
infinity terror anime work

Plot - "Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live... A real life?" The world changes when you click YES. In God's dimension, you have to keep getting stronger, keep evolving to survive one horror movie after another. Do you kill everyone in your way to reach the end as a lone king? Or fight along with your comrades and survive through the support of friends? Everything was just for staying alive. Until you find the secret of God's dimension. Who is the real enemy? In a new experiment to push mankind to evolve, God has decided to send people into the worlds of manga, anime, light novels, visual novels and video games. Compared to horror movies, such worlds shouldn't be as terrifying and should be easy to return from, but... You would be very, very mistaken ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Disclaimer fanfiction for self reading and learning English From royalroad.. not mine..

ilham_rizki · Tranh châm biếm
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113 Chs


Chapter 22 - 2, BTOOOM Intermission


Shin: Ahhhh, what a wonderful day it is. It is still early, but you can just tell today will be better than the last!


Shin was in a annoyingly good mood for two reason.


1. He had returned from the dangers of the Btooom mission with lots of points and rewards, so he will be able to make amazing exchanges to God today, so he was very much looking forward to that.

2. Shin had made his feelings for Hikari clear when she came to his room to talk, kissed passionately and carried her off to his bed.


Shin: Being with a good woman and having something to look forward to in the future it just... Makes the whole world go round, doesn't it? My spirits could only be higher if Aqua had joined us in bed last night. We could have bullied Hikari together.


Shin's confidence in himself has soared to the heavens, and reached into the Cosmos, passing the Pegasus constellation. Shin had acquired stats, enhancements, an older red haired kinda girlfriend, a protagonist victory over a villain and another maybe girlfriend who is younger then himself.

Shin was on top of the world when he thought about how much has he changed since he had first entered this dimension, but there was one issue now that he had to deal with and it was better to deal with it now then later so no one get more hurt later on.


Shin: I should still talk to Hikari now before the others are up. It is best to define the relationship with her before others get involved.


With purpose Shin left his room, into the Terminal Lobby and over to Hikari's room. Like he had suspected most of his comrades were in their room resting from their exhausting mission, yet one person was outside their room.


Shin: Saki?

Saki: ...


Standing on the platform and under the ball of light which was God, Saki with her eyes closed. Saki had a smart mind, so he suspected that she wanted an early start to go over all the exchanges. Shin looked forward to this since Saki had a different, yet practical view on things that the others lacked.

Aqua was serious and an experienced Player of the Mission Worlds that they go too, yet Shin suspected that at her core and before she changed due to the effects it had on her, Aqau was originally an airhead type women ( Well, I still like her. Both her forceful side ( Cool ) and her airhead side ( Cute ) ). That was why having smart people like Saki was invaluable.

Shin called out to Saki, but her concentration was so great that she couldn't hear him. Shin was going to call out to her again, but he decided against it. Shin didn't know why, but he felt that it was better not to approach her now.


Shin: I can always see what she has figured out later.


Shin then choose to ignore Saki and make the rest of his way to Hikari's room.

Shin knocked on her door first, but he had not gotten a response. He tried again, but still nothing. So in the end he tried to open the door. Their room didn't let people they didn't want to into them, yet they would make an exception to those those the owner doesn't mind entering their rooom. To Shin surprise the door did infact open and he walked.


Shin: Can I take this as a sign of consent for future meetings in the in her room? Ah, don't get distracted Shin. You are here on a mission!


Shin had never been in Hikari's room till now. He had been in Aqua and Misaki's room for one thing or another, but not in Hikari's room. Aqua's room was that of an adult and wasn't exactly girly with guns lying all around the floor of her room, so it didn't have a real girls feeling from it.  

Hikari was a sixteen year old girl and he was her seventeen year old boyfriend ( According to him ). Shin was nervous to enter a genuine girls room, but what awaited him shocked him more then finding Aqua's room filled with gun rather than make up and clothes like it should. What he saw was Hikari rolling around in her bed, hugging a pillow and in a fit of excitement.


