
Infinityverse God Power

Returning from school, Akuro Kenshin, in his mind a normal boy, walks quietly to his house. Arriving, as soon as he opens the door and puts his foot inside, suddenly a light surrounds him and he disappears.

KuroNoKenshi2020 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Chapter 13

Already the other day, after everything that had happened Akuro was at school ready to leave since he had finished all classes that day.

Issei then approaches Akuro who was putting his things in his backpack.

Issei : Hey, akuro - says approaching.

Akuro : Speak - he says finally finishing packing his things.

Issei : It's just that today the club meeting will be at my house, the president said that they are renovating the club room.

Akuro: Got it. So let's go? - he asks already picking up his backpack and supporting it over his shoulder.

Issei : Yes, just wait a bit - he says and then starts moving his head from side to side as if he is looking for someone.

Issei : Hmmmm... Over there - he says finally finding what he was looking for.

Issei: Asia! - he said, getting her attention.

Asia : Is it time yet? -she asks as she stops talking to the girls she was talking to.

Issei: Yes.

Asia then says goodbye to her friends and runs out with her backpack in hand, towards Akuro and Issei.

Akuro : Asia, are you going with us too?

Asia: Yes. Am I going to be disturbing something? - she asks realizing that maybe Akuro didn't want to hang out with her.

Akuro : Of course not, let's go! -she said with a smile and starting to walk.

Asia: H-Hai (Y-Yes) - she said, blushing slightly.

So issei, akuro and asia start to walk to issei's house and along the way they were having a lot of fun talking to each other.

Akuro : So where are those four?

Issei : If you're talking about the former fallen angels, as far as I remember the president said that dohnaseek is in the underworld to solve some political matters for her, since if he stayed here only as a school counselor, he wouldn't do much - says speaking what he knows.

Asia : As for raynare, kalawarna and mittlet, she said that she sent them to form some contracts around, and it's been a few days since they appeared - she also says speaking as far as she knows.

Akuro : I get it, it looks like Rias doesn't intend to go easy on them, I even feel sorry - he says with a comical sweat on his head.

With the existence of akuro in this world some things changed, one of them was rias who didn't live in issei's house like in the original, maybe because she wasn't in love with him as she should be, another thing was akeno who didn't have to be sucking power do issei in a perverted way for his arm to return to normal and that is thanks to akuro who with just a single thought made issei's arm return to normal. Rias had also already told everyone what had happened the other day, of course with Akuro's permission, as he had no problem letting her do so, one thing that put him in a good mood was that she came to ask him first before to tell, unlike some works he had read, when everyone found out that he was not the bearer of a sacred gear, everyone had a priceless face.

Already at Issei's house, where everyone was already gathered except the four former fallen angels who were working by Rias orders.

Rias : Let's start our meeting!

All: Hai (Yes).

Rias : This month we had...

Rias: Akeno's eleven contracts.

Akeno: Yes.

Rias : Koneko's ten.

Koneko: Yes.

Rias: Eight of the yuuto.

Kiba: Yes.

Rias : And three from Asia.

Asia: Yes.

Kiba: Good job. Asia!

Akeno : Ara,ara, My goodness! Not bad!

Koneko : Not bad for a newbie.

Asia : Thank you so much!

She was happy that everyone was praising her, but the person she most wanted to be praised apparently wasn't paying attention, and that was Akuro who was looking up at the ceiling seemingly with her head in the clouds.

Akuro (Thinks): "That ending in the anime left a lot to be desired, I researched and by the looks of it they changed most things from the original material, should I read the novel" - Akuro was thinking about the anime he had watched on last night.

But he quickly pulls himself together and as he knew what they were talking about both because he had already watched the anime and because of his powers that make him think about several things at the same time, so even if he was thinking about the anime he had watched he was perfectly listening to what they were saying.

Akuro : Ho, you did well asia - he finally said to the praised one.

Asia : Thank you... - She thanked with a slightly flushed face.

Akuro : But come on, what about Issei - he asked already knowing the answer.

Issei: Hmm...

Rias: Well Issei...

Rias: Zero.

Issei : I'm sorry - he said while scratching his head.

Akuro : Seriously man, you can lose to the asia that just entered and the worst thing is that it was by "zero" - he said looking at Issei with some pity.

Issei : Oy, stop looking at me like that - he said while a dark shadow covered half of his face in the typical anime comic scene.

Issei : I'm doing my best ok - he said while hitting the ground with his fist in a comical way.

