
How I Met your Mother

Mahasorena was watching Titania in her secluded room. Even though she is hidden in her own house, away from the eyes of the world and from others like her she still looks behind her back. Is it in fear of being caught? Is the shame of having to turn to transmigrating a human to a world for entertainment to much for her to bear even in her own privacy? No but it is rather what she had given Titania.

Titania getting a system was a common boon that most transmigrators were gifted from their "generous" benefactors that gave them a "second chance at life". Administration would not bat an eye towards this, if it was a normal system.

While Mahasorena is "law abiding" individual, she just like mortals below do get subject to boredom. She has read and watched other transmigrators when she was young seeing them with the regular system and after awhile kept seeing the same patterns. Now that she had her chance to transmigrate someone she sought to break the pattern, create something new.

She wasn't the most creative individual. She knew how to create something new and original it was that she didn't know how to design it. So instead she looked at list on things that other people like her created. When she saw the list that others made, she saw nothing interesting to her. Stumped on what to do she then turned list of banned subjects of creation. Things that the government has determined too dangerous for a world to contain. And that is where she saw it, the thing they called the infection. Well the original name is called, Consummatio imperialis. From the description there was a tutorial on how to make it. But she knew that creating it herself and attaching it directly to Titania was illegal and could get her in trouble. But from what she read it was illegal to have it in its "raw form" but nowhere did she read it couldn't be mixed with something. So She combined the infection to a system, thus creating a new object not mentioned in the law.

While this was smart on her behalf as she created something new but she was worried that she would be caught. So she watches Titania with more than just interest to past the time. With growing anxiety in fertile soil.

However Mahasorena wasn't the only person watching Titania at the start of his new journey. Somewhere else on a different plane of existence, far from where Mahasorena watches in trepidation, another gazes with lofty interest.

It was Lithale. He watches Titania in a clearing from a man made pond filled with many koi's all different colors and aquatic flowers. Some koi are the traditional red-orange color that exuded warmth of the sun in the cold water, others with white with specks of black scales littered across their bodies, and a rare few that are the mix of both of these koi.

In this plane it seemed as though it was crafted with a critical eye. Not a single blade of grass too long, no patches of barren dirt, not a single misguided breeze. No sign of animal life could be seen. In the center of this perfect world was a pagoda, made of glass and iron framework, it had nine floors ascending to the rose pink sky. Vines grow wild along the pagoda, bearing flowers that create gentle aromatic smell, pleasant to the nose and mind of anyone visiting. Other vines bearing fruits that many would commit atrocious crime for just to collect its juices. Surrounding this pagoda was a forest of trees that had a barrage of colors. Some vibrant, others dull, and the others are colors unperceivable to the mortal eye. From the top story of the pagoda someone could see a tree the color of tension and next to it the color of optimism.

In the pagoda it housed plants, not sacred treasure as most do. Lithale has created a much more separate and private plane for such objects. No, he stored plants instead, all tenderly pruned and cared for by Lithale's personal hands. He stored quiet a variety, ranging from flowers to trees to bushes. And of this variety he collect what he thought were beautiful plants along regardless of their effects that they have on the world. This caused some problems because some plants would try to kill each other because they opposed each other. Recently Lithale cultivated a flowering plant that attracted demonic energy to feed on. However he placed it near a plant that repels such energy. This resulted in the plants uprooting each other in an attempt to kill the other to maintain their precious environment. However somehow he managed to separate them and placed the flower somewhere else in the pagoda with its relative that feeds on similar energy.

As he was watching Titania from a bird's eye view the sky began to shake and shutter in fear. The sun that lit the sky into a hazy sunset flickered as though it was a lightbulb. Lithale let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. He put down the potted plant on the table that was freshly pruned, still leaking precious sap sacred to some religion or alchemy.

"Who is it?" He shouted to the facing up into the ceiling, his eyes piercing through it and seeing far beyond the sky. All that he could see a mass of pink and purple mist, flowing into each other and then separating.

"You know who it is Lithale, let me in. I thought we were friends?" A thick, mature womanly voice reverberated through the entire plane. Lithale rolled his eyes and waved his hand, a creak appeared in a clearing near the pond that he was view Titania. The creak leak some form of ethereal plasma, not a moment later a woman steps out.

She was tall by her own nature, which she capitalized on by wearing white high heels to make her even taller. She wore a white coat that showed fur around the cuffs and edges paired with white leather gloves that clung tight to her hands. Her hair was blonde cut into a bob that barely grazed her shoulders. Her lips were bright red that made anyone's eyes focus on. "Hello Lithale," She said showing her pearly white smile.

"Hello Miss Malstilla, would you like some tea? I can pick it fresh from the garden here or I can create it." He said as he flicked his hand, creating a table with two chairs.