Hikari: Kyaaa! I can't believe that happened last night. It hurt at first, but... Ahh, I can't even say it! Who would have expected that that otaku bastered could be so forceful and manly like that? He even said things straight out of a drama or book... 'I've decidedto protect you', so cool!

Shin: ...Maybe I should go ( Also, was I really like that last night? I should work on that and look into some popular romance Manga for inspiration ).


Shin was walking backwards out of the room to avoid having Hikari know that he had seen her, for both their sakes, yet he had yet to exchange a stealth skill, so he made a sound during his escape.

Hikari didn't miss this noise. She shot up from her bed and saw Shin sneaking out. Hikari blanked out for a few seconds before she realized that Shin had over heard her recent, or maybe the even more embarrassing rambling of hers.

Then Hikari, her face was dyed red with shame and she fainted on the spot.



Shin: I, I didn't hear anything, ok. I had just that second, that second I walked into your room.

Hikariv ...You promise?

Shinv I swear ( Already lying to my girlfriend ).

Hikari: Fine. So what did you want?


Shin stayed in the room till Hikari woke up five minutes later. When she saw Shin, Hikari hid under her bed sheets, but Shin was able to eventually get her out.

Shin told a small white lie that he hadn't seen or heard anything that Hikari said, but she obviously didn't seem to believe a word he said, and for good reason, but was willing to move on from that embarrassing, kinda manga/anime embarrassing scene.


Shin: I came over here to talk.

Hikari: Talk... About?

Shin: Us obviously. You kind of left after we had-

Hikari: You don't need to say it out loud! Last night... Was unexpected... And my first time too. I was embarrassed, so that was why I left.

Shin: I figured as much. I did kinda come on a little strong last night.

Hikari: A little!? Did I even have a choice in the matter? Thst was almost border line-

Shin: Don't say that! I admit that I pushed you onto the bed, but after a while you got really into-

Hikari: Shut up! What do you you... Your mistaken. 100% mistaken you loser ( First ), creep ( Second ), lame ( Third ), egotistical ( Fourth &nbsp otaku bastered ( And fifth insult &nbsp.

Shin: ...Do you feel better?

Hikari: A lot. What did you want to talk about again?

Shin: Yes, I wanted to talk about us and our future. Hikari, I have something to tell you. But you first have to promise me to remain calm. Ok? We kind kinda got into this fast, so-


But before Shin could tell her his real reasons, Hikari reached her own conclusions and began to cry.


Shin: Hikari?

Hikari: Is it about a break up? We.. Weren't exactly a couple, but at least for me, no matter how it happened was my first time. You also... But it's like they say? Once the guy get the girl's body, he will change his heart. I thought you were going to be with me even if it wasn't said out loud. If you are going to break up, then you don't have to say anything. I don't want to hear those words from your mouth.

Shin: Wait wait wait! What is this web novel like misunderstanding? It isn't what you think Hikari. I don't want to break up with you.

Hikari: You don't?

Shin: Yes. Even if I hadn't said it exactly, I do want to be with you and I want you at my side as my girlfriend. In fact, I came here I came here to define the relationship.

Hikari: I see... Ah, but it wasn't that I was worried. For a otaku loser like you, a good woman like me is the best that you can hope for as a girlfriend.

Shin: That is nice of you to say ( Middle School girls are not cute, even if she is cute while acting all that ).

Hikari: So what exactly did you mean by defining the relationship? Like coming out to the others later, or keeping it secret to not effect how we act on the mission?

Shin: It isn't anything too complicated... I just want to clear up some things about myself.

Hikari: Yourself. Like what? Ah, is it the STDs!?

Shin: Fuck no!


Then desperately, Shin began to explain that it isn't a disease that he absolutely didn't have that he wanted to talk about, but his own goals that he had set for himself to accomplish her in God's Dimension.


1. Shin's first goal was to become OP, an Overpowered Protagonist who has enjoyed and experienced everything that this world has to offer. The good and the bad together.


