
The Call

Finishing her meal, Sarah left for her apartment. Once there, she plugged her now drained phone and laptop on charge and powered on to continue her work.

Her apartment, modern and sparsely furnished looked neat but was hardly anything that reflected her. She moved here since her new job and had rarely spent any time redecorating it. Truth was that Sarah spent barely anytime doing anything else except work ever since she moved to the city four years ago.

Frowning at inaccurate calculation in one of the costings, she picked up the phone called the production head. It was past 12 and he was sure to grumble but it didn't make much difference to her. Asking him to revise the calculations and re send before office tomorrow she hung up. Tired, she unplugged her phone and moved to her bed.

Suddenly her phone vibrated in her hand and sound of the ringer echoed in her room. "Hello" wondering who would call at this hour from a private number, she answered.

"Ms. Cooper! I am Marcus Jaxons, from Jaxons and Jaxons, Mr. Cooper's personal lawyer. I am sorry to inform you that he breathed his last at 12.15 today. It was his wish that you shall be informed of his death as soon as possible."

Sarah sighed. "I'll be there on the first plane out." She said and hung up. Calling Welly for travel bookings, she packed her bags and left for the airport. A 3 am flight to St. Moran and a hour drive to the small town of Astrile before taking the boat to his uncle's estate. Of course, the boat will be there already, since they all will be waiting for her for last rites.