

She smoked, did drugs and drank alcohol in school for fun and to cope with her feelings i felt mad and sad at the same time I tried to tell her to stop but she never listened so I just ignored it but after a month I got curious and was influenced I wanted to know how it felt like but instead I asked her to do graffiti w me we did vandalism on our school and in the streets my classmates snitched on me which led to suspension for 1 week after my suspension we still did some for two days then stopped we carried on in school and one day I tried vape one time and got snitched on again which led to 2 major offenses they didn't suspend me for that but after that we never tried to do anything like that again I focused on school and studied my mother stopped me from being friends with her and we almost got separated but I still talked to her in school and on social media after months we graduated