"Do you have rose and violet tea blend? With some lemons on the side as well? That's my favorite tea blend. I much prefer tea over that arsenic called coffee." She said as she walked to sit down at the table. When she sat down she took off her white coat to reveal a black dress that she was wearing, it had had a deep collar that showed enough of her cleavage to seduce someone but not poke out their eye, the dress also had long-sleeved that wrapped around her arms and figure tightly. A small pearl necklace clung tight to her neck, matching well with the pearl earrings she was wearing.

"How is my daughter?" She said as Lithale brings out a teapot with two porcelain cups with matching saucers. After he put the ingredients into the pot he put his finger tip above the opening of the pot and a small stream of steaming water flows from his finger tip into the pot, "She is doing well... very well. She is on vacation from her job at that company and is using her relaxation time to transmigrate someone. Titania is the name of that someone."

"Oh, I didn't pin her as someone who would do something like that." She responded to Lithale's statement. He puts the top back on the pot to let the water steep in the ingredients, "It was about time she did that. Do you have the file on this 'Titania'? I want to know what would make that human so special." Malstilla knew her daughter very well, she took care of her and raised her to be the person that she is now. She knew that Mahasorena wouldn't pick a person at random, not like those 'others' who just got lucky to be transmigrated for no purpose.

"Yes I do have a file," He said reaching his hand into the ether and produced the file containing the life of Titania, "She also gave me access to watch him. Right now he is in a forest wondering about." He walked over to the pond to watch, leaving Malstilla sitting by herself. Malstilla pours herself a cup of tea. The tea was a dark red and gave a pungent floral aroma that makes her smile faintly. She grabs a lemon and cuts it into a small wedge that felt comfortable between her fingers and squeezes a couple drops into her cup, enough to add flavor but not overpower it.

"What world is he in?" She asked as she opened the file, a stack of paper now appearing. She sorts through it and begins to read the first few pages. She takes small sips, careful as to not leave lipstick stains on the cups, and breaks momentarily to see the botanical paradise that Lithale has cultivated. She is impressed but makes no words or impressions that denotes such feelings.

"A world that is heavily inspired from you, Miss Malstilla, it is from a video game called 'Soviola' I think it is called." Lithale said shooting a small glance at Malstilla with a small smile, not showing teeth.

"Let guess, it a complete copy of it, how creative." She let out a deep sigh that came from her chest and sank a bit into her chair. The file flopping onto her body. Lithale did not respond but just smiled at Malstilla, silently agreeing with what she said. He then returns his focus into watching Lithale, rarely blinking.

"I knew that she would do something like that, I know that she is smart, just not creative. She doesn't have that experience to create something original, you know. I was hoping that her job would help her get creative with her worlds. Spruce things up a bit, something fresh, something hip with the crowd. But when I heard what position she got in the company, all such hope flew away." She said taking her focus away from reading the file and started on her small rant. She doesn't mean to insult her daughter in any shape, rather the opposite. Malstilla loves her daughter and just wants the best for her and succeed in what she does.

"Which is why I made sure that world was perfect for her to copy." Malstilla said taking another sip of tea, noticing that the remainder of the tea left is getting smaller. Lithale raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What?" Malstilla said raising one hand as though being accused of some mortal crime, "You think humans were able to create such a world from scratch from themselves, no they couldn't. I 'helped' them in a way, gave them flashes of inspiration of what the world should be. Right down from how the soil should feel in between your toes to how to the fucking wind should feel. I helped them every step of the way. And when they were done, I made sure the my little Sorena saw it and use it as inspiration."

"Yes that would explain her." Lithale said putting his hand on his chin, noticing some of the strange occurrence that have happened to Titania, "That thing that doesn't fit in with the style of the world."

"What? That thing called "Entity", Leonor? That's what they decided to call her?," She said, making a noise of disgust at the human's lack of creativity, she shook her head in disappointment, "I made her so that it would act at the world's warden, prevent any outside interference. A monitor if you will." She drank the rest of the content from her cup. She stared at the empty cup, a few droplets from the side slowly dripping down into a faint ring at the bottom of the cup. She then placed down onto a saucer, and returned her focus back to the file.

She flipped through the pages, glancing at some details at some parts and focusing on others but relatively speed reading through the file to get a gist of what Titania was. When Malstilla got to the part of Titania's origin, where he has lived his first life and the original world that he came from. When she read it she had to do a double take to confirm what she read.

"HAHAH!" She let out a laugh so loud that the cup on the saucer shook for a bit, Lithale looks at her with mild wonder, "Who would have thought that the soul that you transmigrated came from that same world where that videogame was created! Lithale, pray for Mahasorena that she didn't copy it perfectly! For who knows maybe this Titania could exploit the world down to it's fundamental core!"

When Lithale heard this he laughed along with her for a moment. The cup in the saucer shook for a bit, the chatter of fine china rang through the pagoda. After they calmed down Malstilla reached for the teapot and poured herself another cup of the tea, then spritzing it with a couple drops of lemon. She took a sip of the tea and chuckled to herself again, this time much more quietly.

