
425 Accomodations

The approach to the village was everything that they could have hoped for. With the wall of trees in the way, you couldn't actually see anything, and the looks of confusion as the witches were led from the riverboat down the wall toward the main gates were priceless.


"Ladies, welcome to Forest Grove," Wolfe informed them just as they came around the last corner to the main gates.


The three new arrivals rushed past him to see what he was talking about and stopped dead when they reached the gate.


Half a second later, Ember and Stephanie raced past them to jump up on Cassie and Wolfe, who laughed and caught them in their arms, with Cassie nearly being taken off her feet by twenty kilos of hellhound.


"Well, I missed you too. But you know, if you actually wanted to come along, you just had to ask." Wolfe laughed as Stephanie climbed onto his shoulder and began to purr.