
Infinity X Infinity

Perfection. It seems that every human strives for it, but what about when a person actually achieves it? Boredom. The only feeling Kazu Crital felt after doing everything thought impossible. So what is one thing that is know for being inevitable? Death. Kazu Crital tried to break the cycle of life and death... He succeeded in a way. Now reborn as a new person, as the champion of a god. But his master isn't some unknown god. His master is the god of gods, Herrescher of life and death, a being who spans universes with her influence. Infinity isn't the concept of a universe that will never end, but it is instead Concept of birth and renewal, the concept of life and death. Oh? What should you call me? I go by many names. But you can call me Ophis, my pet~. NO HAREM!!! The only character the mc will have a romantic relationship will be ouroboros herself. Also please make sure to correct me on any mistakes, and give me criticism on things I can improve. This book will also be very slow moving. This is also my first time writing an actual book with fleshed out characters. I might feel really robotic at first until I get my writing better. Also I'm on mobile sometimes so yeah. that too. I sometimes write on my computer.

Void_Eagle1230 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
27 Chs

- Headpats

*3rd person*

Ophis and Merlin overlook the Crystal plain in front of them, too shocked to move. Ophis snaps out of her surprise and pulls her feet out of the ice and yells at Merlin.

"Merlin! Grab Arthur and heal him, make sure he doesn't have hypothermia! I'll grab Kazu!" Ophis yells running towards Kazu and picking him up, heating him with a little spell she made and healing him. With Merlin doing the same thing.

"Merlin, let's go back to the house. You can put them in their beds and I'll start making these two fucking idiots food. And once they are done eating we are going to have to beat the shit out of them for nearly killing each other." "Got it."

*Back too Kazu*

Ugh.. How many times have I passed out just to wake up to see this roof? This is the 5th time I think.

"So dumbass, finally awake." I turn my head to the side to see Ophis in an apron staring at me with a knife in her hand "So, hear me out. I really wanted to win that fight. I'll let you stab me, just not the crotch." "Sigh. Just shut up. Can you get up?" "I would have ran already if I could."

"Goddammit. The fact you are my Servant makes me want to go back to the void." "I've been promoted to Servant now? Hell yeah." "I fucking hate you." "I love you too."

"Well now that you can't move I'll have to spoon feed you again. And if you don't stop being sarcastic I'll create a Camera and film me feeding you and show it to Ddraig and Merlin." "Ok I'll stop." "Good."


"Say ahh~. Aww what a good little boy." "I hate you." "Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. Though… I am very proud of you. Beating a hero of legend, even if young, is still an amazing feat. And that final spell, it was very surprising. I honestly wasn't expecting that, you created your own spell, and figured out how to make it powerful. And I know in the future you will make it better. I am really proud, and I hope you know that." Ophis said while feeding me…. God this is embarrassing.

"S-shut up." "Aww~ is my whittle wovly servant embarrassed~." "Fuck. Off." "I'm just joking. It's nice to see you embarrassed, you know. You never really show emotions, even when you are sarcastic I can tell it's a mask you use to hide your emotions. So, I am happy to see the real you for once. Also, I did say that if you impressed me I would give you a gift, so what would you want?" Ophis says, grabbing the empty bowl and setting it off to the side.

"I don't know, I'll figure it out later." "You sure? I could give you anything you want~." "Hmmm… Let me think. What? Why do you look so disappointed?" "No reason. I'll go and clean, you can tell me what you want once you think about it more." Ophis says walking sadly outside of the door… What just happened.

'So, she said I could wish for anything I want. Now if it was yesterday I probably would've wished for immortality or something super powerful so literally nobody could defeat me. But now, after beating Arthur, after progressing to a level I could beat a man of legend, even if he was weakened, it made me… exasperated, I was so surprised at myself and I felt… Proud of myself, which I sadly don't think I have ever felt, well that I can remember. Getting stronger, that Is my 2nd goal, and my 1st is to become a god and go back to my family. And when I get back, I will grovel and apologize, and I will actually be a father figure to my daughter. Even if she isn't my blood, she is still my child. And… I left her behind, I left them behind. I miss them. I'm so fucking stupid….

Whatever. I am going to cry myself to sleep now. I can think about this tomorrow.'


