
Chapter 1 : Yes or No (Not Edit)

In a California City if you went to the center, you could see the tallest building in the city.

The building belonged to the richest man in the city and also well as one of the 1000 richest men in the world.

On its own, it could boost the economy of a small country, but it is not the one we are interested in.

The one we are interested in is an insignificant element in the workings of the man's enterprise mentioned earlier.

A simple office employee, who earned a little more than the minimum wage.

A young man aged 26 and graduate of a master's degree in computer programming and international trade, William Mancini was the name his parents had given him, his father, a man of Italian origin and his mother, an Afro-American.

He had blond hair and black eyes, a rather sporty body with a square face, he was 1.90 m tall and had a rather silent character.

We could even say that he cherished his words like a dragon cherishes his gold.

He had a normal life.

As an only child he had loving parents, he had an exemplary school career and has never fought.

He didn't drink, smoke or like coarseness.

His only flaws would be his excessive love for solitude, silence, entertaining such as manga, movies ans books.

After a forced visit to psychologists by his parents and after several Tests, this one found no problem with William and even found him as normal and balanced as any child of his age, he actually had an IQ of over 130.

The only thing special in his life was the death of his parents in a car accident a few years ago.

If a stranger or colleagues should have qualified him, only one word will come to mind and that would be commonplace, extraordinarily normal and even annoying.

Today was a beautiful sunny day, and William was locked in his office, writing reports on work computer.

When he was interrupted by a screen bug, which went out for a moment before turning on again, preventing him from continuing his work.

But when the screen rebooted, a window appeared in his screen

"At your own risk, do you want to know the true feeling of living?

"YES or NO"

He remained silent for a moment, then moved the mouse wanting to click on No but his hand stopped.

He was bored, the whole world was boring her, life had always bothered her.

He himself was boring, he was wasting his life in a job he hated, he was eating food he hated, he was exhausting himself 9 hours a day for an ungrateful boss for being able to afford a new vacuum cleaner, a new smartphone, filling his fridge, paying bills and then he will certainly get married in a few years and start his own family.

He will have children as ungrateful as his boss, who will put him in a retirement home after his old age and he will spend the last days of his life trapped in a hospice with aches and pains at back, poor vision and a lousy pension of retirement.

He didn't know why he was thinking about all this when he looked this simple sentence.

Probably a computer virus.

A simple little hacker joke.

But he still removed a black USB key from his document holder before inserting it into the computer.

Then with a few manipulations

The previous window disappeared and was replaced by a large page with hieroglyphics and symbols that he recognized as Enochian and Aztec glyph with many other glyphs unknown ones.

He kept scrolling over and over again before he came across data that he could read, it was surprisingly his name with other data.

As strength, agility, energy, intelligence, etc.

He was scrolling down and seen data as the luck, willingness but he could not change any of them except a data called "Reward" which had a curious symbol[{}>×1<{}] he changed the × 1 to × 10.

He wanted to keep checking the page but the USB stick ejected off the USB port by itself before burning on the ground.

"Your own risk, do you want to know the true feeling of living?

"YES or NO"

The message reappeared in front of him.

He remained silent for a few more seconds before thinking why not?

He clicked on "YES."

His vision became blurry, his head made him suffer horribly and he fainted.


For people who never read the author's notes I speak French and not English, I write for training purposes in English than anything else so please excuse me for my spelling and I don't have enough time in a day to write and edit a chapter so I will edit all the chapters at the end of each month, Excuse me for the spelling.

It was good to clarify.

Have a good reading

I mainly speak French English is not my mother tongue so I apologize for my future spelling mistakes

;) Good reading

Otaku_kingcreators' thoughts