
Bloodline Part 1

*Anos's POV*

"Okay enough candy, you gotta study, Harriet." I finally said after both she and Ron had stuffed the tenth box of candy in their mouths.

'Is there an Infinite Void in their stomach or something? ' I thought as I saw the empty boxes of candy.

"Why does she have to study," Ron asked and bit into another piece of candy.

I didn't have to answer him though as apparently the candy he had bit into was 'Dragon ass' flavored.

I wonder how they knew what that even tasted like.

"Wanna see a spell." Ron took out his wands and started chanting at his Rat.

'I wonder if I should just strangle the little bitch.' At this point in time, I wanted to leave Peter alone. The little Animagus bitch would be easy to kill but I wanted to fight Voldemort.

The no nosed bastard still had somewhat of a grip on Dad's actions so I'll need to rip his head off personally so he can go to hell and little old Peter was required for that.

"Has anyone seen a frog around here?" In came Hermione Granger.

"Oh for the love of Dragons can anyone let her study," I shouted and I must've surprised Hermione because she seemed taken aback. Well, it wasn't every day that you saw a boy wearing a blindfold with white hair and the other part of his face covered with another mask shouting at you inside a Magical train with a 200 year old conductor going towards probably the most Dangerous institution for studying Magic.

"Wait you can see through that?" Ron asked apparently just noticing my blindfold and Mask.

"Of course I can. Now the Frog must be Longbottom's right?" I asked and she nodded along stupefied.

"Cursed Technique: Call of the Shinigami," I said and Sif and Set appeared.

"Go and find a brown toad roaming around," I said and both of them went off past Hermione happily Barking. They could probably look through the corners of the train better than me.

"Now sit inside and wait for a few minutes and you..." I pointed at Harriet "need to get to work."

"Wait that was Summoning Magic wasn't it?" Hermione asked excitedly.

" And wandless one at that. I read about it in 'Summons of the Century'. " Hermione went on and on.

" I'm Anos Snape. And yeah you could call it that." I introduced myself and Hermione blushed.

" Uh, I'm Hermione Granger. "She shook my hand.

" I'm Ron Weasley. " Ron said apparently turned off after Hermione's speech about books.

" Harriet Potter. " Harriet introduced herself.

" Oh, I read about you! You're in 'Famous for the Ages' , 'The Miracle Child' , 'The Dopest Kids of the Century'..... Uh, why are you doing that." Hermione pointed at me jerking my head from one direction to the other.

" Oh go on," I said and remained looking around. Under my mask, I was smiling like a mad man.

I wasn't gonna let poor Peter watch my awesomeness so I had cast a simple barrier around him with cursed energy. With a little gift of course.

'Have fun listening to Subnautica Leviathan sounds for the rest of the day. ' I thought and almost burst out laughing when the rat squeaked and Ron put it back in his pocket.

"How did you do that? I haven't heard of any spell like that." Hermione asked.

" Oh, that's a bloodline spell. Gotta learn some stuff. " I replied.

" Wait aren't those... " Hermione seemed to have realized something.

'Smart girl.' I thought with a smile and watched as Hermione's face turned horrified.

" W... What kind? " She asked with a low voice.

I stood up and she jumped back on her seat. I closed the compartment door.

" No word of this is getting out of here. Kay?" I said and all of them nodded. I was gonna tell them about my bloodline but still didn't want everyone at Hogwarts to know about it. The teachers would know of course but not every child.

I was more worried about Dad worrying about me after that than the magical community throwing shit at me.

" I'm a Vampyr," I said while going back to my seat.

"I have never heard of that one," Hermione said with Ron still looking confused.

"Oh, will this explain. A liter of human blood concentrated into 20 drops." I said and took out my vial wrapped around my neck like a crimson necklace.

"So you're a vampire?" Hermione asked.

"Nope. I'm even better. Kind of like an old Bloodline reemerging within me. And no Ron I don't glow in the Sun like a fucking flashlight." I said which made Ron shut up.

"So what do you know about your bloodline? " Hermione asked.

" Well I've got better speed, better reflexes, even better strength than almost all humans in existence except those that specialize in these areas specifically, I'm awesome, I'm amazing, I'm cool, I'm fantastic and I'll probably be hunted by Ministry and Dark wizards alike after I graduate. Maybe even before that if I'm lucky. "I said with a smile under my mask.

" Wait why the last one? " Ron asked.

" Hermione will ya? " I said to a sweating Hermione.

" Well, most bloodlines are rare. You can be a Werewolf but still, your powers are not truly yours. They're still under the control of the true Lycan family. Someone with a true bloodline can be terrifying and... "Hermione wanted to continue but I stopped her with a wave of my hand.

" I'll continue Hermione. Wonder what'll happen if someone could control a Bloodlines progenitor before he could fully manifest his powers?" I said and realization seemed to dawn on the faces of everyone in the room.

"The Dark wizards will want you for making an army," Harriet said

"The Ministry and the Other Ascended Houses will want to kill you so a new faction doesn't rise." Ron continued

"The Normal Humans will treat you like a freak." Hermione finished.

" Precisely. I don't give a damm though. I'll have their heads in the air after I complete this school. " I said with a casual tone completely different from the others that were sweating profusely.

" But shouldn't there be something that can be done? I'm sure the Ministry will help if they know enough. " Hermione said and Ron nodded his head.

" Tell me Hermione. on what principle does Democracy work. "I asked.

" Equal rights and equal representation," Hermione said confidently and I was gonna give her a glimpse of the true Wizarding world.


Author's Note: Ok I'm going to explain this in the least amount of words possible. So yesterday I was listening to some boner jams, you know Psytrance and trap music and writing a new chapter. I was sitting at my bedside which was my first fatal mistake. I must've been really wiggling my fingers to the music because I slipped down and in an effort to try and stop myself I extended my hand and instead of saving myself I've now ended up with a bruised right thumb, a scraped shoulder and a ringing in my head which banged itself against the wardrobe.

That's why the chapters are this late. Since I write on my phone and don't have a computer things are taking a bit longer so I'm sorry if the chapters are a few hours late in the upcoming weeks. Sorry about that.

Read upto 8 chapters ahead for both my books on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Patr eon.com/Ashara

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night and don't be as stupid as I am.

ASHARAcreators' thoughts