"What am I going to do with him?" Ophis says on her throne, talking to the women below her "I have no clue my mistress. Maybe you should let him fight me earlier than intended~, I'll be sure to put him into the ground and make him lick your boots~." "Sigh. That's not the point Mordred. He is smart and he knows what he's doing, and he's loyal, he just… He doesn't have any goals that are reachable in the near future, there is no possible way he could become a god in 1 year. He just needs a goal that is possible soon, a minor goal. He needs something possible to chase after. It also doesn't help that he is romantically denser than a black hole, I have tried seducing him so many times and none have them have worked. Seriously, did he just not have any romantic interaction besides having sex in his previous life?!"

"I…. I wouldn't know that mistress." "I was being rhetorical!" "O-oh."

"Whatever. Mordred, wait for my signal, then I want you to burn and slaughter the nearest town. Try to lure the slayers guild of Plymouth to ask us for help, and I'll try to bring them here. They will bring you a good fight, that's all I can assure."

"Yes my Mis-" "BUT. If you somehow end up killing MY Kazu. I will kill you, revive you and kill you again, and again, and again, and again. You are allowed to try and fight back, but the moment you step over you boundaries, I will torture you for all eternity. My love is precious, and he is the 1st to earn it, so once he dies, so will my mercy for you."

"Y-yes my mistress."


"Ophis, it's my day off, so why are you in my room?" "Am I not allowed to check up on you? Plus I wanted to see if you were healed yet." Ophis says, kicking her feet on the side of her bed while eating chocolate.

"Yeah I am already close to being perfectly healthy. Having the Heart of 2 dragons on the level of gods is quite powerful. It's very weird though, I am so used to having to dress wounds and stitch my flesh myself, but my flesh heals itself. My bones can't be broken by anything on earth that isn't supernatural oriented…. Am I even human anymore?" I say looking down at my hands. Moving them and feeling my scales underneath my skin

"You'll have to get used to it Kazu, I'm not going to let you die until I'm done with you, and that will take more than a billion years. And stop being depressed, you're ruining my chocolate."

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. I just haven't had much time to stop and think recently."

"…. You're fine Kazu. I get that you are stressed. Do you want me to make you anything? Just as a favor for entertaining me so far." "I don't know. Let me think…. Maybe… If you could, can I just get a hug?"

"Sure bud. Come here… Sigh, you really have been stressed haven't you?" Ophis says, bringing me into a hug and patting my head. "no… how could you tell." "Don't be sassy with me. I just can tell by the way you're hugging me, when was the last time you had a hug?" "The last time I had a genuine hug was 10 years ago, when I last saw my daughter." "I…. I see. What was your daughter like." Ophis says stopping for a moment, only to continue to pat my head… It feels pretty nice.

"She was… She had beautiful silver hair and beautiful Green eyes. Her name is Yume. She was the nicest, smartest, and cutest little girl ever. She should be about 24 this year, I haven't seen her since she was 14. I can imagine that she looks like a super model by now. Mmm, keep patting my head please. That feels nice." "I wasn't planning on stopping. So who was the mom?" "I don't know, I bought her from a creepy old pedo, killed the old shit and kept the girl as my daughter." "I am not surprised. That sounds like something you would do." Then there was an uncomfortable pause, so I decided to ask about something.

"Did you ever have any kids? I know most of you gods do each other out of boredom or for fun. I don't know about you at all actually, the only thing I know is mythology, and those are usually false." "I… technically I did have kids, I am the mother of life across the multiverse. Since I am the killer of all life, I also give birth to it at the same time. Y'know the cycle of life and everything..." Ophis says, stopping to think about it before continuing "Although, I didn't technically give birth to life, as I was the first thing ever alive, and then everything came after me. So it would be more factual to call me the Harbinger of life." Ophis then lifts her hand for some reason… Oh no she started to cry.

"I'm sorry I asked." "No, no, you're fine, you were just curious. I just get a bit emotional when I think about my beginnings because of… certain events." "Would you mind telling me the events? You don't have to if you don't want to." "I would rather abstain from telling of those events… For now. Maybe once we get to know each other better. You know, I think this is the first time we have actually talked and get to know each other." "I wouldn't mind doing this more often. Especially the head patting, it feels very nice and calming. I've had to stop myself from falling asleep for the past couple minutes." "I wouldn't mind if you fell asleep. J-just for today though, I will allow you to fall asleep on my chest. Only because you worked so hard throughout the week."

"Thanks… I appreciate it because.. I'm pretty tired." I then smile up at Ophis as she pats my head, and I fall into the embrace of sleep…..