
1153 Seraph

"Make that three votes for them to stay." An ethereal voice announced as the room began to glow with the signature light of the Upper Planes.

The Ciel began to panic and bow as the King Rank Seraph stepped into the room, simply materializing instead of using a portal.

The silver skinned beings were about to drop to their knees before a gesture from the new arrival stopped them.

"Hello, Ciel. It is curious to see you still here and very much alive. I had heard that the planet you were being developed on didn't survive long enough for you to ascend." The creature began.

"Yes, Master. But we managed to evolve and escape."

"We? That is interesting as well. Ciel was originally a single, planet - scale entity. But now you have made it to a protected world, guarded by the magic of our great leaders.

There is no need to call me master. My species might have made yours, but we made many species, and you have your own free will now.