
452 Eastern Allies

The plane leaped to action when Wolfe pushed the throttles forward, racing across the water before smoothly lifting off into the sky.


The view around the Fae Forest was much different than it had been a few weeks earlier. The dead grass was looking more vibrant green as far as the eye could see, and the lingering coldness that never seemed to leave the Wastes, even in the summer, had vanished, leaving the air warm even this early in the morning when the sun had just crested the horizon.


As Wolfe understood, that was how things should be, as the Frozen Wastes sat near the equator of the planet, and only magic had kept them frozen this long.


They had a three-hour flight to the meeting point at cruising speed, so Wolfe settled in for a long flight, keeping the plane stable while wishing that high levels of mana density didn't overload electronics.