirs misunderstandings between the young lovers inflicting to separate paths. Contrapositive careers of each people acts as oil to the flame. The blooming love and want between romantic youngsters in their early twenties slowly starts to crumple into shards in their own state. Arthur enters their life with very little to no insinuation unwittingly destroying the house of cards placed together. Willpower, Self respect, fiery love, final desire and patience were place to check to pass with varied consequences and hurdles thrown their way. Is winning of their fiery love written in fate!

minnie_2113 · Thành thị
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15 Chs


// Mr. Smith, the board wants to have a meeting with you. Will you be able to make it today? //

Sure Mrs. Brown. I will be there around 11

"Good Morning, Panel"

"Morning Mr. Smith, have your seat"

"Is there anything important Mrs. Brown?"

"Quiet a thing which probably won't be sweet to your ears! There's a Copyright Infringement on your recent drafts, it's leaked and people suspect that you claimed other writer's drafts. Your statement on this?"

"It's my personal work, why would I do that?"

"It's society's say! They are suspecting as a writer shared fragments of his new work on his social media platforms few months ago. Your drafts read the same thing, we managed to get them down but chaos is everywhere"

"Can I know who the person is? How can they say it's plagiarism?

"It's confidential Mr. Smith, we will try our best but a Press Conference will be held tomorrow morning and your presence is mandatory. Hope you cooperate"

"How can drafts get leaked? It's my own work and I can't see it get crumbled"

Dylan storms away from the panel, door slamming loudly as he walks towards exit with trembling legs and sweat trickling down is forehead only to meet with flashing lights and massive crowd of reporters surrounding the door

"Is it true Mr. Smith?"

"Is there any press meet?"

"Is anyone involved in this?"

"Mr. Carter works under the same label as you? Were you in Hot waters with him?"

"What's the relation between you and Mr. Carter?"

"Is there any reason for his sudden disappearance?"

"What's your statement on this rumors? Do you consider it as baseless?"

All the questions thrown at him were right but the person whom they were directed was feeling nauseous of the outcome. He thought about it. thought about this situation but he didn't know that Mr. Carter would share something about his work before releasing. His drafts were out of sight, Dylan even managed to snatch his drive but he didn't bother to check the latter's public connections

It backfired at the right time. A month more and there was a 90% chance of his Novel getting published but what now? Everything is breaking into pieces right in front of him. He needs to come up with some reason, remedy, solution in less than 24 hours. It's true that Mr. Carter's drafts were used, so foolish of his to leave some lines the same. Main question bothering his mind was how did his drafts go out to media?

Two of the security guards rush to the author who is standing completely frozen in front of the media escorting him to his car and closing the door assisting the media to leave the place. Car drives away with a lost, depressed and helpless man inside it who looks pale and still. His phone rings breaking his blank thoughts as he looks at the screen and picks up with hesitation

// Morning Mr. Smith //

Morning Mr. Jones

// I just wanted to make a request and I don't wanna prolong this but I am sorry Mr. Smith. I can't be as Co-author of your upcoming novel. My humble apologies //

He lost it, everything is feeling so unreal. It was going completely fine 20 minutes ago. Unexpected panel meeting, crowd of reporters and sudden phone call to cancel their collaboration. His car drives away into his building complex only to be met with awkward stares given by people from his neighborhood


"Here, your tickets!"

"We didn't ask for it though!"

"But I want both of you there and you Mr. Writer, bring him along with you"

"I am not gonna sit and watch you losing. Nah, I am out of it" Rowan chuckles

"Shut up, you are supposed to encourage her idiot!"

"What's the use if brother and boyfriend act the same. I am here to annoy and you to take her side, cheesy people"

"Right, he is a cheesy shit!" Evelyn chuckles pairing up with her brother

"I supported you Evelyn!"

"So! My he is my brother"

"Whatever!" Elliot walks to the door when a pair of arms tickle him from behind kissing his shoulder softly

"Just a second!"

Evelyn moves away nodding as Elliot leaves to attend the call

// Damn it Elliot, where are you? //

New York, why?

// When did you even leave idiot? Did you see the news? //

Is there any explosion? Earthquake?

// A tornado who took away a person who is responsible for your misery //

What are you implying Jace?

// I met with Adam in the morning and he is a bit into literature. Then I saw the news that Dylan Smith was charged with Copyright Infringement. The rumors are that he stole few lines from a writer who posted exact same lines on his social media few months ago and he goes by name Mr. Elliot Carter //

When the hell did this all happen?

// Turn on the news, I need to go Bye Bye //

"Rowan, turn on the news" Elliot rushes inside with tensed and a little happy smile on his lips


"Did something happen?"

There it is, ashamed face of Dylan Smith all over the news. Pride and happiness erupts and a smug smile creeps over Elliot's face watching the scene unfolding in the news. Dylan walking into his car with emotionless and fear filled face is everything he could wish for. Evelyn hugs him patting his shoulder assuring that justice is done but his mind just replays the events that occurred because of that one particular person

"It's over, love. He can't do anything now. You won Elliot"

"That bastard needs to suffer, he changed our lives Evelyn"

"It's okay, we are fine now"

Evelyn hugs him close placing soft kiss on his temple gently rubbing his arms watching the news. A single tear escapes Elliot's eyes trailing down his cheek making her hug him more tighter assuring him

"You got your hard work back Elliot, no one will doubt you. He stole yours and he made you suffer, now his deeds kicked him back. Don't stress about it too much, hmm? Once we go back, meet your publishers and have a word with them, kay?"

"Yeah, I am so happy Evelyn. This is the best day and I don't wanna spoil it for you. Get ready we need to head out soon"

Elliot and Rowan enter the arena filled with limited people as the award ceremony is not for fans. Contestants and their families are invited for the ceremony making the place less crowded. Thank Evelyn that she got seats right across her vanity room. They can see her but maybe she can't. Three teams gave out an excellent performance 2 days ago. Manchester, Canada and Sydney teams killed the stage. A tough fight but he hopes his love wins as it is her dream stage and she performed after years of hard work

Contestants along with their instructors walk down the ramp moving to their allocated sections. Theme is blood red, which complimented her rather tan and golden skin perfectly. A red flowing gown with wine accessories made her stand out. Elliot got a glimpse of her as she didn't let him know her appearance before hand

"Did your brain freeze my brother-in-law? I know my sister's beautiful"

"You will know when you find someone for yourself"

"I wanna stay single after witnessing your cringy love" Rowan puts up a fake disgusting face rolling his eyes earning a smack

"My time will come too brat when you bring a girl home"

"I bet I won't be cheesy like you. How do you even come up with those pick-up lines? Eww"

"Shut up! Your sister doesn't have any problem"

"Both are cheesy shits, why will she have?"

"Let me watch the show, get lost dumbass"

"Maybe I may find one for myself if I stay back" Rowan smirks making the latter scoff

The ceremony starts with a opening performance by one of the well known artist in the US continuing with Guest introductions and speeches. The most awaited moment of the night arrives with high anticipations lingering in the crowd making Elliot anxious every second. After 10 minutes of near death experience 3rd prize with awards and cheque is under the name of Sydney as each of their contestants received with happiness giving off their winning speeches