
Infinite Void God

The story is about a guy who died and his soul trap in the void for trillion years. After trillion years getting trap, his body adapted with the Origin energy in the void, so he became the owner of the void.

Alpha_09 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Second summon and getting a daughter

-Alex POV-

When I woke up, i found myself falling from the sky. That guy just drop me 10.000 meter in the air.

"System!!" I shout, then a cold female voice responding

「Yes Host?」

"Don't 'Yes Host' me. Buy a flying skill fast!!"

「Buying skill.. Done」

I feel like something warm is entering my body, [Fly] i said. With my instant mastery, i can already know how to perfectly control my new skill.

Stopping barely before hitting the water, i ask "which timeline is it?"

「It's when Monkey D. Luffy just finished the alabasta arc.」

"Okay, and where am i?" I ask again

「You are 1 miles away from alabasta」

"Okay, buy me a teleportation skill"

「Buying skill... Done」

"Now show me my status!"


Name : Alex

Hp : 50\50

Sp : 30\30

Strength : 12

Speed : 19

Charm : 20

Luck : 100 (can't be raised)

Skills : [Fly lvl. Max] [Teleportation lvl. 1]

Sistem Point : ∞ 」

After seeing my status i teleported above the going merry and see that they are being attack by the Marrine. So i decided to help them."System buy Goro Goro No Mi and awakened it."

Suddenly a blue fruit with a pattern appear in my hand. I eat it and it taste like shit. After eating it i feel a power surging through my body. I don't have a technic in mind so i just fire a big lightning strike to the marine ships.

the lightning hit the ships and destroy it and making the marines sink.

After doing that i teleported to the group that was dumbfounded by the scene.

"Your face are funny" i said with a chuckle

Hearing a voice, they turn their attention to the man that was sitting in the goat head. They raise their guard and ask.

"Who are you" asked the boy with a straw hat.

"The one that do that" I said it while pointing toward the sinking marine ships. after saying that Luffy looked at me with a star in his eyes.

"You! Join my crew!" Said Luffy with a big grin.

Nami went and punch Luffy in the head and scolding him.

"Okay, the name Alex." I said

Luffy with his bruised face had a big grin and said "shishishishi.. I'm Monkey D. Luffy the one that's going to be the king of pirates"

Hearing Luffy the other just sigh and accepted it, well except Robin that just focus on her book.

"Please take care of me.... Captain." I say it with a smile because I'm so excited. Can't wait for the adventure with this guys.




- In Ren's personal realm -

'that was good for a starter, it's like I'm watching one piece again but with different version of it' thought Ren

'im going to wait a bit for it's further development.. now let's get to the next one' Ren then push the button again for the second person.


-Rin's POV-

I was watching my favorite anime, Naruto's last episode when suddenly my computer exploded out of nowhere.

I hope my mom doesn't feel to bad about me dying. She's the only person that cared about me.

Anyway enough of that, when i open my eyes, i can only see white color, and i can't move my body. When i see in front of me, there's a handsome man with black hair and golden eyes looking at me.

"Hello girl, it seems that you die because one of those stupid god that always makes mistake." Said the man with supporting his chin with his hand.

"Because I'm a good guy, so I'm going to reincarnated you to a world of your choosing and give you three wishes while at it."

I'm looking at him with disbelief 'did he just say that he was a good guy? '

"Um... Sir can i ask something?" I ask nervously don't want to accidently offending him

"You can" respond the man

"Can i ask how is my mother after I died?"

"Your mother was shocked and drowned in sadness for a year but after that she decided to live on because don't want to disappoint you." Answer the man

I cried hearing that. Because i love my mother so much. But I'm glad that she's moving on and continuing her life.

"Now that is done, state your wishes and the world you want to reincarnated to." Said the man

Calming down, i begin to state my wish "my wish is... Can i wish for my mother to be healthy and always happy?" I ask

"Yes you can." Said the man with a warm smile

"Then my first wish is for my mother to be always healthy and happy"

"Granted. "

"You know because i like you and your kind heart, i just give you unlimited wishes. Just state the world that you want to be reincarnated to and as who" said the man with a warm smile like looking at his own daughter.

"can i really have that? "

"Yes you can" answer the man.

" Then i want to reincarnated in the naruto world, and can i reincarnate with a body that had a face that look like kaguya? And can you make me the same age as the main cast?" I said it shyly

The man suddenly burst out laughing " Hahahaha.. Okay Granted." Said the man with a grin on his face

"Oh before i reincarnated you.. do you want to be my daughter?" Ask the man with a smile

" Ehh? " I'm shocked at that question,. Why would someone so powerful like him wants to take me as a daughter!???

" If you don't want then it's okay " said him with a sad tone

" O-okay i want to be your d-d-daughter! " I said that and then looking at him. He has a satisfied expression

" Okay my daughter now I'm gonna send you. Oh I have a gift for you when you arrive there. " Said the man that now is... My father

" Wha-"


before i finished talking he already snapped his finger and I'm loosing consciousness.



"I have a daughter now hahahahha" i said while I stand up from my seat and raise my hand

I sit again and begin to see to watch my daughter story.
