
Infinite Void God

The story is about a guy who died and his soul trap in the void for trillion years. After trillion years getting trap, his body adapted with the Origin energy in the void, so he became the owner of the void.

Alpha_09 · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

I Become The Infinite Void God


A soul can be seen. It just floating around...

- 1 Trillion years later -

The soul finnaly decided to talk. "Hello?" Said the soul.

The ROB hearing something so he scattered his sense and sensing a strong soul, so he decided to meet the soul.

The soul seeing a bright light suddenly appear in the dark void.

"Hello child may I ask how you ended up here?"

"Don't know don't care, but I already wait for a long time and you just appear now?" said the soul

"I'm sorry about that. I don't know why but I can't sense you until you talk just now. " Said the ROB with an apologetic tone.

" it's okay. So now what's gonna happen to me? " Asked the soul

" I don't know." Said the ROB

" what do you mean you don't know?? Aren't you a god?" Said the soul with annoyed tone

" Well even if you say that, you're now stronger than me. Because you spend so long in this void your soul seems to be adapted to the origin energy here and make a connection directly to your soul and now you are the owner of this void and have infinite origin energy from the void." Explain the ROB.

Hearing the explanation the soul was dumbfounded for a few seconds and then asked.


" It means like what I just explain to you. And you already here for exactly years." Answer the ROB.

" 1 Trillion year?? Damn that's long. So now what is going to happen to me? " Asked the soul after calming down.

" I don't know, traveling the omniverse? Make a harem of those fictional characters? I don't know just do whatever you want. You just have to think about something in your head or you can just say it then it's gonna happen. Now that is done I'm going back. Bye" said the ROB then disappear from the void.

"eehh just like that...*sigh* I have a lot to do but first let's test my power." Said the soul then he said [I want a body that can grow infinitely, it have black hair, golden eyes, height 6'1 feet.]

After saying that a body that same as described appear then his soul began fusing with the body. Then he said again

[ I want a system that is a and have a function like :

➣Showing Status

➣Shop with anything and literally anything

➣Can interact with me and always loyal to me ]

After waiting for a few minutes

⦅Hello Host⦆ said the system

"Ah hello system, show me my status first"

⦅Understood showing host status..


Name : Ren Itsuno

Race : Infinite Void Being

Life span : ∞

Power : ∞

Strength : ∞

Speed : ∞

Luck : ∞

Skills : ∞

Wishes : ∞ ⦆

⦅Race : Can become any race that master want. ⦆

⦅Skills : Can create any power with imagination. ⦆

⦅Wishes : Have infinite wishes, can grant and take them back⦆

"System create a passive skill ⦅Infinite Calmness⦆ and an active skill ⦅Lock All Emotions⦆."

⦅Creating the skills.... Done.⦆

⦅Passive\ Infinite Calmness Activated⦆

After hearing that, Ren's mind feel extremely calm. "Okay, now open a portal to the DXD verse in Dimensional Gap." A portal Instantly open in front of him and he goes inside it.