
194 Home Grown Goodness

Given an entire day to pool their magic, the witches had come up with a very impressive meal for the Den. The Scouts had managed to hunt down a three-hundred-kilogram turkey monster today, and it had been roasted and was set out to be served with all of the holiday classic side dishes.


They had mashed potatoes, cranberries, yams, and biscuits with a berry puree that likely would be a jam if they had the time to make it, finished with what appeared to be ice cream.


"Where did you get cream from?" Wolfe asked as he saw the small dishes next to everyone's plates.


"Coconut milk. The trees grow really fast, so we have lots of coconuts available already." Priya laughed.


"Oh, this is amazing. I don't think I've ever had this flavour before. Coconut, did you say?" The Fox Demon asked while she sampled the frozen treat.