
Inheriting A New Prophecy

Harry Potter dies and reincarnates as Percy Jackson .

James_0903_ · Kỳ huyễn
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chapter 2

Before the self proclaimed Lord of the Dark could form a response Harry sent out a magicalpulse that called his familiar to the Potter Lord's side. Fawkes had come to Harry shortly afterthe old man had died and the two magical beings bonded. As soon as the phoenix landed onHarry's chest the mage chanted in an ancient language a spell that he had learned from one ofthe oldest books in the Potter family vault.

When Harry finished the short incantation (the magic relied more upon a complex mix ofemotions the caster must project rather than the chanting) his body exploded from beingturned into pure energy. At the same time the last Potter had pushed a button on a small cubein his pocket. The cube contained an expanded space in which rested a muggle nuclearweapon. The atom splitting device was small in comparison to most but the weapon was bigenough to do what the wizard needed.

Given sufficient enough time and preparation wizards could survive a nuclear blast throughwards but no wizard could survive one at point blank range without knowing what washappening. Riddle's eyes had just enough time to go completely wide in surprise before theDark Lord was atomized. Every Death Eater in the ancient castle met the same fate as theirmaster. The castle itself didn't survive but the wards did hold long enough to contain thenuclear explosion before the magical barriers gave out as their energy saturated anchor disintegrated.

After the blast cleared, nothing was left of the once great structure that was Hogwarts Schoolof Witchcraft and Wizardry. Meanwhile Harry Potter felt his mind and soul being hurtledthrough time and space as the last spell he had cast was carried out. The mage's very essencewas combined with that of Fawkes the phoenix. The Potter Lord had modified the enchantment slightly to accomplish the merger but the changes ensured the caster's continued survival.The spell was designed to let the caster be transported to another reality where they wouldthen merge with the soul of their alternate persona in that new universe. It wasn't too hardfor the wizard to create an additional merger at the onset of the spell. Harry had learned fromthe spell's crafter that the enchantment had been tested as the past wizard had used the magicto travel to Harry's home reality from another, escaping a tragic past. That ancestor and pastreality traveler just happened to be named Merlin.

When Harry felt his consciousness swim into existence in the new reality the warlock felt hisbody and quickly realized that he was now much younger physically than his previous twenty-five years of age. As memories from his new life quickly integrated with Harry's newlymerged consciousness the powerful magic user was forced to dodge to the side as a creaturestraight out of legend dove at his thin form.

A man in a wheelchair came into the doorway of the large room Harry found himself in justthen and yelled, "What ho, Percy!"

The sitting man threw a pen at Harry which the wizard caught and felt transform into a sword.

The demonic winged creature spun towards the now sword wielding reality traveler in mid airand yelled, "Die honey!"

Harry swung the sword through the creature with skill born from years of practice with theSword of Gryffindor. The monster exploded into yellow dust. The old man was gone, havingslipped off during the slaying, and the sword was a pen again. As he held the seemingly simplewriting utensil Harry could still feel the magic in the object. The enchantment the wizardsensed felt like a transfiguration spell identical to the one the Sword of Gryffindor had upon itso the ancient blade would adapt to whatever form of bladed weapon the wielder required. Harry surmised the enchantment on the sword he now held was to turn it to and from a penwhen the spell was triggered.

Having a suspicion about the trigger ,Harry pressed down on the top of the spring loaded device and watched satisfied as the object turned back into a sword. The clicking noise usually heard from the type of pen the sorcerer held was replaced by the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

"So magic definitely exists in this reality," Harry mused aloud.

Harry slipped into an Indian style sitting position on the floor and took a few minutes to absorb the memories from his counterpart in the new universe aided by his occlumency skills. Harry's new name was Percy Jackson and he appeared to be twelve years old. Harry quickly concluded that Percy was definitely not a normal young man. No, Harry could feel the part of himself that had a lot of power, the magical kind of power. Inside of himself the warrior could sense the merged essence from Fawkes combined with the essence of the Hallows that had been on the wizard's person during his reality transition. The new state of the Hallows was unexpected.

The Hallows wouldn't fully control the Death of the new universe but the mage still could sense a limited influence. Strangely the battle hardened warlock could also feel the craving to be near water via the new power natural to his counterpart even before Harry's essence had arrived. The Potter Lord decided the new energy would need to be explored in detail later. For the time being Harry exited the museum he had fought the creature inside of to meet his classmates and rejoin their field trip.

It had started raining and the water felt really good to the dark haired youth. Harry touched the water power within him with his newly transferred wizard born power and the act made the water feel like it was energizing the mage. A girl Harry recognized as Nancy Bobofit glared at him.

"I hope Mrs. Kerr whipped your butt," the unattractive girl said while she sneered at Harry.

"Who," the wizard questioned, not recognizing the name from any of his new memories.

"Our teacher…Duh," the girl answered.

"Where did Miss Dodds go?" Harry queried his friend, Grover, to see if the other boy knew what was going on.

"Who," Grover responded in apparent confusion but the warlock could hear the pause in Grover's reply.

Harry knew instantly from the boy's reaction that his friend knew something which Grover didn't want to clue Harry in on. The wizard entered Grover's mind with his legilimency…or tried to. It was hard to get a read on Grover. The mage could feel the magic coming off of his friend now that Harry was actively probing the other boy. Activating a power he had picked up by mimicking the charms on Mad Eye Moody's magical eye Harry looked intently at his friend Grover. Seeing through the boy's clothes Harry was surprised to find furry legs and hooves instead of feet. It looked like Grover was a Satyr. That would explain why Harry found it difficult to use the mind arts on Grover.

Harry was at least able to discern the satyr knew what happened with Miss Dodds but nothing else. If he wanted to the warlock could probably push harder with his legilimency probe but the act might fry the satyr's brain. The trick with his eyes was one of the more interesting abilities Harry had found he possessed. The Man-Who-Conquered often found he could generally pick up a magical ability just by observing a user of one of those abilities. Harry had even picked up being a metamorphmagus from Tonks back in his old universe.

Looking over at Mr. Brunner, Harry's Latin teacher and the organizer of the field trip, the mage saw a centaur sitting in a wheelchair through the magic simmering in the warlock's eyes.

"Well that's not something you see every day," Harry mused as he walked over towards the teacher that was far more than what was observed at first glance.

"Ah that would be my pen. Please bring your own writing utensil in the future Mr. Jackson," Brunner told Harry as the Potter male handed the sword pen back to the centaur.

Harry simply nodded before he walked off to explore more of the metaphysical nature of the newly merged Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.