Akuro : I know - he said while turning his gaze to the side and making a face of someone who wasn't quite believing it.

Issei : It's true - he said now shaking the akuro by the collar and crying comically.

All-Issei and akuro : Hahahahahahaha.

They were finding the interaction between akuro and issei amusing, until issei's mother appears with some cookies for them to eat.

Issei's mother: Excuse me! -she says coming in carrying a tray full of cookies.

So akuro stops playing with issei and decides to say hello to his mother.

Akuro : Hello, sorry to bother you. Let me get that," she said as she took the tray from her hand.

Issei's mother: Well, Issei, I see you have good friends, and all of them are beautiful - he said referring mainly to Akuro and Kiba.

Akuro : Hahaha, thanks - he said while putting the tray with the cookies on the table for everyone to help themselves.

Issei : Mom, what are you doing here? -asks because she didn't think her mother would come to her room when she was at a club meeting.

Issei's mother : I came to bring these cookies and...

In her hand now was a photo album, and yes, it was of Issei when he was a kid.

Issei: Huh?

Issei's mother: When Issei was in kindergarten - he said while showing a picture of him as a child this time naked.

After she brought the album they had already seen a lot of pictures, and unlike the original rias and asia weren't that interested, but in compensation for that...

Akuro : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, look at the size of his little thing - he was laughing so hard that little tears were forming around his eyes.

Issei : Hey Akuro, stop bugging me - says Issei, red with embarrassment.

Akuro : I bet nothing has changed even after so many years, Hahahahaha - back to engaging in laughter.

Issei: T-Teme (M-Damn) - says even more red with shame.

Even Kiba, perhaps under Akuro's influence, was holding back from laughing and Issei noticing this foamed with rage, the girls seeing this could only burst out laughing.

After that, some things happened that akuro already expected would happen, kiba seeing the picture of issei and his childhood friend and noticing the holy sword that was in the picture and remembering his purpose for being alive and akuro was watching everything in his waiting for the moment he thought he should intervene. Another was that that same day at night, Issei went to try to form a contract and came across one of the strongest men in the world and leader of the fallen angels faction "Azazel", but Issei still didn't know that, and then he acted normally despite some moments I found it a little strange, and all this was being observed by akuro who was floating in the sky and seeing and hearing everything from afar by his powers.

That same night, rias called all of her nobility to eliminate a deserting demon that had abandoned her master, and she didn't call akuro, he assumed it was because she thought she didn't need his help, akuro didn't care much, he just watched everything from the sky floating.

He also saw the interaction between issei and kiba where he said that his purpose in living was revenge, and the destruction of the sacred sword "Excalibur", and even saw the quick fight between kiba and freed who was in possession of excalibur, also taking the opportunity to check and from what he saw freed really didn't remember anything that had really happened when they fought, apparently in his mind he just lost and not massacred as he was in reality, finishing watching everything akuro decides to go home.

The other day in the morning, sona sitri and tsubaki shinra were walking towards the school when they came across two hooded people at the entrance of the school and as sona was reading she stopped briefly and looked at the figures in front of her.

Tsubaki: President? - he asks seeing that his president suddenly stopped walking.

Sona : A holy sword... - she whispers to herself.

Already inside the school, specifically in the building of the occult club, they were surprised with the new look and cleanliness of the place.

Asia : Wow, I get a reflection - she says referring to the floor that was so clean that it was reflecting things.

Issei : Yeah, I love the reflection! - says issei taking advantage of the situation since the ground was reflecting he could see under asia's skirt.

Asia: Huh?

Issei: What happened?

Asia : What room is that down there - says pointing to a room full of yellow tape indicating that it was not to enter or open the door.

Issei : Ah, that room was always closed.

Issei : We call it the "Forbidden Room".

Entering the club room then, Issei learns that Kiba didn't come to school today, he also learns from Rias about his past. Akeno then appears in the room along with some guests named by her, and these were Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra who had come to talk about a serious matter with rias and sona invites her to go to her house to not have interference from anyone, which showed that the matter at hand was very serious.

Returning home issei and asia felt a strange feeling and issei recognized it as the same feeling when he found asia and went to church, worried that something could happen to his mother he ran into the house and when he arrived in the room he realized that his mother was talking to the same two figures that sona and tsubaki had seen at the school entrance, and to his surprise it was his childhood friend or best friend since he discovered that she was not a boy but a girl, her name was "Irina Shido", and the other person accompanying her who was also a girl apparently wasn't enjoying Issei and Asia's presence.

