
Infinitum Crystals [V] - The Champions of Chaos

This is the 5th and final book of The Infinitum Crystals series. New readers are recommended to at least start on Book 2 / The Snow Phoenix. After the events of the ending of Book 4 / The Conquest of Virtue, the main characters finally confronts the main organizations that have been stalking them since their appearance in Book 1 / The Magic Duel. It all comes full circle as old characters will finally interact with current ones as they all assemble together to fight against a common enemy that threatens the future of the land of Atia.

Cyclone_A · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 7.23 - Izzy - Memento & Error

After finally defeated The Chaos Dragonlord, Vatherion and his dragon, Taloncryst, we continued on our journey as we made our way into the next hall. Not wasting any time from the previous, we ventured forth as we witness a familiar face.

"We meet again so soon..." The Chaos Champion, Error was waiting for us.

Sam steps in and told him off, "If it's any indication like the last one then, I won't hold back any longer."

Error laughed and said, "Then I'm glad I came along with my partner as well..."

From behind the other door, another person steps in. He wore dark chaotic robe. His face was also hidden like the rest of the Champions. I don't know him well but I can assume that this was the same Chaos Champions that White encountered inside Virtue.

Yumiko welcomed him, "So you must be Memento. I've been wondering what you look like."

"Pleasure to meet you all." he politely bows down. "Now then...are you girls ready?"

"We are always ready!" Zenith was up for a challenge despite her being the only one who was using the most power from our previous fight.

Error can be heard chuckling as he used his nanotechnologies to create a large mechanical spider. Mei and Zenith started to wail in despair all of a sudden.

Yumiko then laughed as loud as she could, "Are you serious? You two are afraid of spiders? Oh come on!"

Mei tries to counter back, "It's not funny, Yumiko. They are creepy critters." She was fidgeting as she said that.

"For someone so intelligent as you are...I'm surprised even you would be afraid of this bug. And this is a large, mechanical one. It's not even the real thing." Sam sighed.

Zenith cowl in defeat she told us, "Can you guys take care of this? I don't think I can stomach this."

We just witness a little girl who just now was excited for another intense battle only to be reduced to a pathetic little ball of yarn. It can't be helped, really. If they have a fear of spiders, then let 'em have it.

"Yeah sure..." I shrugged, "We'll take care of this." I turned to Yumiko, "Hey, Yumiko. Take them to the next room, please. I don't think Sam and I can babysit them right now."

Memento steps in, "Oh no you don't. No one get pass through us."

"ABSOLUTE ORDER!" shouted Sam.

Everyone in the hall have stopped moving and talking. They were all under Sam's unique magic. The two Chaos Champion was visibly fighting against her magic as I can barely see them fidgeting.

Sam then commanded, "Yumiko, take those two out of here!"

"Alright then." Yumiko was forced to obey her order as she did a middle finger gesture to Sam.

The finger didn't fall down even after the three of them left the hall. The last thing we saw of them was Yumiko's middle finger. That deep hatred from Yumiko toward Sam was just laughable at this point.

"That's enough of your trick!" Memento breaks free from Sam's spell.

Memento then breaks apart the spell on Error with a gentle tap to his shoulder. With how things have gone, Sam decided to call off her Absolute Order as I was finally released from her control.

"Why am I the last one to get released?" I asked her.

She responded, "It's not my intention, alright."

"Oh well." I sighed as I summoned a bunch of floating swords behind me.

One of the swords flies toward the Memento but it was quickly blocked by the large nano-spider. That thing has thick skin. Any sword would be useless against that eight legged creature. But I don't think it will be a problem with Sam on my side.

Sam has always been known to be great at controlling the four basic elements. She also knows a few other rare elemental types simply by combining one basic elements with another. For example...If a large portion of water were to be combined with fire, Sam will be able to create steam. In other words, cloudy steam that covers our vision. Including our enemies.

Sam told me, "You better duck if you wanna see where the enemy is at. The steam is pretty thick."

"Gotcha." I braced myself for Sam's next move. "Spider approaching fast at 2 o clock."

By combining a large portion of fire with earth magic, Sam was able to create the power of lava. The lava oozes out like a volcano eruption as it melt down some of the spider's part.

"You got 'em!" I cheered for Sam.

"Barely." Memento suddenly shows himself up from the cloudy steam, right in front of me.

I quickly used all of my swords to block Memento's crushing fist. His punch was strong that one of my sword shatter like a piece of glass. Sam immediately combined a large portion of Earth along with air to create sand. The sands spews out like an avalanche as it buries Memento, creating a small hill in the hallway. The sand hill then erupts as Memento burst out of it with his dark magic.

Memento proceeds to unleash something from his own shadow. The shadow rises up as it stood next to him. It began to take in the form of...

"White?!" My eyes weren't deceiving. The shape of the silhouette was definitely White's.

Of course, it couldn't speak and I know it's not him at all. But the shape of that thing was definitely him. I couldn't take my eyes of it. And so, Shadow White runs together alongside Memento towards us as the large nano-spider behind them have done repairing itself.

"Stop daydreaming, woman." Sam realizes what I was doing as she pulled me back using her sand magic.

"...Right." I returned to my sense and finally decided to go all out.

I've always wanted to fight against White. We haven't gotten the opportunity to cross our blades and I think this was one of those opportunity even though technically this wasn't him at all. I've been meaning to want to beat the crap out of that stupid idiot. And since this was him in one weird way, I could let out my anger just like that.

