
Infinite Void God

The story is about a guy who died and his soul trap in the void for trillion years. After trillion years getting trap, his body adapted with the Origin energy in the void, so he became the owner of the void.

Alpha_09 · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

New Home

- In The Morning -

Ren woke up and found Ran is sleeping beside him. He wake her up by poking her cheeks.

Ran feeling someone poke her cheeks got irritated and quickly open her eyes to see her brother was smiling while poking her cheeks.

"Good morning" Ren said as he continues to poke Ran's Cheeks.

"Good morning brother. And can you stop it" Answered Ran as she feels more irritated.

Ren seeing his sister's irritated face stopped his doing and get out of the futon.

"Take a shower and we will go to our new home" Ren said as he walk to the door and slide it open.

He then make his way to the hot springs to wash his body.

After finished washing his body, he changed to a white shirt and a blue jeans with sneakers.

Ren then go back to his room and find Ran that just finished showering.

The two of them then walked to the counter to pay for their stay.

Ren didn't see the quintuplets so he assume that they already left. "Do you want a car?" Ren said. "Sure, it's more convenient anyway" Ran answered.

Ren then take a taxi and told the driver to go to the nearest car dealerships.

Arrived at the dealership, Ren and Ran then enter it, and the one that greet them is a beautiful woman. The woman was a little taken aback by their charm, but quickly regain her composure.

"Welcome customer, what kind of car do you want?" Asked the woman.

Ren observe the cars in the dealership and his eyes fell on one car. He then walk to the car and say "How much is this cost?."

The woman seeing the car that was mentioned by Ren surprised for a second before calming down. "That is a 'Bugatti Veyron' and the price is '380 Million Yen' Sir"

"I take it" Ren said as he give his card to the woman to make the payment. Seeing the card the woman suddenly feel nervous and ask "S-sir can i ask you're name?" Stuttering.

"Ren Itsuno" hearing his answer the woman becoming more nervous. Because after seeing the card she has a little doubt but when hearing his name her doubt was cleared.

'Ren Itsuno? Did he just say Ren Itsuno?! The Richest man In The World?' thought the woman when suddenly "*cough* can you do it faster? I have to go fast" her thought was interrupted by Ren.

She then quickly finished the payment. Not wanting to offend the young man in front of her.

"The payment is done sir, do you want to take it with you or do you want it to be sent to your address?"

"I'll just take it with me" said Ren while patting Ran's head.

Ren then take the card back and get inside the car.

"Now let's go get a home." He said.

He already decided where to live. The apartment where the quintuplets stayed. He used his [ Reality Manipulation ] to make him a resident there, of course its right beside theirs. And make it so that they don't know about it.

He wants to surprised them.

"Oh yeah, i forgot to ask but, do you want to go to school Ran?" Asked Ren

"Sure, why not."

Ren smile then begin to drive to their new home.

Arrived at the building, they get inside using a card. Then take the elevator to floor 30 where their apartment is at.

Ren then open the door with the same card and entered their room.

The apartment was big with a kitchen and the living room were in the same room. And there are one bathroom and five bedrooms. ( A/N: Like the girls apartment )

Ren take one that's in the right end and Ran take the one beside him.

After choosing rooms, Ren calls Ran to eat because it was already time for lunch.

Ren made a ramen and they ate.

After eating they pass their time by watching TV and playing some games.

When night comes, Ren made a 'Curry Rice' for them.

Finished eating they watched some shows before going to their own room and sleeping...


A/N : I'm gonna make a new fic that focused only in DxD. So if you're interested in it, then please read it and give your opinion.

It probably out tonight or tomorrow morning.