2. To one day go back to the real world. To go back to the real world after doing his very best to become special in God's Dimension, and go back to prove to himself that he has changed from the loser otaku that he once was.


3. Lastly and not exactly as important as the first two, but Shin wants to create a harem. A harem full of beautiful women who he loves and who love him back, which may or may not be filled with anime characters human creations as well.


Shin main point was to tell her his third goal.

To create a harem, not just have one girlfriend. It was a dream he had since even before he came to this dimension and the time he learned about human creations. It was a dream that many otakus have probably had, yet none were able to fulfill in their life time. It was a privilege that only anime protagonist were allowed to have.


Shin: Now I am basically one of them. A protagonist. I understand that in real life it may be hard to make it work, but I am confident that I can make it work.

Hikari: ...


While Shin was taking on and on, Hikari was looking at Shin with a look of disgust. Her feelings were as clear as day, yet Shin had yet to notice as he was on his rant about harems and anime character girlfriends.


Shin: So what do you think? It is a pretty good goal for myself, right?

Hikari: ...Disgusting.

Shin: Huh?

Hikari: Gross, disgusting and creepy! Shin, how can you honestly think of creating your own harem of girls, no sex dolls to play with? Don't you have any shame? Also, you kind of already have me, so why the hell do you need another woman(s)?


It was an age old question that many a women have asked men who cheated on them, or those who didn't want to become too serious and not to become exclusive,


Shin: I, I kinda get that it is a little much to take in, but there is a reason why I am being honest about all of this with you.

Hikari: What? You actually thought that I would agree to all of this?

Shin: I was hoping that you would, but... It isn't like I need you permission, right?

Hikari: What...


Not looking at his now furious girlfriend in the eyes, Shin explained that he is only living for his goals right now, not to return to the real world anytime soon. That is why it would sadden him, but he was more then willing to end things with Hikari if she can't accept him.


Shin: I honestly like you Hikari and my desire to be with you has only become stronger after sleeping with you, but this is something that I can't back down on. I am sorry that I didn't tell you earlier, but that is the only thing that I will apologies for. Wanting to protect you. Wanting to be with you. All those feelings are real no matrer what if you agree to become my girlfriend or not.


Hikari who looked like she was confused and on the verge of tears spoke up.


Hikari: You have yet to make a human creation yet, but... Are you, are you dating Aqua already?

Shin: Aqua? 

Hikari: Yes. I can that you two get along well and... You were worried sick over Aqua on Day 7 of the mission, so I kinda just assumed that you liked her. That was why last night came to me as a surprise.

Shin: ...No, I am not dating Aqua, but I wouldn't mind.

Hikari: Do you really like her that much?

Shin: Well yeah. It wouldn't be a lie to say that I love her ( Never, never, really never say that to a girl, and especially to one you just had sex with and have only said that you only 'liked' ).

Hikari: !!!

Hikari Route - BAD ENDING. Please restart from last save point... If only.



Hikari pushed Shin out of her room after using more then her five days worth of insults and shut the door loudly, yet Saki who was still spacing out going over the exchanges didn't hear the argument.


Shin: Was I too honest? I didn't like the idea of leading her on without telling her the truth. Well, I could have been gentler or smarter about it.

Hikari: Hey, Shin.

Shin: Hmm?


Hikari just as soon as she had kicked Shin out opened her door again. Hikari still looked pissed off, yet she was nervous as well.


Hikari: Can... Can you give me some more time to think about? It, it isn't like I am agreeing your idea, creepy otaku, but it isn't like we are in the real world or anything. We can talk about this later... When we both get the 50,000 points to go back to the real world... Baka!


Hikari then close her door loudly again after saying that. Staring at Hikari's door, Shin admits to himself once more he isn't a good person and left, while wondering how do protagonist do it.


Shin: Really, why does the story always just fades out to weeks/months/years later to say that it worked out on way or another? Also, how do parents fit in? Do they approve? How unfair is it to be a main character and protagonist in the real world?