With that being said, Sam started to combine a large portion of Earth with some Fire to create Metal magic. She was able to cover both of us with metallic skin. It may slow us down but it also increases our endurance. As for me, mini portals upon mini portals have started to appear behind me as different types of sword have started to come out from it. This was my true ability in controlling those magical swords. All of these swords comes in all sorts of different background. They are all here, ready to be launched toward my enemy. With Sam's help, all of the sword's durability have been increased.

"Multidimensional Swords!" I yelled as I launched all of the swords like a cannonball salvo.

And before I know it, Shadow White and the nano-spider had already been taken out. Memento on the other hand was using Shadow White's body as a shield. That just shows how resourceful and cruel can this particular Champion be. The lifeless silhouette of White have returned back to Memento's shadow.

Sam then asked me, "You told me that your parents is from a large company...Don't tell me..."

I nodded, "Yes. It is what you are assuming, Sam. I have privileges in the company as well."

"So this is another of your secrets, huh?" Sam wondered.

"I'll tell the truth to everyone when I'm ready, Sam." I told her.

Sam shrugged, "Very well. But you gotta give me something in return. Then my lips will be sealed."

I chuckled, "You and your bargain, queen."

The Chaos Champion, Error swoops into close range as he begins to clash his nanotechnology sword against mine. Memento tried to throw a stray knife at me but it was deflected by the other floating swords I have. And speaking about swords, all of the swords that I have summoned moments ago have gone back to their respective position, back in their own pocket dimension.

Sam then commanded me, "Izzy. Switch target!"

"Yes, ma'am!" I pushed through as I seamlessly switched my focus on Memento who didn't see my initial strike.

I was able to slash his body as a small amount of blood started to drop from his ragged robe. Alongside with her Absolute Sword, Sam begins to show off her mastery in the arts of The Absolute Fencing techniques. Although its a fencing technique personalized by Sam herself, I honestly haven't seen her use that technique on a real rapier type of weapon. It irritated me how she calls her personalized art, 'fencing' when she was still using a straight and thick sword. But her movement however, was indeed like 'fencing' as she proceeds to poke a million blow against her enemy. Error couldn't do much but create a nano-shield to protect himself against her attack.

But there's one problem, Sam was able to find a loophole in between the nanomachines. Sam was able to puncture through this specific weak point and the shield eventually breaks. The Chaos Champion was immediately stabbed right through his shoulder as he pushes himself away from Sam just in time before the stab gets even deeper.

"How do you like that? That's my special personalized 'fencing' technique." Sam proudly does a stance, "At first I wanted to keep it for myself. But after consideration, I might want to open up a class to teach the others...at a cost, of course."

"That's a great idea, Sam." I said that as I was clashing against Memento.

Memento then proceeds to try and coerce me into submission, "Is this all you are capable of?"

He suddenly did a maneuver that caught me of guard, he finishes the combination of unique maneuver by tackling me down to the floor. Once I was on the floor, Memento proceed to step on me. I couldn't get up because he was putting a lot of pressure on his foot.

"Well isn't this familiar? Memento was probably grinning from behind that mask of his. "Your friend, White also tasted the same foot in the same position like this." He then proceed to stomp on my back.

"Izzy!" Sam wanted to help me but she was still busy against Error.

"I'll be fine!" I told her.

Memento kicked me in the stomach as I rolled away from him.

"Too bad that you are a girl...I am a gentleman and I did my best to pull my punches...But there's no discrimination in terms beating people up!" Memento continues kick me while I was down.

As I kicked all over the place by the crazy fellow, an old memory of mine resonated as it flashes right before me. Yes, it was when was about to defeat me in that one video game, Elematrix. Oh no, no, no. Even at that time, I did my best to have a higher score than White. I'm not going to let White win this beatdown as well.

I blocked his kick with my bare hand. Much to Memento surprise, I was able to hold onto his foot with all my strength.

"You'd think I'm just an ordinary girl...But I have also trained in the arts of CQC. Close Quarter Combat."

I slowly stood up with the foot still in my hand. Eventually I did a maneuver that threw Memento to the ground. Memento quickly got up with a kip up but we immediately exchanged blows as we showed each other of our close quarter combat prowess. We were at wits end as most of our attack was blocked one by one. But I didn't wanted to lose. So I picked up the slack as an adrenaline rushes within me. The movement of my punches and kicks have tremendously increased as the floating swords behind me also joined in the battle, confusing the Chaos Champion even more.

Memento was immediately overpowered as his armor suddenly made a creaking noise. He knelt down as he tried to catch his breath but all of my floating swords were already placed near his throat.

"Talk shit...get hit..." Memento regrets for what he said to me.

"That's just dessert for you. Don't make fun of me because I know a lot fighting techniques. I'm not just a child from a muti-billionaire company." I made a smirk as I said that.

Meanwhile, Sam completely annihilated Error as she used all of the four basic elemental to overpower Error nanotechnology. His nanotech was rendered useless.

Error claimed, "To think there would be someone who knows their elemental well besides White and Mei."

"I take credit where credit is due." Sam was proud of herself, "I did mastered all four basic elemental magic. So I definitely have to know the principle behind it. I read books as well, you know."

And with that, the two Chaos Champion surrendered themselves as we achieved victory. That was a tough fight alright. It almost took all of my energy I could barely stand straight. Sam was holding it in but her expression tells me she was just putting on a tough act. She's also tired, I think.

I guess we can rest for now as we await for the others success. Still...I'm proud to know that I'm able to at least be on the same level as White in terms of fighting against the same enemy. I didn't really know how far White go against Memento but I'm sure White is not the type that are proficient in close quarter combat. That's more on me. So, if there's one thing I'd like to say to that stupid jerk face. It would be...

"Hah! I beat you again, Player 2!"