After all that he called Rias and informed her about what had happened and learned that these two would go to the club room the next day after school.

The next day, in the club room after school. All of Rias's nobility were present except the four former fallen angels who were still carrying out Rias's orders and Kiba who hadn't shown up yet, Akuro also attended since Rias invited him, he was leaning against the window with his arms crossed  while I was looking out the window watching the sunset as it was afternoon. Meanwhile the rest were just standing behind Rias who was sitting on the couch facing the two girls in front of her.

??? : Thank you for your cooperation. I'm Xenovia-she said finally introducing herself.

Irina: I'm Irina Shido - she said, re-introduced herself for those who didn't know her name.

Rias: Why would God's servants want to meet a Demon?

Irina: Though one has yet to be found, the remaining Six Excalibur are in the church's possession.

Irina: Three of them were stolen by fallen angels.

All-akuro : Huh?

Issei : Stolen!?

Xenovia : The ones we have are this one, the sacred sword of destruction, Excalibur of Destruction... - he says showing his sword that was wrapped in a white cloth.

Irina : And my holy Mimicry Sword, Mimicry Excalibur!

Rias : What do you want from us?

Xenovia: This particular issue is between us and the fallen angels. We can't deal with the demons in this town.

Rias : You guys are too condescending. Did you think we were going to ally ourselves with the fallen angels to do something with the holy swords? - he asks with a defiant look on his face.

Xenovia : Demons hate holy swords. You are the fallen angels-after she said that, Rias's blue eyes momentarily turn red, representing her power of destruction and that she was getting angry.

Xenovia : If necessary, we will destroy you completely, even if you are the sister of a Maou.

Rias: If you know so much, then let me tell you one more thing, I will never ally myself with a fallen angel. On behalf of the Gremory, I swear I will never do anything to humiliate the Maou.

Xenovia : That's great to hear. That's all our superiors wanted. And I know a Maou's sister wouldn't be such a fool.

Rias : So you must know that I won't ally with you and your god either, right?

Xenovia: Of course. Simply wanting you to swear not to intervene in this case.

Akuro until then was more interested in watching the sunset than the conversation they were having, that's why he didn't speak yet, but he was attentive to every word being said.

Rias: Understood.

Xenovia : Thank you for your patience - he said getting up with Irina.

Xenovia : We need to go - and starts walking towards the door to leave.

When out of nowhere she stops and looks back specifically at Asia and her face contorts a little.

Xenovia : I've been wondering since I visited Hyoudou Issei's house, Are you Asia Argento?

Asia : H-Hai (Y-Yes).

Xenovia : I never thought I'd see a witch here.

Irina : Are you that former nun who became a witch?

Irina : I heard that you were exiled because you could even heal demons and fallen angels, but I didn't know you became a demon.

Asia : I-I... - I tried to say something while squeezing her skirt.

Issei: Asia...

Xenovia : And to think that a saint turned into a demon... Nobody's perfect, I guess.

Issei : Hey, shut up - he was ready to go after them but he was stopped by koneko.

Koneko : Issei-senpai - says while her arm was in front of Issei preventing him from going forward.

Issei (Thinks): "I know I can't make trouble with these two right now, but even so..."

Xenovia : Do you still believe in our god?

Irina: Xenovia, she's a demon.

Xenovia : Some ereges feel a bit of remorse and regain a bit of faith. I can feel it in her.

Irina: Really? Hey Asia, do you still believe in the lord despite being a devil?

Asia : I can't forget. I believed in him my whole life.

Xenovia : So let us kill her now.

Asia: Huh? 

Xenovia : No matter what sins she has committed, God will always forgive - so she starts wielding the sword even though she is covered.

Xenovia : I will punish you... In the name of god.

And before Xenovia tried anything...

??? : Hey, it's been a while since you've been talking nonsense - he said getting everyone's attention.

Xenovia : Since I arrived I noticed you there, who are you?

??? : Akuro Kenshin - manifested for the first time since they started talking.

Asia : Akuro-san?

Xenovia : "Akuro Kenshin"? If I'm not mistaken, it's the name of the human who became very famous recently after defeating one of the pure blooded demons of the underworld, so is that you? - asks throwing a challenging look at him.

Akuro : Yes, it's me - he said, moving away from the window but now with his hands in his pockets and walking until he was facing Xenovia and Irina.

Xenovia : You're just like her, a corrupted human who allied herself with demons - says making a disgusting face at Akuro.