"I must see this soul, this 'Titania', Lithale darling, please let me know when I can. Preferably when he has died." She said, soon taking another sip of the tea. Lithale then turned worried, "Miss Malstilla I am afraid that you would have to wait for sometime." Malstilla raised her eyebrow and stared at him, thinking to herself.

Lithale could see the cogs in Malstilla's mind start moving at rapid pace. "No," She said, "No, don't tell me what I think it is."

"What?" Lithale said trying to maintain his innocence in any sort of way. He was smart enough not to blurt out anything. He clenches his hands together, the whites of his hands showing. He smiles innocently at her in hopes of brushing suspicion.

"Don't tell you have that kind of interest in him?" Malstilla said pointing a finger at him, "Come on you're better than that! He's human!"

"WHAT! No not like that come on," Lithale said waving his hands away as though to brush away the problems, "What I meant is that after he kicks the bucket in this 'new and original' world that he is in I will come an swoop in." He said trying to defuse the situation that he was in.

When Malstilla heard the words 'swoop in' she let out a gasp in disgusted desire. She looks at Lithale with surprise. "My guy what I mean is that I am going to transmigrate him to a world of mine. He seems far to interesting to let go. I think he is unique." He explained to her, preparing his defensive argument. The clothes that Lithale was wearing felt tighter than usual. "And besides what do you mean by that earlier? You think I can't get him if I wanted?" Lithale said placing his hands on his hips in fake disappointment at Malstilla.

"YOU DON'T KNOW IF HE'S GAY OR NOT LITHALE!" Malstilla yelled in an voice of slight interest, a smile forming on her face.

"HIS NAME IS TITANIA DE PARIS, THAT'S THE GAYEST NAME THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD." Malstilla let out a laugh at the top of her lungs. Lithale laughs with her after he shouted. They laughed for the longest time before they ran out of breath. And when they regained their composer they shot each other another look and started bursting out laughing again.

When they were finally done, Malstilla started wiping tears of joy from her eyes. "Fine, after you're done with him, I call dibs on him. Got it?" She said as she drank the rest of the content of her teacup.

"Deal." Lithale said quickly, he knew that if he tried to work out something else he would be screwed over. Malstilla has been around much longer than both him and Mahasorena. Conning her would work against him and ruin his relationship he had.

"Can I stay awhile with you? I want to watch him with you. Stuff like this is always better with company." She said as she got up from her chair and walked over to Lithale and joined him as now they both watch. Eventually they got bored of watching Lithale wonder around in the hopes of a river. They broke away from the pond, Malstilla first then Lithale second. Malstilla snapped her fingers and music started playing. It had a simple tempo but had no significantly style to show a genre. "Care for a dance Lithale? We have time to kill before something significant happens to our little special boy." She said invitingly. Lithale knows that there was no underlying message, this wasn't an invitation that would lead to something significant.

He nodded his head yes and smiled, "Do you want to lead Malstilla?" He asked extending his arms. This wasn't the first time that she had asked Lithale to do this, in fact she taught him some moves almost as though forcing her hobby on others in effort to find others that share the same interest as her.

She smiled widely walking into Lithale's arms, "Yes, I do want to. Waltz?" She said getting closer, their bodies touching each other.

"Sure, but I only know how to do the box step." He answered honestly, he knew that it wasn't a lot but it was enough for her. Malstilla snapped her fingers again and the music changed into a gentle waltz, loud enough to find the tempo and embrace the other instruments but thankfully not loud enough to blow an eardrum.

"It's fine we can work with it." She said as she step forward, grabbed Lithale's right hand and placing her other hand on the right shoulder blade. The typical form of the leader holding the follower. They followed the tempo of the waltz, both of them smiling as they enjoyed it. The waltz followed a three count tempo, one slow step then two quick ones.

They danced in a small circle, as Lithale only knew how to do a box. Occasionally Lithale would accidently step on Malstilla's foot, as he had significantly less experience regarding the waltz. Malstilla would just laugh it off and reassure Lithale that he was okay, for she was grateful that someone would indulge her in one of her favorite hobbies. After a while she leans into Lithale and got close to his eye.

"What are you planning to do with him? Titania?" She whispers gently into his ear. Lithale smiles and get close to her ear and whispers in response, "I am just transmigrating him into world that I find interesting to watch. Nothing more"

"What kind? Tell me and I will keep it a secret." She whispers, desperately in hopes of getting an answer from him, her interest reaching new heights.

He backs his head away and smiles at her, his jaw clenched tightly. "I'll show you soon. Let's wait and watch. Don't worry you will get your turn on him as well." He responded to her. His jaw has relaxed and now loose.

They continued to dance.

What are your thoughts on Malstilla?

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