
Isn't That What Matters?

The cadet facility's dining hall was buzzing with life. The hum of animated conversations and the clatter of metal trays hitting tables created a constant background noise that Nolan found strangely comforting. 

'I can do this,' Nolan repeated in his mind, trying to block out all the grim news associated with this profession. 




Those were the three words most often plastered across the news headlines, reporting yet another tamer killed by the beasts roaming the outskirts of the planet he called home. 

His family had made it clear they didn't support his decision. 

Fixing his gaze on his holographic wristband, Nolan read a message from his sister: 

'[Take care. Message me when you're back. Love you.]' 

A faint sigh escaped his lips as he swiped the message away. 

The meal in front of him was half-eaten, but he didn't seem in any hurry to finish it. 

"Are you alone?"

A cheerful voice broke through his thoughts. Looking up, he saw a blond guy with messy hair holding a tray of food. 

Nolan gave a slight nod, returning his focus to his meal. The blond didn't wait for an invitation and plopped down across from him. 

"What rank did you get on the exam?" the blond asked, stabbing a piece of synthetic meat with his fork. 

Nolan raised an eyebrow, letting out a soft chuckle. 

"I passed, isn't that what matters?" 

The blond burst out laughing. 

"Well, obviously you passed. If you didn't, you wouldn't be here with the rest of us cadets. But seriously, did you see your ranking?" 

Nolan looked at him, a mix of curiosity and indifference in his expression. 

"Does it matter?" 

The blond's eyes widened in disbelief. 

"Of course, it matters! The ranking decides the order when we head out to tame our beasts. They didn't tell you that?" 

Nolan shrugged and returned his attention to his food. 

"Not really worried about it…" 

The blond observed him for a moment before grinning. 

"You've got a pretty chill attitude, huh? That's rare." 

Nolan glanced up, a faint smile on his lips. 

"Staying calm is the bare minimum to become a successful tamer, don't you think?" 

The blond chuckled, nodding. 

"Fair point. Name's Adrian, by the way. You?" 


"Well, Nolan, what made you decide to become a tamer?" Adrian asked, digging into his food. 

Nolan paused before answering. 

"I didn't want to at first. But with creature attacks becoming more frequent on this planet… and weapons proving useless against many of them… taming a beast seemed like the best defense." 

Adrian let out a low whistle, impressed. 

"That's a solid mindset. Me? I'm in it for the money. Did you know it pays really well?" 

Nolan gave him a skeptical look. 

"There are plenty of other jobs that pay well without risking your life." 

Adrian shrugged, laughing. 

"You're not wrong. But honestly? I also think taming's a way to get stronger. In the end, I want to live a long life, you know?" 

Nolan barely smiled as he finished his meal. When he stood up, Adrian stopped him with one last question. 

"What kind of family are you from?" 

Nolan stayed silent for a few seconds before replying. 

"I joined on my own." 

Adrian looked surprised. 

"Wow! That's not common. Hope we get seats near each other on the ship. I like you." 

Nolan gave a slight nod and walked toward the dining hall exit. 


Inside the ship, the atmosphere was much more solemn. The cadets, dressed in uniform and seated in perfectly aligned rows, seemed aware of the moment's gravity. 

Nolan found his assigned seat and sank into it. 

A few rows ahead, Adrian waved when their eyes met. Nolan responded with a slight nod. 

A tall, imposing man entered the area. He was the instructor, and his voice carried authority as he began speaking. 

"Cadets, thirty-six of you have been selected for this mission. Today, we'll test everything you've learned over the past few months. Your destination is an incubator planet, where you'll have the chance to tame your first beast. Although the base on that planet maintains some level of control, there are unexplored areas and unknown dangers." 

The cabin was utterly silent. Everyone listened intently. 

"Remember, do not stray too far from the safe zone, where you'll have coverage and communication with the base. And don't forget this: there are only three possible outcomes for this mission. One, you tame a creature. Two, you fail and return empty-handed. And three, you die because of your own carelessness. Understood?" 

"Yes, sir!" they all responded in unison. 

The instructor nodded sternly. 

"The launch will begin shortly. It's a three-hour journey to your destination. Use that time to rest, because once we arrive, you'll put everything you've learned into practice." 

The cabin lights dimmed. From the ceiling, masks descended, and the cadets put them on immediately. 

Nolan adjusted his mask, watching as the lights dimmed further until the cabin was nearly pitch black. His gaze returned to his wristband, where the signal icon blinked a few times before vanishing entirely. 

'It's too late to back out now…' Nolan thought, swallowing hard. He closed his eyes, letting the soft hum of the engines envelop him. 

The next time he opened his eyes, he'd be on another planet, facing a mission that could cost him his life.