Akuro then stayed a while without answering anything just staring at Xenovia without any reaction almost as if he had no emotion.

Xenovia: For what— 

Akuro : And who are you to judge me or asia? - question indifferently still as if he had no emotion.

Xenovia : Huh? What are you talking about—

Akuro : You're there judging asia and me as if you were better than the agent, it seems to me that you're judging asia for not being as pure as she should be, but look at you acting arrogantly just because you're in possession of some holy swords, that alone would be enough to see that you are not so pure but sinners like the rest of humans or other beings, there is no being that does not sin or is totally innocent or pure. And you still think you have the right to judge asia or me? you are not God so stop being hypocrites you bastards - vented akuro now in his last sentence leaking his emotions and getting a face full of anger.

Everyone in that room was surprised by what Akuro had said, some in a positive way like rias and her nobility especially asia, and others not liking it very much like xenovia and irina.

Xenovia : I see that I will have to rid him of his sins - he said now really wielding his sacred sword covered with white cloths while his face was burning with anger.

Akuro: I've heard those same words before, and believe me the person who said it didn't come out very well - he said remembering freed.

Xenovia : You can let me take care of him - he said to Irina who was also a little angry by the way he spoke.

Irina : Okay - she said carefree since she thought that Xenovia would fix him.

Akuro : Ho, are you wanting to fight? Get in there - he said his last sentence with a wild smile and a menacing glint in his eyes.

Rias : Hey, you guys—

He tried to tell the two to calm down but it was too late xenovia had already jumped on top of akuro with his sword, akuro still had his hands in his pockets, everyone seeing what was about to happen were worried but the worry was for nothing.

Xenovia Huh?

The reason for xenovia's surprise is that her sword is now standing inches from akuro's body the reason for this was because he was only holding it with two fingers while his other hand was still in his pocket, any boy who saw this scene would not think anything other than...

Issei (Thinks): "What the fuck" - he thought seeing how Akuro was facing the situation.

Akuro's hands were wrapped in something black that was the Armament Haki he used, he then decided to press a little more on the sword with his fingers, Xenovia felt a strange sensation and pulled away with her sword.

Akuro (Pens): "Her battle instincts aren't so bad, after all if she hadn't pulled her sword back I would have cracked it" - he says lowering the arm he had raised to block that attack although he didn't need it since even if the sword touching his body nothing would happen, the only thing that could happen was the sword breaking before the body of an Infinityverse God.

Xenovia (Pens): "What was that feeling?"

Xenovia : I see the rumors weren't a lie you really are strong - he said wanting to take it seriously and unrolling the sash of his excalibur.

Akuro : I wanted to say the same about you - said Akuro clearly teasing her.

??? : I will also fight.

All-akuro : Huh?

Xenovia: Who are you?

??? : Your veteran.

Rias: Yuuto? - says revealing that person to be kiba.

Now outside the club room, on the ground in front of the club building were Akuro and Kiba facing Xenovia and Irina.

Akuro : That brings back memories, the last time I fought here was against you, who would have thought that now I would be fighting with you instead of against you - he said with an indifferent face.

Kiba: Yes, but now I have a goal beyond simply testing someone's strength - she said with her eyes glazed over the sword the two were wielding.

Xenovia : Let's get started.

After saying that, Xenovia and Irina take off their covers that they were using until now, and show their black clothes stuck to their bodies, when Issei saw this, he soon had a small nosebleed and had a perverted face. It didn't take long for Koneko to punch him. .

Akeno : No problem? Should we take on church affiliates on our own?

Rias : This is just an unofficial duel.

Rias : And I don't need to worry too much about akuro...


Sirzechs : "If I faced him I should be prepared to lose an arm and a leg"

*End flashback*

Rias (Thinks): "Someone who is able to make even my brother recognize that it would be difficult to defeat him... I don't see how he could be taking any risk fighting against them" - Rias thought after remembering her brother's words.

Rias : But Yuuto... - says while looking at her worriedly.

Irina : If our superiors find out, we'll be in trouble - she finally says revealing the form of her mimic excalibur.

Xenovia : I will try my best not to kill anyone - he says, unrolling his sword and showing the shape of his excalibur of destruction.

Akuro : Don't be so conceited, or the shock when you lose will be too great - she says teasingly invoking her favorite sword Tensa Zangetsu.

Kiba : I finally found what I really wanted to destroy - he says activating his sacred gear.

Then, without further ado, both parties go on top of each other about to start a great clash between swordsmen.