
457 Infrastructure

As they flew back toward the Fae Forest, Cassie looked around the plane with disappointed eyes.


"This isn't going to be big enough. If we're bringing so much gear all the way across the Wastes, we need the ability to carry more gear, or we need more than one plane. Two isn't going to be enough to keep up the supply lines this summer, much less during the winter when we're actively helping forces in battle." She informed Wolfe with a serious look on her perpetually innocent-looking face.


"You're right. We definitely need more planes and more trained Pilots. We can't keep sending out the same few Witches all the time and not anyone else. 


If anything happened to one of them, we would be in real trouble with no replacement to keep our allies supplied. Do you think that we should have Ella and the team design a bigger plane, or should we work on more of these ones so that we don't have to teach the Pilots a new control set?"