
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Greenmeadow’s Tragedy

The sun began to peek over the rolling hills, casting its golden rays upon the quaint village of Greenmeadow. In this idyllic corner of the realm, life moved at a gentle pace, and the villagers knew each other by name. Among them lived a young boy named Luke, the son of a simple farmer named Thomas, and the brother to a spirited little sister named Emily.

Luke's days were filled with routine and simplicity. From dawn till dusk, he would toil alongside his father, tending to the crops that stretched as far as the eye could see. The fields were their kingdom, and the fruits of their labor sustained not only their bellies but also the entire village.

Thomas was a wise and hardworking man, instilling in Luke the values of humility and diligence. But it was Luke's mother, Catherine, who brought warmth and laughter to their humble cottage. With her gentle touch and nurturing spirit, she ensured their home was a sanctuary amidst the ever-changing seasons.

Catherine possessed a wisdom that surpassed her simple village upbringing. She would sit by the hearth, spinning tales of far-off lands and mythical creatures, captivating Luke and Emily with her words. She fueled their imaginations, allowing their dreams to take flight like birds in the sky.

Emily, with her bright eyes and infectious laughter, was Luke's constant companion. She had a mischievous spirit, always ready to explore every nook and cranny of Greenmeadow. Luke cherished their bond, protecting her as fiercely as a lion guards its cub.

As Luke matured, so did his dreams. While other children played in the meadows, he would often find himself gazing at the distant horizon, wondering what lay beyond. The tales of grand adventures and heroic deeds whispered by travelers ignited a fire within him—an insatiable curiosity that yearned for something greater.

But Luke's aspirations were not met with enthusiasm by everyone in the village. Some dismissed his dreams as foolish fantasies, reminding him that their humble life was all they needed. His father, however, saw the spark in his eyes and the longing in his heart. Though he wished for Luke to remain content in their peaceful existence, he understood the restlessness that drove his son.

"Luke," Thomas would say, his weathered hands resting on the boy's shoulders, "Never forget where you come from. The soil beneath our feet and the sweat on our brows—these are the foundations of our lives. But if your heart tells you to seek more, follow it. Just remember to carry the values we hold dear, no matter where your path leads you."

Luke cherished those words, etching them into his soul. He knew that the world beyond Greenmeadow would be vast and unforgiving, but he was ready to embrace the challenges it would bring. Little did he know that fate had a grander plan for him—a destiny that would shatter the simplicity he had known.

As the chapter draws to a close, a dark cloud casts a shadow over Greenmeadow, hinting at the storm that loomed on the horizon. Luke's life as a farmer's son would soon take an unexpected turn, setting him on a course filled with adventure, danger, and the revelation of his true purpose.




The bustling market square of Greenmeadow was a vibrant tapestry of colors and sounds. Luke and his father, Thomas, navigated through the lively crowd, weaving between stalls filled with fresh produce, handcrafted goods, and the chatter of villagers engaging in animated conversations. It was a welcome respite from the toil of the fields—a moment of community and connection.

Luke's eyes always widened in wonder as he took in the sights and aromas of the market. The air was thick with the fragrance of freshly baked bread and the tantalizing scent of ripe fruits. The jovial atmosphere was infectious, lifting Luke's spirits and momentarily freeing him from the weight of his responsibilities.

Thomas and Luke engaged in friendly banter with familiar faces, exchanging greetings and stories. The village was like an extended family, and the market served as a hub where bonds were strengthened and news was shared. Luke's heart swelled with a sense of belonging, savoring these simple moments of joy.

But fate is a capricious companion, and the tranquility of the market was abruptly shattered. A chorus of screams echoed through the square, tearing through the air like shards of glass. The vibrant scene twisted into chaos as a group of armed assailants stormed the village, their intentions veiled in darkness.

Panic swept through the crowd, scattering villagers in all directions. Fear took hold of Luke's heart, his hand instinctively seeking his father's for guidance and reassurance. Thomas, with a steely determination in his eyes, pulled Luke close, his grip firm and protective.

"Stay close, Luke," Thomas urged, his voice steady yet tinged with urgency. "We need to get back home, now!"

They dashed through the market, dodging panicked villagers and the clatter of overturned stalls. The once-familiar streets morphed into a labyrinth of confusion and danger. Luke's heart raced, his senses heightened by the impending threat that loomed over them.

As they neared the outskirts of the village, their hurried steps came to an abrupt halt. Smoke billowed from the direction of their home, tendrils of destruction reaching towards the sky. Dread washed over Luke, freezing him in place as the realization of what lay before him,

Their eyes fell upon a devastating scene that etched itself into their souls. The lifeless bodies of Catherine and Emily, their beloved wife and daughter, lay motionless in front of the charred remnants of their home. Thomas's breath caught in his throat, his voice stolen by the sheer magnitude of the loss. Tears streamed down Luke's face, his grief intertwining with a burning rage that threatened to consume him. In that haunting moment, their anguish was shattered by the harsh voices of the attackers. They turned their heads towards the sound, locking eyes with those who had orchestrated this unspeakable tragedy. The callous shouts of the assailants pierced the air, echoing with a chilling blend of triumph and malice, leaving Thomas and Luke with no choice but to flee, their hearts burdened by the pain of witnessing their loved ones' final moments.

Thomas' grip on Luke's hand tightened, his gaze locked on the chaos that unfolded before them. Tears welled in his eyes, mixing with the soot that stained his face. With a voice strained with emotion, he uttered the words that would forever haunt Luke's memory.

"They've taken everything from us, Luke. Your mother... Emily," Thomas' voice quivered, his anguish palpable. "We have to go, son. You must run, find safety. I'll hold them off."

Torn between the love for his family and the fear that gripped his heart, Luke trembled with a mixture of grief and desperation. The weight of his father's sacrifice settled upon him, an unbearable burden that threatened to crush his spirit.

"No, Father!" Luke's voice cracked, his words a desperate plea. "I can't leave you!"

Thomas' face contorted with a mixture of anguish and resolve. His weathered hand gently cupped Luke's tear-stained cheek, a gesture of love and sacrifice that etched itself into Luke's soul.

"You..you have to survive, son. You have to." Thomas whispered, his voice filled with a love that transcended the boundaries of this world. "Run, and live the adventurous life you always wanted. I love you."

With a final, heart-wrenching look, Thomas released his grip on Luke's hand, turning back towards the chaos that consumed their home. Luke stumbled backward, his legs heavy with sorrow and the burden of his father's sacrifice.

As he forced himself to turn away, tears streaming down his face, Luke ran. The echoes of his father's defiant battle against the encroaching assailants followed him, his spirit guiding Luke towards an uncertain future.

The world around Luke blurred as he fled, his tears blending with the rain that poured from the sky, as if the heavens themselves mourned the loss of Greenmeadow. In his heart, a fire burned—the fire of vengeance and the unwavering determination to honor the memory of his family.

As Luke disappeared into the distance, the village of Greenmeadow became a scarred tableau of devastation. The sacrifice of Thomas, the loving father and valiant protector, would forever be etched in the annals of their shattered lives. From the ashes of tragedy, Luke would emerge as the lone survivor.