
Inheritance : The Progenitor of DxD

Living my life as a normal teenager was more troublesome than I could have ever thought .Not only did something terrible happened to me one year ago, but after that incident I had to live in a town that was filled with the smell of fallen angel, devils and church slaves. And above all of those things, I had to keep a low profile so that I could keep my life intact and my bloody diet. * I don't own High School DxD or Strike the Blood Same thing with the cover. The only thing that I own are my OC and the changes that I would make. * Also this is a fan fiction aka an AU world so for the love of the God, don't start yelling that in the original that didn't happened or that it went completely different : I know and I don't care. Love, Meatbun

MeatBunKun · Tranh châm biếm
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40 Chs

Chapter 16 - Abe's family 2/2

"There's no point wasting my breath and time arguing with a worthless daughter who is wasting my goodwill. Not only do you slack off from your studies, but you even have the audacity to bring a boy here, in my own house? You should be ashamed, I have told you clearly that your only job is to learn as much as possible about all kinds of creatures, and hopefully, you will soon start taming those powerful or rare creatures so that your prestige as the heiress of our family could be used for the good of the whole family. Leave, I don't want to see you until you are worthy! As for you boy, stay behind."

Abe gave me a worried glance before she left the room, leaving me alone with her angry and disappointed father. Seeing that she left, the only thing that I can imagine is going to happen is that the fun will begin as soon as either one of us opens his mouth to talk. Yet for some reason, I start to believe that he'd rather ask me a price for leaving his precious daughter rather than insult or even scare me.

Not surprisingly, after a minute of silence, Abe's father start getting impatient which made him bring up the question that I was awaiting since he made his own daughter leave the room.

"Tell me your price, kid. No sane person would reject free money, right? How much money do you want from me, so that you will leave my daughter alone so that she can focus on what she is supposed to do?"

Now, don't get me wrong, I'd never refuse free money if I know that I could get it and then break my promise to him, but I can feel that there's more going on behind the scenes than he shows and the only clues that I have are his words and his body language. This man doesn't seem to be angry, it's more like he is acting angry to scare and put pressure on Abe rather than be actually disappointed about what she was doing. Previously, when Abe was present, he used worthless daughter, now he's suddenly using the words "my daughter" which makes me just a little bit suspicious of his true intentions.

"Sir, I don't need money or anything you can offer to me. Your daughter is my friend and no matter what you say, I'll never abandon my friends, since that would make a worthless scum, and we both know what would happen to one, am I right, sir?"

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear to you boy. I'm not here to bargain with you, boy, I am telling you what you should do. If you don't break any relationship you have with her, I'll have your family suffer a fate worse than death. Your mother and if you have a sister would become subjects of relief for men while your father and if you have a brother would become donators for the richest patients, as for you, you'll be thrown into the hellhounds pen. So tell me, boy, would rather keep your family alive or would you sacrifice everything for a girl that you barely know and most likely would never get the chance to know?"

Normally such threats and words won't work on me, but, unfortunately for all of us, not only it was a full moon tonight, meaning that all of my senses were working as if I was on some rather powerful drugs, add in the mix the fact that he insulted me more than once since I've entered the house and you get the recipe for a home-made angry progenitor.

For the first time in a good while, I felt as if my control over my body was weakening, yet at the same time was different from before. If before I would completely blackout and let my animalistic side do whatever it wanted, now it felt different. Not only could I regain control over my body if I wanted, but at the same time, I could also let my animalistic side rampage until I feel satisfied with the destruction thus making me even more dangerous than anyone ever wanted.

Before the man could scream or retreat, I swiftly grabbed his neck, and dragged him across the desk, keeping his neck just a few centimeters away from my face.

"Tell me, why should I keep you alive, human?"

No matter how cliché and edgy it may sound, I need to act like a proper monster and that means that I need to look at him as if I was looking at an insect. Basic scare tactics 101 first tips assure dominance over the weak and keep them in check.

Surprisingly though, the man just laugh in my face as if everything was just a joke to him, which made me speechless did I scare him so hard that he went insane or maybe he's confident that I won't kill him?

