
Chapter 378: He Has These Connections!_1

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"What is this?!" Kevin said in surprise, looking at the small piece of paper in his hand.

It was a corner torn from a business card, quite irregular, with no words on it, just a pattern.

This pattern was a company's LOGO—it represented the Tengyun Group!

A Fortune Global 500 company, a media giant among the top fifty—Tengyun Group!

Being in the same industry, how could Kevin not recognize it!

"Did Bai Xiaosheng give this to you?!" Kevin asked in surprise.

Ariel nodded.

Combining what Ariel had said with this small piece of paper, it was clear that Bai Xiaosheng was telling him that his friend—a person from Tengyun Group—wanted to talk to him about cooperation!

Did Bai Xiaosheng still have connections in Tengyun Group?

Kevin flipped the small piece of paper, frowning slightly.

Bai Xiaosheng should know that even if he had friends in a large group like Tengyun, it wouldn't be anything remarkable.