"Haha, kid, for once someone has the balls to threaten me in my own home. I've got to say you have some mighty balls of steel for doing that and for that you have gained my respect. Sorry for my bad acting, but I had to be sure that you aren't one of those money suckers pricks that want our wealth and connections. My name is Kiyome Tanaka. Now would you please let me down? It's kind of awkward to speak like this."

Still speechless by what I've just heard, I subconsciously let the man down while at the same time, I was waiting for Tanaka to continue his explanation.

"Seeing how you are a rather strong vampire, I believe it would be easier to explain to you more about us and what our family is doing. As you may have already found out, we are what most supernatural races refers to as beast tamers, which is a branch of the magic community dedicated to taming and breeding supernatural creatures for different purposes. Since we are one of the few families from Japan that are on good terms with both the devils and the Youkais, we got a lot of contracts from both factions which made us quite rich over the years, but at the same time, these same riches made us a target for the other families that desire our wealth. Since my wife and I didn't have a son, our daughter needs to be the heir of our family. That also means that she would be the one who will have to inherit the business, unfortunately for her, that also means that she would have to marry someone sooner than we and she wanted, and as you may have already guessed, those families want to use this opportunity to somehow force a marriage on us. I can't just let my baby in the hands of those old fossils and their disgusting good-for-nothing sons. That's the reason behind my behavior towards my daughter. Neither I nor did my wife want for her to find the truth as we both know that she would be devastated and that she would herself for bringing so much trouble to us."

"I …I didn't expect her situation to be so complicated and yet, as always… politics are always present in the supernatural world from what I saw."

"That's true, kid, no matter what side you pick, enemies would always appear to steal your life work, and happiness just because they believe they deserve it. Once again I'm deeply sorry for what I said, but I had to test you to see if you really are a true friend of my baby girl."

"While I would appreciate it if you won't ever talk like that about my late family, I can't hate a father that is trying so hard to protect his daughter from harm."

"Thank you. By the way, kid, I don't know if it's a sensitive matter or not, but can I inquire what you are exactly? Are you a newborn or are you already over one hundred years old?"

"I'm just a few months older than your daughter, sir, but as you may have guessed, I'm one of a kind if you know what I mean."

"Interesting, please, tell me your name kid. I want to know the name of the boy that had the guts to stand against me."

"Akatsuki Kojou, sir."

"Take care of my daughter, Kojou-kun, and if you would ever need help don't hesitate to ask us. Our family won't ever leave their friends and allies alone in the face of danger."

"I'll keep that in mind, have a good day, and sir, please try to be just a little bit less harsh with Abe."

"Get out boy, before I get angry."

As soon as I left his office, Tanaka relaxed his body.

Seeing that I left his office, he let out a sigh before leaning back on his chair.

"What do you think about him, Cat?"

As soon as he asked no one in particular, a humanoid form morphed out of his shadow, revealing a voluptuous dark-skinned woman wearing a shinobi outfit.

"To tell you the truth, master, that boy is way more dangerous than the devils that are in the same school as him and the young miss. Though I believe he doesn't even know what he is truly capable of I'm looking forward to what would happen if the big shots find out that the fourth is back. Who would have thought that that little bitch found herself an heir?"

"The fourth?"

"The fourth progenitor, master. A monster amongst monsters, he's someone that could rival Carmila or Tepes, maybe even surpass them if he lives long enough to mature and harness properly his power that is what the boy is, master."

"Would it be dangerous for us if we befriend him? Would the loyalist vampires target our family if we ally with him?"

"Directly? I doubt it. Even if they are proud of themselves and rather dumb, they won't risk another holy war just for the sake of it. At least those two won't do it, but there's also the First…she's… a mystery."

"Well, we will have to see what the future will bring. Have someone trustworthy keep an eye on Abe and especially on the boy. Who knows when he would need your help."

"As you wish, master."

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel(at least six-chapter ahead ) or my other active one(The Son of a Legend and for the upcoming Zombie novel about a group of students trying to survive in a Zombie apocalypse >

<Patr3on Link: https://patr3on.com/meatbunkun

Author note ---- I'm back from amongst the dead once again. Expect a new chapter a day and one RW.

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